Darkest Night. Will Hill
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Название: Darkest Night

Автор: Will Hill

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Учебная литература

Серия: Department 19

isbn: 9780007505883


СКАЧАТЬ now is to lie down.”

      “Good plan,” said Kate, and smiled at him. “Let’s call it a night.”

      Jamie got to his feet, and immediately realised that he was quite a bit drunker than he had thought; he felt unsteady on his feet, as though he was swaying gently from side to side. He looked at Kate and grinned; the expression on her face told him that she had made exactly the same discovery as him. She giggled as she noticed him staring at her, and shook her head.

      “This isn’t fair,” she said. “You can just sober up whenever you want. I’m stuck like this.”

      Jamie recoiled. “I can do what?”

      “Your vampire side sobers you up. Larissa found out in Las Vegas. Don’t you remember?”

      “Shit,” said Jamie. “That is seriously tempting. But you’re right, it wouldn’t be fair. I’ll suffer with you.”

      “Solidarity,” said Kate. “I respect that. Let’s get out of here.”

      Jamie followed her across the mess, concentrating hard on walking in a straight line. He nodded at Operators he knew as he passed their tables, forcing what he hoped was a sober-looking expression on to his face, and walked stiffly through the door. Kate was waiting for him in the corridor, her face red with suppressed laughter, and they cracked up as they staggered towards the lift, giggling and loudly shushing each other.

      The two Operators got out on Level B and made their way along the curved corridor that, under normal circumstances, housed much of the active roster. Several of the rooms were currently empty; their occupants had been lost during the battle with Dracula at Château Dauncy, and had not yet been replaced, despite the Department’s subsequent recruitment drive. The Loop, as a result, did not feel full; the corridors seemed too empty, the canteen too sparsely populated, like a physical reminder of the ultimate price that had been paid by so many.

      They stopped outside the door to Kate’s quarters. Jamie smiled at his friend, suddenly very aware of how close they were standing to one another. His hands were at his sides, but he would barely have to move them to take hold of her waist. Kate was looking back at him with an even, clear-eyed expression, but there were patches of delicate pink high on her cheeks. Silent seconds passed as they stared at each other, a tension between them that Jamie had never felt before.

      “Oh, for God’s sake,” said Kate. She placed her hands gently on his shoulders, and kissed him. He kissed her back urgently, his eyes closing, his hands sliding up her back and neck and finding her hair, waiting for his stomach to spin, for the same dizzying abandon he had felt whenever he kissed Larissa.

      Nothing happened.

      After a long, awkward moment, he gently broke the kiss. Kate was looking at him with an expression of great affection, but the colour had faded from her face, and he suspected she was trying not to laugh.

      “That didn’t really work, did it?” she said.

      “No,” said Jamie, grinning at her. “It didn’t. My mum will be so disappointed.”

      Kate laughed, and shook her head. “I love you, Jamie,” she said. “You’re my best friend.”

      “I love you too,” he said. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

image missing

       image missing

      Paul Turner was reading through a requisitions order from the Security Division for fifty new MP7s and fifteen thousand rounds of ammunition when somebody hammered on his door.

      He frowned, and pushed the form to one side. An unscheduled knock on his door was highly unusual; anyone who wanted to see him was required to send a message first, and a Security Operator was stationed outside his quarters for the express purpose of preventing people from turning up unannounced. Turner reached out and pressed the TALK button on the intercom that connected him to his protection detail.

      “Gregg?” he said. “Report in.”

      There was a burst of static, and then the Security Operator’s voice appeared; the young American sounded out of breath, as though he had just finished a long run.

      “I’m sorry, sir,” said Gregg. “They pushed past me, but I have the situation under control.”

      Turner’s frown deepened. “Who pushed past you?”

      “Karlsson and Browning, sir,” said Gregg. “I told them you weren’t available, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer, and Browning jumped me from behind, the little shit. I’m waiting for Security to come and collect them, sir.”

      “For pity’s sake, Operator,” said Turner, getting up from his desk and walking across the room. “Your enthusiasm is admirable, but do you really think that arresting two senior members of the Lazarus Project is in the best interests of this Department?”

      There was a long pause. “I don’t know, sir,” said Gregg, eventually. “It was a clear breach of protocol.”

      Turner rolled his eyes. “Call off your alert and go back to your post, Operator. I’ll see Karlsson and Browning now.”

      “Yes, sir,” said Gregg, instantly. “I’m sorry, sir.”

      “It’s fine,” said Turner, and pressed his ID card against the black panel beside the door. The heavy locks disengaged, and he pulled the thick metal hatch inwards to reveal Matt Browning and Robert Karlsson standing in the corridor outside. Both looked dishevelled, and Browning was bright red in the face. Beyond them, he could see Tom Gregg peering along the corridor, a nervous look on his face.

      “Gentlemen,” said Turner, “Operator Gregg was right, this is a breach of protocol. You couldn’t have sent a message telling me you needed to see me?”

      Karlsson shook his head. “I didn’t want to run the risk of anyone reading it, sir.”

      Turner smiled. “You’ve been here less than a year and you’re more paranoid than me. I suppose you’d better come in.”

      “Thank you, Director,” said Karlsson, and stepped into the room. Browning followed him, casting one last dagger-eyed stare in Gregg’s direction. Turner closed the door behind them and gestured towards the armchairs that sat in front of the wall screen.

      “Take a seat, gentlemen,” he said. “Let’s hear what’s so important that it was worth taking on my Security detail to tell me.”

      “We’ll stand, if that’s all right with you,” said Karlsson. “But I would suggest you sit down, sir.”

      Ten minutes later Turner’s mind was spinning, and he was glad he had taken the Professor’s advice.

      “Does СКАЧАТЬ