Название: Modern Romance December 2019 Books 5-8
Автор: Jane Porter
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Короткие любовные романы
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
isbn: 9780008900601
‘The baby,’ she reminded him.
‘I can do gentle,’ he murmured, proving this in the most effective way. ‘Though you should know that babies are quite resilient.’
With a smile she shook her head. ‘You did your research on that too?’
‘Let’s find out,’ Luc suggested, and from that moment on he had her exclaiming rhythmically as she urged him on to take her repeatedly on the journey to the top station. It was long enough for several mind-shattering bouts of pleasure, and by the time they’d straightened their clothes and stepped out of the small cabin, she was committed to spending the rest of the night with Luc. Anything else would not only be wrong, it would be inconceivable. She wanted him too much to resist him. Pregnancy had made her mad for sex, and Luc was only too willing to help her with that.
They fell on each other the moment they entered his chalet. The inside of the front door proved a useful surface as he took her again, and while she was still whimpering in the aftershock of pleasure, he carried her over to the sofa in the living room and pressed her down. ‘Again!’ she demanded fiercely as he moved between her legs.
Luc gave her everything she needed and more, and it was only when she quietened that she thought to ask if they were alone.
‘If we weren’t to begin with, I imagine you’ve frightened everyone away by now with your screams.’
Balling her hands into fists, she pummelled him weakly. ‘That’s not funny, Lucas.’
‘Oh, but it is,’ he argued as he rolled her on top of him. ‘I’m going to strip you, and make love to you again, and you can scream as loudly as you like.’
They moved from sofa to rug in front of a glowing fire where they made love until she fell back, exhausted. ‘I’ll never forget this trip…or you…us…’ she whispered as Luc soothed her down.
‘That sounds like goodbye,’ he commented, frowning as he pulled back his head to stare into her eyes with concern.
‘Not yet, but soon,’ she whispered. It was inevitable.
‘Not yet,’ Luc agreed, brushing smiling kisses against her mouth, ‘because first I’m going to take you to bed.’
‘To sleep in each other’s arms,’ she murmured contentedly as he sprang up and lifted her.
‘To sleep in each other’s arms,’ Luc confirmed.
He watched her sleep. This was fast becoming one of his favourite occupations, he had discovered. Was this caring warmth inside him a sign he was capable of feeling something and could master the guilt?
Was this love?
He huffed a cynical smile. He’d always liked Stacey. A lot. As a teenager she’d driven him crazy, and now he admired her like no one else. But love? Love was dangerous.
She’s the mother of my child.
The warmth inside him grew at the thought. There was no one he’d rather choose for that role than Stacey. Brimful with character, integrity, intelligence and determination, she would make a wonderful mother.
On her own again?
If anyone was equal to that task, it was Stacey.
Could I really stand back and let her do that after everything I saw when she was younger? This woman who’s been starved of affection will be abandoned again?
Not abandoned. He’d always care for Stacey and their child. She didn’t need the additional burden of his guilt to carry around, so this was for the best.
She looked so peaceful he didn’t want to wake her. Exhausted from working tirelessly on behalf of his guests and from making love for most of the night, she’d earned her rest. He’d speak to her later about future arrangements when everyone else had gone.
Slipping out of bed to take a shower, he shrugged off the memories crowding his mind of warmth and peace and happiness. They belonged to someone who deserved them…deserved Stacey. She could safely sleep on. The first departure for his guests wasn’t due until noon, by which time she’d have a chance to don her professional face and head out with her usual sense of purpose to smooth everyone’s passage home.
Her work rate pricked his conscience. He wanted to wake her and make love to her again, but instead he was heading out to make sure there were no hitches for her to face. Her charges were his guests and ultimately his responsibility. She’d done enough and more besides. He’d catch her later at the airport with a token of his appreciation to thank her for all she’d done.
She’d overslept. When did that ever happen? Never. And she was alone. Luc had gone. Of course he had. He had work to do.
Didn’t she, also?
Everyone remembered the start of an event, and the event itself, if the planner had got things right, but what stayed with them was the end, when they must feel valued enough to hope they might be invited to another similar event.
Leaping out of bed, she snatched up her clothes and ran to the bathroom. A quick shower later and a scramble to put those same clothes on again, she headed out with a beanie tugged low over her still-damp hair. Glancing out of the window, she saw with relief that the gondolas were running as smoothly as if they’d never stopped.
She was alone in the chalet, no sign of Luc or Maria. She’d grab some breakfast in the village, then head straight for the hotel to make sure the departing guests had everything they needed.
The sky was blue and the skiing was good. As the small cabin swung high above the slopes she searched for him amongst the skiers. There was no sign of him. She longed to see him. They had to talk about the baby before she left for home. Surely he’d open up about that? He must. Whatever was holding him back, he had to put it behind him for the sake of their child. He couldn’t be like her father.
She chose the same café where they had eaten before. There were booths where she could be private. She would eat first, settle her mind, and then set out to complete the business side of things. Breezy wait staff brought milky coffee and French toast. She suddenly realised she was ravenous and ordered more. Glancing at her watch, she confirmed that she could afford another few minutes, and her stomach insisted on it.
Her heart jolted when she noticed Luc at the counter, speaking on his phone. He was frowning, but not too preoccupied to thank the staff behind the counter as they loaded his tray. She put her head down as he approached the line of booths where she was sitting. Phone tucked into his shoulder as he walked along, he was holding an intense conversation. She was no eavesdropper, but this was Luc. Whatever he had on his mind, she wanted to help. He looked so serious. What was it? What could it be?
He sat down in the adjoining booth. The seat backs were so high he hadn’t seen her.
This wasn’t right. She should make herself known.