Menage. Molly Ann Wishlade
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Название: Menage

Автор: Molly Ann Wishlade

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474006415


СКАЧАТЬ help themselves.

      She had run off after she’d heard them laugh at Al’s words, not wanting to hear more. But they were just words and words did not hurt as much as blows. Just as well to ignore the reason for their laughter. They were farm hands. She was the boss around here and she had to act like it. Keep her distance. Not be yearning for human company or human contact. She’d allowed herself to want those things before and look where it had gotten her. Bruised and battered and almost broken.

       Never again.

      She took a deep breath and tucked her hair beneath her scarf. Time to see if they were serious about working. The hog pen needed a real good muck-out and no man dallying with ideas of swindling would stick around to get covered in pig poop.

      She opened the door and stepped out into the afternoon. Laugh at her would they? This time, the laugh would be on them.

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