Her Christmas Prince. Catherine Mann
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Название: Her Christmas Prince

Автор: Catherine Mann

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474098854


СКАЧАТЬ finalize the evening’s New Year’s Eve bachelorette auction, but she’d somehow allowed herself to be roped into being one of the bachelorettes, as well, and now they were holding her to her promise.

      The event was in full swing. Six other women had already pranced down the runway to a smattering of applause and generous, good-hearted bidding by the interested bachelors in the audience. Two more ladies were set to take their walks, and then she would be next.

      She swallowed hard, taking deep breaths to keep from drowning in panic. This wasn’t her idea of a good time. She far preferred to remain behind the scenes at these events. Being the center of attention—especially with all of the publicity that had surrounded her lately—made her knees shake and her teeth rattle.

      One bachelorette down, one to go.

      “Alandra,” a woman who was helping out backstage called in a loud whisper. “Get ready, you’re next.”

      Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.

      For a brief second, she wondered how far she would be able to run in four-inch heels. She probably wouldn’t get far, but it was still worth a try.

      Inhaling deeply and praying she wouldn’t trip over the hem of her gown, she started slowly down the makeshift runway to the sound of scattered clapping and the voice of the master of ceremonies, who extolled her many feminine virtues and outlined the details of the date she’d agreed upon beforehand.

      She felt like an animal at a zoo, on display for the whole world to gawk at and appraise. And as she neared the end of the runway, her stomach plunged when she realized that not a single bid had been called out yet.

      Oh, Lord, please let the floor open up and swallow me whole, she thought.

      At the end of the runway, she stopped and posed, more from embarrassment than any wish to act like a supermodel. Except for the MC asking if there were any bids, any bids at all, the room had fallen into utter silence. The scandals, it seemed, hadn’t quite died down, after all.

      Alandra blinked, feeling the stares of a hundred people boring into her like laser beams. She was just about to turn in disgrace and walk back to the curtain when a voice rang out from the rear of the room.

      “Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

      Her heart stopped, and she strained to see who had made such an outrageously extreme offer. The rest of the crowd did the same, twisting in their seats for a glimpse of the mystery bidder.

      Elated, the MC quickly declared Alandra “sold!” to the gentleman at the rear of the room. At that announcement, the bidder started forward.

      As the bachelor walked toward her, he moved into better light, and Alandra’s heart stopped again, but for a much different reason this time.

      Nicolas, in all his royal finery, stepped through the crowd. A couple of hulking, black-suited bodyguards trailed behind, making his presence stand out all the more.

      She opened her mouth to breathe his name, but no sound emerged.

      At the end of the raised walkway, Nicolas stopped to gaze up at her. He stretched out a hand, his face showing nothing as he reached toward her.

      “May I?” he asked in that rich, deep voice that sent shivers down her spine.

      Without conscious thought, she put her hand in his and let him lift her bodily from the runway, then lead her back through the crowded room to the rear of the building. She let him take her away from her own event, away from the gawking stares and curious onlookers, to the limousine that waited just outside, on the paved country club driveway.

      Nicolas handed her inside and climbed in behind her, allowing the driver to close the door. A second later, she heard the driver’s door slam shut, but the partition was up, and she knew that for all intents and purposes, she and Nicolas were alone.

      “What are you doing here?” she asked when she finally regained her senses and found her voice.

      “I bought you,” he replied easily, purposely ignoring the seriousness of her question.

      The look in her eyes must have warned him he was skating on thin ice, because he sighed and shifted lightly on the leather seat.

      “There have been some developments back in Glendovia since you left. Positive ones, in my estimation. For one, plans for the Dream a Little Dream Foundation are moving forward. We’re estimating a March first start date for having everything up and running.”

      “I’m glad,” she said softly. She was happy that things were moving smoothly with the plans she’d put into effect before leaving. But she doubted Nicolas had flown all the way to America just to deliver an update.

      “For another, I’ve reconsidered my original desire to have you as my mistress.” His eyes met hers then, hard and unyielding. “It was shortsighted of me to believe that having you only temporarily would ever be enough.”

      Sliding across the seat, he wrapped his arms around her and tugged her against his chest. She went willingly.

      “I’ve missed you, Alandra,” he whispered against her hair. “I tried to forget you, tried to put you out of my mind and move on with what I knew I had to do.”

      His hands stroked her back, her neck, the side of her face. “But I couldn’t go through with my engagement to Lisette when only one woman filled my heart. You’re the one that I want, Alandra. Not as my lover or mistress, but as my wife.”

      Tipping her head back, she met his gaze, searching his startling blue eyes for the truthfulness in his words. And still she was afraid it was all a dream, that she would wake up to find herself alone, in her bed, with Nicolas nowhere around.

      “I broke my engagement to Princess Lisette. It’s caused a few hurt feelings and political problems between our two countries, but nothing that won’t heal in time. And I’ve informed my family—my mother, especially—that I was coming to get you and wouldn’t return unless you were at my side.”

      He slid his fingers through her hair, tugging loose the elaborate knot at the crown of her head and dislodging the tiny diamond clips holding it in place.

      “Tell me you love me, Alandra, as much as I love you. Tell me you’ll come to Glendovia with me, marry me and be my princess. My wife.”

      Her lashes fluttered as she struggled to absorb everything that Nicolas was saying. His determination and declaration of love, his willingness to put her before his responsibilities to the royal family and his country.

      There were so many questions spinning through her brain, but when she opened her mouth, only one thing came out.

      “I love you,” she murmured, her own arms lifting to curl around his shoulders and hold him as tightly as he was holding her. “It wouldn’t have hurt so much to leave if I didn’t.”

      His mouth curved in a gentle smile. “I’m very glad to hear that. Does this mean you’ll be my bride?”

      A thrill of happiness squeezed her heart. She wanted nothing more than to say, “Yes, yes, yes!” and cover his face with kisses. But fear had her tugging away, watching his expression to be sure everything really was okay and that she could accept his proposal СКАЧАТЬ