The Cowboy's Unexpected Baby. Stephanie Dees
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      Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

      —Joshua 1:9

      For all the mamas and daddies who open their hearts and homes to unexpected babies, who freely offer their love while expecting nothing in return and who know down to their soul that every child deserves a family.



       Back Cover Text

       About the Author


       Title Page


      Note to Readers


       Dear Reader

       Bible Verse


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen



       About the Publisher

       Chapter One

      Garrett Cole stumbled into the kitchen where he’d set the coffee to brew exactly seven minutes before his alarm went off. The last of the water sputtered through the filter as he pulled the coffeepot out and reached for a mug that wasn’t there.

      He heard a mewling sound and froze. It sounded like a cat. Or a kitten. He thought about investigating, but no—coffee first, then strange sounds. Opening the cabinet, he pulled out a mug and, still half-asleep, went through the coffee ritual. One spoonful of sugar, a splash of vanilla almond milk, stir. Drink. Yes.

      As the first jolt of caffeine hit his system, he started running the day’s schedule in his mind. Juvenile court at ten o’clock. Mrs. Bledsoe at three o’clock to finalize her latest will. The new social worker Wynn hired was dropping by today or tomor—he stopped, tilted his head and listened.

      Was it a cat?

      At least one single cat would be easier to deal with than the dog who’d had nine puppies under his porch a few months ago. Puppies everywhere. Puppies galore. He and his brothers and new sister-in-law had chased those little rascals all over the ranch and called in every last favor they were owed to find those pups a home.

      He took another swig of coffee and listened. Silence.

      In Garrett’s mind, he had three things going for him: his passion for his work, his dedication to family and his willingness to risk everything for a lost cause. And, boy, did those lost causes find him. Puppies under the house. Parents on their last chance to prove their sobriety. And now, apparently, kittens.

      Garrett pulled open the door and stepped outside, stopping short when he heard the small cry again.

      He spun slowly to the left.