Mills & Boon Christmas Delights Collection. Rebecca Winters
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      ‘You heard me! What the hell’s got into you, drawing attention to us like that?’

      I felt the blood rise in my face. ‘It wasn’t intentional! And right now I don’t actually care. I want an answer to my question?’ I grabbed his left hand and pointed to the distinct tan line on his third finger. ‘Why the hell does it look like you’ve been wearing a wedding ring?’

      Calum pulled his hand out of mine, both of us aware that the birthday party was now far more interested in our discussion than in the cake in front of them.

      ‘Because I have.’

      ‘Oh God. I’m going to be sick.’ I gripped the edge of the table.

      ‘Wait.’ He stopped me. ‘It’s not what you think.’

      I held up my hands, palms upward, silently asking him what the hell else it could be.

      ‘Come on. Let’s go to the hotel and talk about it there.’

      I shook my head. ‘No. I want to talk about it now.’

      ‘Kate please. You’re – ’

      ‘Now Calum.’ My voice was calm and back to its normal level. But even I could hear the steeliness in the tone.

      ‘Fine. It’s kind of silly really.’ He gave a laugh. I didn’t join him. He cleared his throat and continued. ‘The company I was working with, they’re really family-orientated and they like all the people they deal with to be “on the same page”, as they say. I heard another company lost a contract with them because the guy mentioned something about him and his girlfriend living together. I didn’t want to lose the contract so I bought a cheap ring just to wear whilst I was out there. Once things go through, it’ll all pass to a different part of the company and I won’t be dealing with it any more.’ He looked at his hand, the telltale sign barely noticeable in the candlelight. ‘I guess I must have forgotten to take it off on one of my swims.’

      I sat watching him, wanting to believe him.

      ‘Honestly babe, that’s all it is. You know. Playing the game. You know how traditional people can be out in places like Alabama.’

      He reached for my hand and I pulled it back away from him.

      ‘Babe come on, I – ’



      ‘Not Arizona?’


      ‘You told me the firm you were visiting was in Arizona. Not Alabama.’

      ‘I don’t think I did. You must just be remembering wrong. Like you said, you’ve been crazy busy too lately.’

      ‘I’m not remembering it wrong Calum. I know what you told me.’

      ‘Fine. Then I guess I said the wrong state. It’s not a crime. You’re making a big deal out of nothing.’

      ‘Am I?’

      ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

      ‘Why don’t we go to your house tonight, instead of the hotel?’

      He picked up the napkin off his lap and put it on the table. ‘I’ve told you that’s not possible. It’s still being worked on.’

      ‘I don’t mind. I’d like to see it.’

      ‘I don’t want to drive out there tonight, besides we’ve both been drinking.’

      ‘I’ll pay for a taxi.’

      ‘Don’t be ridiculous. It’d cost a fortune.’

      ‘It’d be worth it to see this amazing house.’

      ‘What’s got into you?’



      ‘Nothing. I think the fact that I’d actually like to see where my boyfriend lives after six months of dating is pretty damn normal! In fact, I’m wondering if me letting it go this long is something I’m going to regret.’

      ‘Of course it’s not. Kate I told you. It’ll be done soon and we – ’

      ‘Are you married?’

      ‘What?’ Calum asked. ‘Of course not!’

      But I saw it. That moment of hesitation. That flicker.

      I dropped my head, my eyes focused on my hands as I held them on my lap, the knuckles white as I twisted the linen napkin between my fingers.

      ‘How could you?’ I whispered. ‘After everything I told you about my parents?’

      There was a pause. He knew he was caught. ‘Kate. I’m sorry. I never meant…’ He stopped as I lifted my head, my eyes dry, gaze boring into him.

      ‘Where were you really? These past few weeks? On holiday with your wife?’

      He nodded. ‘Mexico.’

      ‘Do you have children?’

      The hesitation again.

      ‘Shit,’ I whispered, my throat feeling tight and raw as I swallowed.

      Downing the rest of my wine in one go, I pushed my chair back. ‘I need to go,’ I said, throwing the twisted napkin on the table.

      ‘Kate. Wait.’

      I unhooked my bag from the back of the chair and stood. As I turned to grab my coat, the woman sat across from me caught my eye. A look passed between us and she momentarily dropped her gaze to the table before catching mine again. Abso-bloody-lutely.

      ‘Do you mind if I borrow this?’ I asked her.

      ‘Be my guest.’

      ‘What the fuck?’ Calum spluttered as red wine dripped down his face. ‘Do you know how much this shirt cost?’

      I leaned towards him. ‘You know what? I don’t give a shit because whatever the price, it’s far less than your lying has cost me!’

      ‘Oh come on Kate! You can’t tell me that you didn’t have your suspicions? It’s not my fault if you decided to blind yourself to them and just saw what you wanted!’

      I stared at him, open-mouthed, my brain whirling.

      ‘The fact that you even think that shows how little you really know me.’

      He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering. ‘I wouldn’t say that.’

      And with that I flung what was left of his own red wine on top of the already spreading stain on his СКАЧАТЬ