Reunited By Danger. Carol J. Post
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Название: Reunited By Danger

Автор: Carol J. Post

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9781474069953


СКАЧАТЬ shot to her feet, snatching her purse from the table. The scream had come from outside. Another followed it. She dashed to the nearest exit with a handful of other people. The others remained glued to their seats, their eyes wide and jaws lax.

      She soon located the source of the commotion. A woman stood in the glow of the garden lights, hands pressed to her mouth. Shivers racked her body and wails escaped between her fingers.

      Olivia Chamberlain. Liv. They’d been the best of friends—Amber, Liv and Mona, along with Alex, Vince and Ray—until they’d all racked up growing lists of misdemeanors and increasingly serious alcohol addictions. And a dead body.

      Caleb brushed past her at a full run before dropping to the stone walkway in front of Liv. Someone was on the ground.

      When Amber reached them, Caleb had his cell phone pressed to his ear. She stifled a gasp. Alex O’Dell.

      Caleb held up a hand. “Everyone stay back.”

      She knelt beside him. Everyone didn’t include her. “I’m a cop.” She cast the words over her shoulder and then grasped her former friend’s wrist to check for a pulse. Nothing. Judging from the awkward angle of Alex’s head, his neck was broken. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. Another small trail came from his nose, both combining to form a darkening oval on the garden pavers.

      Amber drew in a shaky breath. Mona, now Alex. One-third of them gone before age thirty.

      “This is Detective Caleb Lyons with the Levy County Sheriff’s Office,” Caleb spoke into the phone, his voice all cool professionalism.

      Detective? Caleb? She figured he’d be a preacher or something equally righteous.

      He continued with the same somber tone. “We have a homicide.”

      Several gasps sounded around them. “He was murdered?”

      Amber looked up at the former cheerleader who’d spoken. “Any suspicious death is investigated as a homicide until foul play is ruled out.”

      Alex had apparently fallen. Or been pushed. Her gaze followed the side of the stucco building to a curved balcony, its wrought-iron railing thirteen or fourteen feet up. Situated halfway between Chiefland and Bronson, the Mediterranean Revival-style structure had likely been someone’s home. But during her lifetime, it had been a venue for weddings and other events. Tonight, Amber hadn’t gone upstairs. Their group had booked only the bottom floor.

      So what had Alex been doing up there?

      She straightened and draped her arm across Liv’s shoulders. The wails had quieted to sniffles, but shivers still shook her body.

      “Did you see what happened?”

      Liv shook her head. “I hadn’t been here long.”

      Amber nodded. That would explain why they hadn’t seen each other.

      Liv continued. “It was so crowded inside, I came out here to be alone. That’s when I found him.”

      Amber scanned those gathered. Other classmates were now filing out of the building. The police would need to talk to all of them. Of course, almost everyone had been inside, like her, and probably hadn’t seen anything.

      As she studied the faces around her, one man snagged her gaze. He was standing to the side. The glow of the garden lights didn’t reach his face, but she didn’t need to see him to know he was watching her. She could feel it. The hostility rolling toward her was almost palpable.

      Logan Cleary. Anytime she came back to Chiefland, she tried to avoid him. Although she hadn’t been ready to leave her friends, moving to Ocala right after graduation had been a relief.

      “He blames us, you know.”

      Amber started at hearing a new voice close to her ear and frowned at Vince Mahoney. “He blames me.”

      “He blames all of us.”

      She crossed her arms, warding off a sudden chill in spite of the balmy June night. Vince and the others were part of the gang, but she was the one who’d sent the texts, inviting Logan’s brother to join them at their hangout in the woods. Landon Cleary had been a class-A jerk. But even after she’d learned the truth, she hadn’t wanted him dead.

      She dropped her arm from Liv’s shoulders and cast a glance at Alex. Caleb was doing a good job of preserving the scene. No one had ventured near the body. She started to turn away then hesitated. Something white was caught in the branches of a shrub a few feet from where Alex lay. Paper? She pressed her purse against her side, unease chewing at the edges of her mind.

      When she’d been in the bathroom earlier, someone had slid a sheet of paper, folded in quarters, under the stall door. Black sequined ballet slippers and a hand covered by a black silk glove were all she’d seen. No one at the reunion was wearing either.

      She put a hand on Vince’s arm. “Did someone give you a sheet of paper tonight?”

      His eyes widened, providing the answer before he opened his mouth. “I was standing at the bar talking to someone. When I went to pick up my drink, a sheet of paper was sitting next to it.”

      Raymond Ellis staggered up to join them. Not much had changed. He was as wasted as he’d been when they’d hung out in high school.

      She turned her attention to Vince. “What did the paper say?”

      “‘All of life’s pleasures surround you.’” He studied her. “You got one, too.”

      She nodded. “‘A sworn public servant, you’ve answered the call.’”

      “You’re a cop.”

      It wasn’t a secret. When she’d first arrived, she’d caught up with everyone except Liv, and they’d filled each other in on their lives. Raymond worked as a mechanic in a tire-and-lube place, and Alex was a trim carpenter. Vince had scored big. He’d married into money and had a cushy management job in his father-in-law’s manufacturing business. He was probably enjoying some of those pleasures mentioned in his note.

      Ray squinted at them. “What are you talking about?”

      “Someone slipped us notes,” Amber said. “One line about each of our lives.”

      “I didn’t get anything.” After patting his back pockets, Ray produced a piece of paper. His brows drew together. “I didn’t know I had this.” After unfolding the single page, he read it aloud. “‘Once you were bound, but now you’re free.’”

      Vince wrinkled his nose. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      Ray had suddenly sobered up. “I did a couple years for drug charges. Not many people know about it. I was living in Georgia.”

      Amber turned. “Liv?”

      Liv spun around, eyes filled with panic. “My purse. I had it when I came into the garden.”

      Amber put a hand on her shoulder. “You probably dropped it when you found Alex. I’m sure it’s here somewhere.”

      Sirens СКАЧАТЬ