Elephants Can Remember. Agatha Christie
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Название: Elephants Can Remember

Автор: Agatha Christie

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Poirot

isbn: 9780007422319



       Chapter 17: Poirot Announces Departure


       Chapter 18: Interlude


       Chapter 19: Maddy and Zélie


       Chapter 20: Court of Enquiry




       Also by Agatha Christie


       About the Publisher

       CHAPTER 1

       A Literary Luncheon

      Mrs Oliver looked at herself in the glass. She gave a brief, sideways look towards the clock on the mantel-piece, which she had some idea was twenty minutes slow. Then she resumed her study of her coiffure. The trouble with Mrs Oliver was—and she admitted it freely—that her styles of hairdressing were always being changed. She had tried almost everything in turn. A severe pompadour at one time, then a wind-swept style where you brushed back your locks to display an intellectual brow, at least she hoped the brow was intellectual. She had tried tightly arranged curls, she had tried a kind of artistic disarray. She had to admit that it did not matter very much today what her type of hairdressing was, because today she was going to do what she very seldom did, wear a hat.

      On the top shelf of Mrs Oliver’s wardrobe there reposed four hats. One was definitely allotted to weddings. When you went to a wedding, a hat was a ‘must’. But even then Mrs Oliver kept two. One, in a round bandbox, was of feathers. It fitted closely to the head and stood up very well to sudden squalls of rain if they should overtake one unexpectedly as one passed from a car to the interior of the sacred edifice, or as so often now a days, a registrar’s office.

      The other, and more elaborate, hat was definitely for attending a wedding held on a Saturday afternoon in summer. It had flowers and chiffon and a covering of yellow net attached with mimosa.

      The other two hats on the shelf were of a more all-purpose character. One was what Mrs Oliver called her ‘country house hat’, made of tan felt suitable for wearing with tweeds of almost any pattern, with a becoming brim that you could turn up or turn down.

      Mrs Oliver had a cashmere pullover for warmth and a thin pullover for hot days, either of which was suitable in colour to go with this. However, though the pullovers were frequently worn, the hat was practically never worn. Because, really, why put on a hat just to go to the country and have a meal with your friends?

      The fourth hat was the most expensive of the lot and it had extraordinarily durable advantages about it. Possibly, Mrs Oliver sometimes thought, because it was so expensive. It consisted of a kind of turban of various layers of contrasting velvets, all of rather becoming pastel shades which would go with anything.

      Mrs Oliver paused in doubt and then called for assistance.

      ‘Maria,’ she said, then louder, ‘Maria. Come here a minute.’

      Maria came. She was used to being asked to give advice on what Mrs Oliver was thinking of wearing.

      ‘Going to wear your lovely smart hat, are you?’ said Maria.

      ‘Yes,’ said Mrs Oliver. ‘I wanted to know whether you think it looks best this way or the other way round.’

      Maria stood back and took a look.

      ‘Well, that’s back to front you’re wearing it now, isn’t it?’

      ‘Yes, I know,’ said Mrs Oliver. ‘I know that quite well. But I thought somehow it looked better that way.’

      ‘Oh, why should it?’ said Maria.

      ‘Well, it’s meant, I suppose. But it’s got to be meant by me as well as the shop that sold it,’ said Mrs Oliver.

      ‘Why do you think it’s better the wrong way round?’

      ‘Because you get that lovely shade of blue and the dark brown, and I think that looks better than the other way which is green with the red and the chocolate colour.’

      At this point Mrs Oliver removed the hat, put it on again and tried it wrong way round, right way round and sideways, which both she and Maria disapproved of.

      ‘You can’t have it the wide way. I mean, it’s wrong for your face, isn’t it? It’d be wrong for anyone’s face.’

      ‘No. That won’t do. I think I’ll have it the right way round, after all.’

      ‘Well, I think it’s safer always,’ said Maria.

      Mrs Oliver took off the hat. Maria assisted her to put on a well cut, thin woollen dress of a delicate puce colour, and helped her to adjust the hat.

      ‘You look ever so smart,’ said Maria.

      That was what Mrs Oliver liked so much about Maria. If given the least excuse for saying so, she always approved and gave praise.

      ‘Going to make a speech at the luncheon, are you?’ Maria asked.

      ‘A speech!’ Mrs Oliver sounded horrified. ‘No, of course not. You know I never make speeches.’

      ‘Well, I thought they always did at these here literary luncheons. That’s what you’re going to, isn’t it? Famous writers of 1973—or whichever year it is we’ve got to now.’

      ‘I don’t need to make a speech,’ said Mrs Oliver. ‘Several other people who like doing it will be making speeches, and they are much better at it than I would be.’

      ‘I’m sure you’d make a lovely speech if you put your mind to it,’ said Maria, adjusting herself to the role of a tempter.

      ‘No, I shouldn’t,’ said Mrs Oliver. ‘I know what I can do and I know what I can’t. I can’t make speeches. I get all worried and nervy and I should probably stammer or say the same thing twice. I should not only feel silly, I should probably look silly. Now it’s all right with words. You can write words down or speak them into a machine or dictate them. I can do things with words so long as I know it’s not a speech I’m making.’