Compromised Identity. Jodie Bailey
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Название: Compromised Identity

Автор: Jodie Bailey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9781474047081



      And that made him dangerous.

      Jessica didn’t turn around. “In reality, I’ve got a soldier who has used uniforms and tried to steal my laptop and has now gone missing. I’ve got a mysterious powder in a cup of sweet tea. And I’ve got you.” Only one of those things was a proven threat.

      “You skipped the part where your missing soldier pulled a gun on me while her buddy approached you with a knife.” Sean’s voice was way too matter-of-fact.

      She hadn’t forgotten; she just wished she could forget. Refusing to talk about it seemed to be the easiest way to make that happen. “Okay, that, too. But that’s all. It seems localized to me.” Jessica finally risked turning to face Sean.

      He was sitting back against the small desk in the room, arms crossed over his chest. “You forgot the whole reason I’m here.”

      To be a pain in her neck? “What reason is that, Staff Sergeant?”

      His jaw tightened slightly at the use of his rank, but he didn’t comment on it. “Chatter. We picked up specific chatter for this unit, for your specific computer. Chatter from known terrorists.”

      Okay, so there was that. Jessica sank to the edge of the second twin bed. “You really think terrorists were after my laptop? There’s nothing on there they can use. No troop movements. No intel. No battle plans. Only thing on there is records and personnel data.”

      “I think terrorists are after several laptops. Remember, yours isn’t the first. It’s only the one we were able to get a jump on.” He tipped his head to both sides, stretching his neck. “Give me a general idea. If I went on to your laptop today, what would I see?”

      “It’s in my office, and you can go through it all you want. Channing pitched it when I was chasing her. But I’ll have to sign you in. You’d need my ID card because the laptop has a common access card reader on it.”

      “You haven’t lost your ID have you?”

      “Really?” Jessica smirked, then pulled her ID out of her thigh pocket and held it up between two fingers. “I’ve been around too long for that. And even if they had my ID card, they’d have to get my password to go along with it. I’m sure, if they’re the hackers you seem to think they are, they could gain access, but once in there, the most interesting information they’d get for their trouble is my calendar, some general emails, and...” No. Please not that.

      “What?” Sean straightened, dropping his hands to his sides. “What would they be after on that laptop?”

      “With the right information, they could get access to the DD-93s for the unit.”

      “That’s not good.”

      Jessica dug her fingernails into her palms. No, it wasn’t. The form DD-93 was the Record of Emergency Data. It contained contact information for soldiers’ next of kin if the worst happened. “There are names and addresses on there. If someone got access to that information, they could locate any soldier’s family they wanted.” Just the year prior, a local group had terrorized soldiers’ families on post in an attempt to bring the men home early. But terrorists? With that information, they could wreak havoc on families and tear down the morale of the entire military.

      She consciously relaxed her fingers. “The good news is, they didn’t get my laptop.”

      “But they got your first one...and others from other bases.”

      “True, but to get access they’d have to know log-in information and passwords for the system and—” she wrinkled her nose “—to be honest, that’s risky. It’s got to be something else. They could hack that database without calling attention to themselves by stealing laptops. Access can come from any computer, not just a government laptop.”

      “It’s something to think about. Anything else?”

      “General information about soldiers. Honestly, whatever you think is on there is what’s on there. Your basic information for each of our men and women.”

      She’d wasted half of her afternoon dealing with Sean Turner and his theories. He kept spouting things she didn’t even want to think about and, with her body aching and her mind fogging from lack of sleep, it was better to just be an ostrich, to stick her head in the sand, and pretend everything was normal. “I have to go meet a spouse at the Soldier Center. She lost her ID card and needs someone to hold her hand through the process.”

      “Isn’t that the Family Readiness Group’s job?” Sean waved a hand toward the door for Jessica to go ahead of him.

      “Normally, but I know the soldier, and his wife felt better calling me than her point of contact. I think there might have been some friction there at one point.” She glanced at her watch as she walked out the door, keeping her distance from Sean Turner. This was one favor she was glad to do, especially if it got her out of his presence. “I’ve got to be over there in half an hour. And then I’m going home to pretend today never happened.” She was hosting the college girls from her church for dinner and Bible study tonight. Their chatter and company would be the best thing to happen to her today.

      “Let me come with you.” Sean pulled the door shut and locked it, then held the key out to Jessica. “I’m not really comfortable with letting you out of my sight after what’s happened the past couple of days.”

      Jessica took the key and pocketed it. “Just when I’m starting to think you might not be so crazy after all, you go and sound like a stalker.”

      “I’m just saying—”

      She held up her hand and headed up the hallway ahead of him. “And I’m just saying. I’m going to the ID card facility and home. Not much can happen between here and there.” Well, it could, but she could take care of herself. She’d spent the past ten years proving that, and she’d have to keep proving it if she was going to go Green to Gold, from enlisted to officer.

      Sean was going to argue. Jessica just knew it. But before he could, the trill of a cell phone echoed off the cinder block walls.

      “Dylan, wait.” Sean’s voice halted her.

      Jessica stopped and turned.

      He was holding up Specialist Channing’s cell. “It’s ringing.”

      “Answer it.” Whoever was calling could know exactly what was going on, could hold the answers that would put Sean Turner on the road and out of her life for good, before she noticed yet again how blue those eyes of his were and how well he wore his uniform.

      Sean shook his head. “I’m not taking the chance of tipping somebody off. You recognize the number?”

      The phone stopped ringing as Jessica stepped closer. “Bring up the recent calls list.”

      Sean obliged, but he stopped in midswipe as the phone chimed once. His face tensed and he held out the phone for Jessica to read the screen. “They just wiped the email clean.”

      “What?” Jessica grabbed the phone and stared at the No Mail message.

      “I backed it up, so we haven’t lost anything but—”

      The phone pinged again, and Jessica flicked СКАЧАТЬ