Название: Twins On The Doorstep
Автор: Marie Ferrarella
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Контркультура
Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish
isbn: 9781474060349
“No, it says here I can start in January, just like I applied.” The girl’s eyes were dancing. “There are so many things I have to do! I can’t wait to call my parents and tell them about this!”
“You didn’t tell them when you opened the letter?” Stacy asked.
With all her heart, she wished she had parents she could share things with. With Aunt Kate gone, she was on her own.
“I, um, didn’t open the letter when I got it,” Elsie confessed, sounding just a little subdued for a moment, like she was tripping over her words. “I’ve been carrying it around since yesterday. I was afraid that the school had rejected me. But they didn’t!” she exclaimed, her voice rising again. “They said yes!”
“Yes, we know, dear.” Rebecca sighed. “Looks like I’m going to have to find a new receptionist for the hotel. Quickly,” she added.
Turning toward Stacy, she ventured, “You wouldn’t be looking for a job, would you?”
“Well, if it’ll help you out—” Stacy began, gauging her words slowly.
Rebecca’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, it would, it definitely would,” she assured Stacy. “I realize that you probably won’t be staying permanently, but I’d really appreciate you taking over for Elsie when she leaves.” As an afterthought, Rebecca turned toward the receptionist and asked, “When are you planning on leaving, dear?”
“This minute!” Elsie all but shouted. It was like watching champagne bubbling out of a bottle a moment after the cork had been pulled. “I’ve got so much to do between now and January.” Moving from foot to foot, the now former receptionist gave the impression that she was about to jump out of her skin at any second. “Things are finally turning around and going my way,” she cried. “I’ve got to get home. I’ve got to tell Mom and Dad I’m going to college.” She paused for a split second before charging out the front door. “I’m going to college!” she cried, as if she couldn’t get enough of the simple declaration.
And the next moment, she was gone.
Rebecca shook her head and laughed. “Can you remember ever being that excited?” she marveled, glancing in Stacy’s direction.
“Once, a lifetime ago.”
At least, it felt like a lifetime ago. But in reality, it wasn’t. She’d been that happy when she’d found herself falling hopelessly in love with Cole McCullough. In the beginning she’d been convinced that it was strictly one-sided—until he began paying attention to her.
She remembered every word of every conversation they’d ever had. Cherished all the islands of time that they’d shared together. Back then—had it really been less than a year ago?—she’d honestly believed that maybe, just maybe, they were on their way to meaning something to one another.
Oh, Cole had meant a great deal to her, he had for years now, but it wasn’t until they started spending time together that she began to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a happily-ever-after in store for her. For them.
She should have realized that she was too old to believe in fairy tales, Stacy admonished herself. They’d had one wonderful, magical night together, and then he’d turned around and told her that maybe things were moving too quickly. That they should slow down before it was too late.
As far as she was concerned, it was already too late. Like a lovestruck idiot, she’d thought he felt the same way about her that she did about him. She should have known better.
She’d given Cole her heart and he had stomped on the gift, offering her a bunch of meaningless rhetoric that, loosely interpreted, said I had a great time. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
She’d always been the smart one in her family; at least, that was what Aunt Kate had always told her. But Aunt Kate found her crying in her room. Stacy had tried to pretend that nothing was wrong, but her aunt hadn’t been fooled. Then Kate put two and two together, and just like that, the idea for the European vacation had been born.
Stacy had attempted to demur, but Aunt Kate wouldn’t take no for an answer. She’d said that she always wanted to travel abroad and felt that this might be her last chance.
Little did either one of them realize that she would be right, Stacy thought sadly.
In hindsight, Stacy didn’t regret taking off the way she had. Hurt, she hadn’t thought that she owed Cole a single word of explanation, or even the courtesy of a goodbye since he had distanced himself from her right after their night together.
And, looking back, she was glad she’d had that time with her aunt.
What was hard was finding a place for herself now that she was back.
Well, that wouldn’t be a problem for the time being. Thank heavens she’d been in the right place at the right time. Any possible future money problems, at least for now, were on hold.
“When would you like to get started?” Rebecca asked her.
Stacy shrugged. She hadn’t even been thinking about this half an hour ago.
“Now would be fine,” she finally told the hotel manager.
“Now?” Rebecca echoed, surprised. “You don’t want a day to wind down and get used to the idea?”
Stacy saw no advantage in that. At least if she was working, she’d be doing something to occupy her mind, although she had to admit it didn’t exactly look extremely busy around here.
The question took the hotel manager aback. “Well, when you walked into the lobby this morning, I know you weren’t thinking about being able to get a job as a receptionist.”
Stacy laughed.
“I wasn’t not thinking about it, either.”
Pleased, Rebecca put her arm around Stacy’s shoulders and gave her a quick squeeze. “I do appreciate this, Stacy. It saves me the trouble of having to look for someone to take Elsie’s place. You are a lifesaver. You know that, don’t you?”
“It goes both ways, Rebecca.” When the taller woman looked at her quizzically, Stacy decided not to tell her that she needed a job or would need one eventually. Instead, what she said was, “I need to keep busy.”
“Well, we don’t exactly have so much business that we have to turn people away,” Rebecca told her honestly. “This is still Forever. But slowly we are getting outsiders passing through, especially ever since the Healing Ranch was written up in that magazine. That put us on the map, so to speak. Before then, except for the occasional lost person who found themselves in Forever by accident, looking for the right way to get back, I don’t think anyone ever came to Forever on purpose. Not unless they already lived in the general area and were just coming into town for supplies.”
Rebecca was not telling Stacy anything that she didn’t already know.
“All things considered,” Stacy said honestly, “I’m kind of surprised that someone actually built a СКАЧАТЬ