Red-Hot Summer. Kelly Hunter
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Название: Red-Hot Summer

Автор: Kelly Hunter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474083331


СКАЧАТЬ Are you behaving yourself?’ she asked, and chuckled, low and breathy, right in his ear.

      ‘Yes, Officer,’ he said—or at least he tried to, but it came out as a half-strangled gargle.

      ‘Now, why don’t I believe you? What’s in your pockets?’


      ‘I think I’ll check for myself.’

      Next moment her hands were diving into the back pockets of his jeans.

      ‘Condom,’ she said. ‘Not exactly “nothing”. Not soliciting, are you?’


      ‘No what?’

      ‘No, Officer.’

      ‘I’ll hold on to this,’ she said, and he imagined her sliding the condom into the back pocket of her tight, tight pants.

      ‘Right. Let’s check your other pockets,’ she said.

      And her hands were there, digging into his front pockets, making his heartbeat go off like a cracker as she ‘accidentally’ nudged against the erection straining fiercely against the denim.

      ‘All clear,’ she breathed against his ear. ‘So—why don’t you just tell me what you’ve been up to so I don’t have to keep searching?’

      ‘But I’ve done nothing wrong, Officer.’

      ‘So let me ask you, buddy: do you know the meaning of the term ignorantia juris non excusat?’

       Oh, God. God, God, God.

      ‘No. But it sounds…sexy.’

      ‘Well, it’s not sexy,’ she said, despite the fact that she was unbuttoning his jeans, sliding his zipper down, sliding her hands inside, over his erection, squeezing, stroking. ‘It means ignorance of the law is not an excuse.’

      He groaned.

      ‘Am I hurting you?’ she asked.

      ‘No. No, Officer, you’re not hurting me.’

      ‘Then why are you groaning?’

      ‘Can’t…ahh… help it. Sorry. J-Just what law am I ignorant of?’

      ‘The law that says you’re not allowed to bribe a police officer.’

      ‘But I’m not,’ he said, just as her hands went beneath his underwear, cool and silky and freaking wonderful. Another groan slipped out. Could a man die of lust? Because he was on the way.

      ‘Then maybe you should think about bribing me, so I’ll let you off the hook.’

      ‘Um… Um… Um…’ Seriously, his brain was fricasseed.

      ‘Something that doesn’t involve a condom, since I’ve confiscated that,’ she said.


      ‘Turn around.’

      He turned fast enough to give himself a corkscrew knee injury. Reached automatically for her.

      ‘No touching an officer,’ she barked. ‘Just stand there. Stand there and take it like a man.’

      Before he knew what was happening she’d shoved him against the wall. And then she was on her knees in front of him, dragging his jeans down, just low enough to free him. Holding the base of him with one hand, cupping his balls with the other, she licked the very tip of him. Delicate, fluttery…gradually moving down the shaft, back up, down, then up. Alternately kissing and licking. Gradually increasing the pressure of her tongue, her lips.

      He wanted to touch her hair, but she’d wound it up under the police cap. And looking at that cap as she worked on him was getting him more excited than he’d ever been in his life.

      She tilted her head back, replaced her mouth with her hands, looked up at him, parted her lips, licked that heavy top lip…and with a quick, wicked smile closed her mouth over him.

      Scott let loose with a whole string of groaning cries as she sucked him, using her lips, her tongue, her teeth, even the roof of her mouth. Stretching him, laving him, devouring him. Her hands were moving everywhere her mouth wasn’t until he was half insane with need. He felt the orgasm building, clawing to get out.

      And then she did something with her tongue, and he looked down at the police cap, caught a glimpse of pale skin as she angled her head and her mouth performed a twist he’d never experienced before, and it was rushing at him.

      ‘Kate! Kate, I’m going to come!’ he said in urgent warning.

      But she just kept right on going, shifting so that her hands were gripping his hips, keeping him inside her mouth, and he thought for a moment he was going to pass out with the pleasure of it. She kept up the pressure right through his explosion of a release, as his hips jerked under her hands and he spilled himself to the point of exhaustion.

      And then she got to her feet. Looked at him as she licked that top lip again. ‘So, whatever you were doing tonight before I caught you—’ as though she’d just written him a ticket ‘—don’t do it again.’

      And then she turned, started walking away.

      Scott couldn’t believe, at first, that she would just leave him like that—but she kept going.

      ‘Kate!’ he called out, pulling up his jeans.

      Stop. Turn. ‘It’s Officer Cleary.’

      ‘I’ll come with you. I owe you.’

      ‘Is that another bribe?’ She shook her head. ‘Now, you see, that’s why I don’t associate with criminals.’


      ‘You’ll receive a message from the station in a few days, once I’ve cleared your name, and then we’ll see.’

      She turned again, walked briskly down the lane. And was gone.

      He finished tucking in his shirt. Feeling both incredibly sated and hugely unsatisfied.

      Because she was gone. Without having let him touch her once.

      Gone. Just like Sunday morning.


      One thing Scott knew was that he wasn’t a fan of this ‘gone girl’ thing. He was going to have to let her know he didn’t appreciate her just leaving. Like, bang, leaving.

      Even if it was essentially what he’d done to her on Saturday night—and without giving her any kind of release at all. But he’d had a reason. Self-preservation! Her? Tonight? What possible reason could she have had?

      Bang. Gone.

      Nope. СКАЧАТЬ