Modern Romance April 2015 Books 1-8. Annie West
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СКАЧАТЬ cut the line and focused on him. He took her breath away. He looked so good on a horse. He was so at home, so at ease in the saddle, that just watching him was a treat. But she felt anything but at ease, and was already beginning to doubt her sanity at agreeing to ride out with him.

      ‘Important call?’ he asked.

      ‘My mother.’

      ‘Nothing more important than that.’

      She murmured in agreement, thinking that Tiago looked like a visitor from another, more vigorous planet, with his deep tan, thick black stubble and his wild jet-black hair secured by a bandana for riding. And that gold earring was glittering in the grudging light of the early-morning sun. More marauding pirate, than wealthy and respectable rampaging barbarian...

      ‘Something has amused you?’ he asked as he handed over the reins of her horse.

      ‘Just happy at the thought of riding out.’ She concentrated on mounting up and curbed her smile.

      Just riding out with Tiago would be an adventure—but he didn’t need to know that. He made her feel things she had never felt before. Maybe she was a little bit in love with him? Ha! Much good that would do her.

      He gave her an assessing look, but made no further comment as he led the way out of the courtyard.

      * * *

      He was feeling confident as they rode out together. He always felt confident, but Chico had filled him in on Danny’s family background, which had led Tiago to believe that if Danny thought she could keep her mother secure and have a real chance of starting her own training centre one day her answer to his proposition would be yes.

      Urging his horse forward, he headed for the open countryside.

      He raised the issue a short time later, when they’d reined in. ‘Would you be prepared to leave the country for a good job? Would you be able to leave your mother, for instance?’

      ‘Oh, yes,’ she said at once. ‘I think she’d be relieved if I left her alone for a while.’

      And just sent her money, he thought, remembering what Chico had told him about Danny’s mother’s constant demands for cash.

      ‘And you? What would you like to do—ideally?’

      ‘Me? I’m still considering my options.’

      He ground his jaw as Danny turned her horse, shifted her weight, and took off again. What options was she talking about? Had someone else offered her a job?

      He would not pursue her like some desperate adolescent.

      Reining in again, he watched her ride. She rode like a gaucho with one hand on the reins, leaning back in the saddle, working her hips, looking as relaxed as if she were sitting in an armchair. She’d learned that in Brazil. She was fearless, he thought as she sped across the brow of a hill. He liked that. He liked Danny. A lot.

      He couldn’t believe how fate was smiling on him. If he played this right he could have a very enjoyable year with Danny Cameron. Once that year was over she would be free to do as she liked, with all the money she could possibly need, and in the meantime he would enjoy her in his bed.

      The only fly in this almost perfect ointment was Danny Cameron herself. He couldn’t imagine Danny following meekly where he led. Getting her to agree to a contract of marriage might be tricky, and would certainly require the utmost diplomacy on his part. She might not agree to marry him for cash, but she would agree to marry him. He would find a way.

      Collecting his reins, he rode after her. The prospect of catching her heated his blood. He needed a result fast. He needed a wife fast. And here she was, perfect in every way: great with horses, and useful on a ranch. What more could he ask of a woman?


      ‘YOU’RE QUITE A RIDER,’ Tiago commented as they jogged to a halt.

      ‘You mean you couldn’t catch me?’ she fired back dryly.

      ‘I caught you.’

      Her body thrilled at Tiago’s warrior glance. She was on a high. If there was anything better than riding out with Tiago Santos she was eager to try it. The fact that she’d given him a run for his money was an added bonus—though she could do without her body purring with approval every time he looked at her. She had to keep her head cool and her thoughts confined solely to horses.

      ‘Have you ever thought of going back to Brazil, Danny?’

      Well, that good intention had lasted all of one second. Why did he have to remind her about Brazil, when seeing him had been the highlight of each day? Her thoughts had instantly slipped to the dark side and that fantasy world she inhabited, where she spent nights with Tiago too.

      ‘Maybe,’ she admitted. ‘It’s hard to forget my time in Brazil. All those top-class horses and state-of-the-art training facilities—I can’t say I’d turn down an opportunity to go back. Why? Are you offering me a job?’

      Tiago remained silent, his considering stare on her face. Maybe she’d overdone it. She was supposed to be exercising Lizzie’s horse, not touting for work.

      ‘Shall we get back?’ she suggested, wondering if he’d had enough of her company.

      ‘I’m in no hurry.’

      And then she understood. He was staring out at the silver river rushing to the sea, beyond which lay a dense and mysterious forest that seemed to beckon them into its hidden interior. There were standing stones that held secrets from ancient times to one side of them, while purple heather spread out like a carpet, leading them home. It was so magical. Who in their right mind would leave?

      For a while they sat on their horses in companionable silence. She had loved this vantage spot since she was a little girl. She was at her most relaxed here—until she became aware of Tiago staring at her. What was he thinking? she wondered.

      Closing her eyes, she turned her face to the sky and inhaled deeply. Just here, just now, in this one perfect moment, she felt strong and sure—as if things were changing for the better and anything was possible.

      ‘Are you ready to go back now?’ Tiago asked.

      She was ready for anything. But then she remembered he was heading home to Brazil. That was life. Up one moment; down the next.

      ‘Last one back to the house makes the coffee?’ she suggested.

      The last sound she heard as she galloped away from him was Tiago’s laughter, carried on the wind.

      * * *

      ‘You’re shivering.’ he commented when they dismounted in the yard.

      ‘You must be made of iron,’ she countered. ‘Aren’t you aware that it’s a million degrees below freezing today?’ She blew on her hands to make her point.

      ‘Here—let me warm you.’