The Rancher's Surprise Daughter. Jill Lynn
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Название: The Rancher's Surprise Daughter

Автор: Jill Lynn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Colorado Grooms

isbn: 9781474085533


СКАЧАТЬ thought it was stress making me not feel well. Took me a while to figure it out. By then you were long gone.”

      Every last doubt scrolled across his face.

      “Ruby was born with an atrial septal defect.”

      Luc’s hand splayed against his chest where she knew his own scars were. “Same as me.”

      “As to why now, she needs to have the hole closed. And I couldn’t... If something happened to her and you didn’t know she’d even existed...” Cate would never have forgiven herself. She already couldn’t forgive herself for keeping them apart for the first three years and eight months of Ruby’s life.

      The familiar rush of fear that came with thinking of Ruby’s surgery and anything happening to her precious daughter blurred her vision. “I knew you needed to meet her before her procedure.” God had been working on Cate’s hard heart, and He’d made that very clear. Almost as though she’d been given a deadline for fessing up.

      Since she’d become a Christian about a year ago, Cate had experienced a number of lessons in growing her faith. Trusting God’s insistent nudging to tell Luc about Ruby had been the toughest one by far.

      Luc scrubbed both hands across his face as though attempting to wake himself from a nightmare.

      “We can do a test to prove you’re her father. Your name’s on her birth certificate.”

      Arms dropped to his sides like leaded weights. “If you went so far as to do that...” His voice scraped like sandpaper. Worn. Weary. “Why didn’t you tell me right away?”

      The question she didn’t know how to answer. I didn’t want to share wasn’t exactly a mature, adult response.

      Luc knew about her childhood—and her parents’ divorce—but would he understand how much their actions had messed with her?

      “Never mind.” The bite in his tone sent guilt skimming across her skin. “It’s too late for excuses. Nothing you say is going to matter right now anyway.”

      “Okay.” Cate raised her hands. Whatever he wanted, she’d do.

      Luc sank to the other end of the futon, miles of agony stretching between them.

      “Does she need open-heart surgery?”

      “No. Cardiac catheterization. They’ll close the hole with a device.”

      His shoulders inched lower, his relief evident that Ruby would only need the less invasive procedure that would involve a catheter from her leg into her heart. Already, even with knowing as little as he did about Ruby and possibly not even believing he was her father, he felt for her. Didn’t want her to go through the same trauma he had as a child.

      That spoke volumes about him.

      “Did you tell Emma who the two of you were?”

      “No. I think she thought I was a potential guest or that I was applying for a job.” Cate had been purposely evasive.

      His audible sigh filled the small space. “That’s good. At least for now. Does...Ruby know about me?”

      “Lately she’s been asking questions, and I’ve started answering them. She knows you exist, but she doesn’t know we’re here to see you.”

      Eyes a mixture of fading green and brown leaves seared into her skin. She half expected to see smoke rise and smell scalded flesh. “In case I didn’t see her? If she’s my daughter, I would never walk away from her. I think you know that, Cate.”

      Ouch. That truth stung, as did the if. Though she couldn’t blame him. Even with Ruby having the same heart defect as he did, why should he believe her? She hadn’t exactly proved herself trustworthy over the past four-plus years.

      “Do you want to take some time? We can come back. Talk in a few days.” If someone had walked into her life and told her news of this magnitude, Cate would be in a puddle on the floor. But not Luc. How was he so calm? Why wasn’t he raging at her?

      “I’m not sure time is going to change my shock. I want to meet her.”

      She’d come here for this, but still, her stomach churned. “Are you sure you don’t need some time to process?”

      He didn’t bother to answer. Just raised an eyebrow.

      “Okay.” If only saying the word out loud would make it true. Cate could tell herself she was okay a million times, but she was afraid the feeling would never follow. “Then let’s go.”

      Luc’s boots echoed down the hallway like a death knell on Cate’s conscience. Panicked prayers flitted through her mind as she attempted to keep up with his pace. Cate had been praying for Luc and Ruby since she’d figured out this meeting needed to take place, and she could only hope she hadn’t ruined either of their lives with her selfishness. Somehow she wanted healing. For all of them.

      But today she simply prayed for survival. Good thing she believed in a gracious God. One who forgave her when she didn’t deserve His mercy. Because that was the kind of God a girl like her needed.

      * * *

      Luc should probably take some time to process like Cate had suggested, but since nothing made sense right now, he figured, why wait? If he let Cate and Ruby leave, he might never see them again. Cate already seemed so jittery and nervous that he feared losing them both forever. Not that he had them. He wasn’t naive. Cate could just as easily disappear from his life again, taking any chance of his knowing Ruby with her. And if she was his daughter, Luc wanted that opportunity.

      If she was his daughter. Mind-boggling. How had his life gone from mundane to unrecognizable in a matter of minutes?

      They headed down the lodge steps just as Emma exited the barn, a girl who must be Ruby next to her. The distance allowed Luc to study her. Short little thing—course, she’d only be three years and eight months if Cate was telling the truth. Ruby wore bright pink shorts and a multicolored T-shirt, her animated motions and whatever she said causing Emma to laugh.

      After spotting Cate, she ran in their direction, his sister following behind.

      Intuitively, Luc had known Ruby would be beautiful—how could she come from Cate and not be?—but the sight of her almost brought him to his knees. Her silky caramel hair was a shade or two lighter than her mother’s. Closer to his. He had the niggling sensation that if he rummaged for an old photograph, Ruby would look strikingly similar to his twin sister, Mackenzie, at this same age.

      Ruby flung her arms around Cate’s legs, and Emma stopped in front of them. “Your girl is a spoonful of honey. We had a good time. Thanks for letting us hang.” His sister pulled her hair back and held it at the nape of her neck as a gust of wind wrapped around them.

      “Come see me again?” She directed the question to Ruby, who answered with an emphatic nod. After a thank-you from Cate, Emma was off, light brown locks once again twisting in the high-powered breeze as she headed back to the barn. His little sister ran the Kids’ Club at the ranch. She was a kid-wrangling, child-whispering rock star.

      “Mommy, can we get a horse-y?”

      Cate’s СКАЧАТЬ