Название: Christmas Wish Come True
Автор: Jaimie Admans
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Контркультура
isbn: 9781474047319
Abby was quiet for a moment before meeting Isabella’s stare. She dropped her voice to a whisper and looked into the living room to be sure the men wouldn’t hear. She turned tear-filled eyes back to Isabella.
“The silver jewelry chest.”
Isabella nearly dropped the cup she was holding, which didn’t go unnoticed by her guest. Abby put her hand on Isabella’s shoulder.
“You do know about it.” She sounded relieved and worried at the same time, especially when Isabella didn’t immediately confirm it. “Please, Isabella. The chest is filled with old photos. I’d like to look through them – for one, in particular.”
“Well,” Isabella conceded, “I have the chest.” She searched Abby’s face. Abby genuinely seemed to miss her best friend, judging by the enormous importance she placed on a few photos. “But – Jordan said the pictures belong to Tyler, when he’s old enough…”
“And I shouldn’t have any of them. Is that it?” Abby’s remark startled Isabella, who eyed her suspiciously.
Abby immediately apologized. “I’m sorry, I’m just stressed-out over…all this. I don’t want all of them…” She looked toward the living room again, lowering her voice to a whisper. “Kim was a notorious pack rat – she never threw anything out. There are even a few photos of her and Jordan in there that might confuse Tyler. I don’t think Jordan would want them, but…whatever you decide. There’s really just the one that’s extra special to me. It’s of Kim, baby Tyler, and me. It was taken at the hospital, right after he was born.”
Isabella had wondered about the photos, but didn’t give in to her curiosity. As much as she wanted to know more about Tyler’s mother, she couldn’t convince herself to invade Kim’s privacy. And she wasn’t sure if Abby had the right either.
“I think we should clear it with Jordan first.”
A cold glint flashed in Abby’s eyes. It made Isabella uneasy – and unsure of Abby’s sincerity. As if reading Isabella’s thoughts, Abby sighed softly.
“I’m not here to argue. I’ll ask Jordan, if that’s what you want. But why open old wounds? I’ll leave any photos with Jordan in there, and just take the one. There should be several others of Tyler and his mother, without me in it.” She smiled warmly when she noticed Isabella’s softening expression. “It would mean so much to me.”
Isabella’s better judgment told her to refuse. But Abby was right. Kim would probably want her best friend to have the photo. “All right. You can look through them, see if it’s in there.” But she wouldn’t allow her to take any others, without Jordan’s permission. “Follow me. The chest is in the guesthouse.”
As the women made their way past the men, Isabella caught Jordan’s curious look. “Just girl stuff,” she said vaguely in explanation. Jordan nodded, then turned back to his conversation with Zach.
Abby stepped just inside the doorway as Isabella retrieved the box from the bureau.
“I hope it’s in there,” Isabella said.
Leaving her post by the door, Abby quickly stepped forward. “I do, too.” She took the chest from Isabella and sat down in a chair by the door. When she opened it, Isabella thought she saw a touch of disappointment flash across her features. Abby glanced up, catching Isabella’s stare.
“It’s bittersweet seeing her so happy, and knowing how it ended. I hope I don’t break down… We were so close.” There was something resembling desperation in her eyes. “You understand?”
“Of course,” Isabella replied as she watched Abby remove the photos from the box. After such a heartfelt statement, she was surprised when Abby shuffled through them so quickly, without lingering too long on any of them. When she’d finished, she set the stack on the side table and inspected the empty chest. “It’s not here,” she whispered, almost to herself.
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Isabella said. “Is there another one you might like to take?”
“No. Just that one.” Abby stuffed the photos back into the chest and handed it to Isabella. “Thanks anyway.”
She turned to leave as Isabella placed the box on top of her dresser. This whole scene with Abby Forrester had left her feeling strange. Definitely not ‘points’ in Mrs. Forrester’s favor.
The men stood as the two women re-entered the main house.
“We should go, Abigail,” Zach said to his wife.
“Oh, darn. I’m sorry we didn’t get to visit with Tyler today.” Abby looked almost as disappointed as she had over the missing photo. She was hard to figure out, Isabella thought to herself. But there was no doubt she cared about Tyler. And, in the end, that’s what mattered most.
“Well, what?” Isabella shifted her gaze, connecting with Jordan’s sparkling eyes. She wondered if he noticed the fluttering pulse in her neck as they stood in the foyer, mere inches apart.
“You and Abigail seemed to hit it off,” he said. “I assume that means the Forresters have your approval?”
“You know what happens when you assume, Jordan.”
Her voice was prim, matter-of-fact. Isabella expected him to be annoyed with her remark, and was surprised when he laughed. Deep, sexy, amused. “This isn’t funny,” she insisted, though the beginnings of a smile tugged the corners of her mouth.
Jordan noticed and laughed again, causing Isabella to break into a fit of giggles. It felt so good to share a light moment with him – for once. She held his gaze, trying to suppress her outburst, covering her mouth with her hand. A strand of hair fell from her ponytail, capturing Jordan’s attention. He reached up to touch it, his own laughter halted as he rolled the silky strand between his thumb and forefinger.
“Your hair…is beautiful,” he whispered. “You shouldn’t pull it back.”
Isabella was mesmerized by his movement as he reached around and released her hair from its band, letting it flow about her shoulders. Their eyes reconnected and Jordan slowly lowered his lips to hers…hesitant at first, sweet. He lightly brushed her cheek with his lips, then moved his kiss, feather soft, to her eyelids, before connecting again with her mouth.
She reached out, touching his taut waist, pulling him closer. He groaned. His tongue parted her lips with an urgency, darting inside, demanding her response. Isabella didn’t resist.
She couldn’t. Right now, there was no one else in this world but them. Nothing more she wanted than to forget the past, throw caution to the wind…
The door burst open and Tyler bounded inside. Jordan quickly pulled away. Isabella caught the smile on Emily’s face as she entered behind Tyler. The young boy stared up at them.
“Are you and Uncle Jordan getting married, Miss Stevens?” he asked innocently.