Avalanche Of Trouble. Cindi Myers
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Название: Avalanche Of Trouble

Автор: Cindi Myers

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Eagle Mountain Murder Mystery

isbn: 9781474079167


СКАЧАТЬ waited until they were on their way before she asked the question that had been foremost in her mind all morning. “Have you heard anything from the other searchers?” she asked.

      “I’m sorry. No.” He glanced at her, then back at the road. “Have you thought about where Casey might have gone if she ran away? Let’s go with the theory that she saw what happened to her parents and ran, scared. Is there anything in particular that she’s attracted to? Is she drawn to water? Would she hide in a cave, or would she avoid that?”

      “I think a cave would frighten her. I don’t think she cares about water, one way or another.” She frowned, trying to think past her exhaustion and fear. “I mean, she’s five years old. She’s a sweet, innocent girl who’s never known danger for a minute in her life. Seeing her parents killed—” She shook her head. “She must be terrified.”

      “We haven’t found any indication that the people who killed your sister and her husband harmed Casey,” Gage said. “Hold on to that hope.”

      She nodded. “I will. I’m hoping Casey spent the night hiding, and once she sees me, she’ll come out.”

      “That’s what we’re hoping, too.”

      “You were right—I do like Paige. And she vouched for you as a good guy.”

      “Were you worried I was otherwise?”

      “No, but it’s always good to have someone verify my first impression.”

      “Glad I passed the test. Though I can’t say I’m all that comfortable knowing you two have been discussing my merits and flaws.”

      “Ha! As if men don’t do the same with women.”

      “I promise, I haven’t discussed you with anyone.”

      Under other circumstances, that admission might have disappointed her, Maya told herself. But there were bigger things at stake right now. “What’s the plan for this morning?” she asked.

      “I think you should hang around the main camp. If any of the search team spot Casey, or any signs of her, they can contact the base and we’ll get you to that location.”

      That sounded like a lot of sitting around and waiting for other people to find Casey—not what she had in mind. “What are you going to do?” she asked.

      “I want to take a look at the property adjacent to the place your sister and her husband owned. A few years back, a developer bought it and had plans to build a big resort, but he ran afoul of local environmentalists. The property is supposed to be vacant, but Paige told me last night she was up there a few days ago and it looked as if someone had been working there. If I can find whoever that was, maybe they saw something that will lead us to your sister’s killer. Or maybe someone there has seen Casey.”

      “Or maybe this mysterious person is the killer.” Maya wrapped her arms across her stomach to ward off a chill.

      “Maybe.” Gage looked grim. “It’s something I need to find out.”

      “I want to come with you,” Maya said. “If there are other people working there, it makes sense that Casey would have headed in that direction.”

      “I don’t know what I’m going to walk into,” Gage said. “I can’t risk putting you in danger.”

      “I don’t care about that.” When he gave her a questioning look, she set her jaw. “No offense, Deputy, but I’ll do almost anything to save my niece. That’s more important to me than anything else right now.”

      “And if I order you to stay away?” he asked.

      “Then you would have a fight on your hands,” she said. “And when it comes to people I love, I’m not afraid to fight dirty.”

      “The scary thing about that,” Gage said, “is that I absolutely believe you.”

      “Why is that scary?”

      “Let’s just say, I never met a teacher like you. I’m still making up my mind whether I like that or not.”

      “You don’t have to like it. Just don’t stand in the way of me taking care of my niece.”

      “I won’t stand in your way,” he said. “Unless you’re in mine. But I think we’re on the same side in this matter. Just respect that I have a job to do. I want to find your niece as much as you do, but I also need to find your sister’s killer. I think we can do both.”

      “Are you going to take me with you this morning or not?”

      She waited a long, tense moment for him to answer. If she had to, she would go to his brother, the sheriff. Or she would get the press on her side—there was bound to be a reporter at the site, surely.

      “All right, you can come with me,” he said. “But if I sense anything dangerous, I’m taking you right back to camp—no arguments.”

      “All right.” That would have to do—for now. Maya had meant it when she told Gage she would do anything to protect her niece. Anything at all.

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