Roping In The Cowgirl. Judy Duarte
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Название: Roping In The Cowgirl

Автор: Judy Duarte

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Rocking Chair Rodeo

isbn: 9781474041768


СКАЧАТЬ Chapter Two

      The two women continued to stand in the yard, gaping at Blake as though he’d just dropkicked a puppy. But then again, who knew what his uncle might have told them about him?

      At first, when the older woman wearing a yellow apron walked out of the house carrying a mug of steaming coffee, he’d thought she might be the one who’d been sweet-talking Sam. She wore glasses and wasn’t that close to him, so he couldn’t see her eye color. But she was a brunette, which he suspected was due to a recent visit to a local beauty salon. She was also in her mid-to late-sixties, so she was definitely what Sam would call “younger.” Still, while she was pleasant enough to look at, Blake wouldn’t consider her “sexy.”

      On the other hand, the nurse had big green eyes the color of new spring grass. Her glossy dark hair was a tumble of curls that flowed over her shoulders and down her back. Even while wearing an unflattering pair of pink hospital scrubs she could stoke a dying ember in a man’s soul.

      But surely she wasn’t the one his uncle had been talking about. Besides, it was also a sure bet that she couldn’t have a niece old enough to attend medical school. Still, she was a young brunette and definitely sexy...

      Blake shook off that arousing but unwelcome thought as quickly as it struck.

      Besides, she’d slapped her hands on her hips and was drilling into him with a critical gaze. It was clear to him that she wasn’t sharing the love.

      Maybe he’d better take a new tack, sidestepping her and starting at the top. So he asked, “Who’s in charge here?”

      Shannon stood as tall as her petite stature would allow and lifted her chin. “That would be me. I’m the head nurse.”

      Seriously? She might look ready for battle, but she was just a bit of a thing—not much taller than five feet. She was also in her early-to midtwenties, and the way he saw it, she was too young to be running a retirement home, even if his uncle was in charge of the ranch.

      In spite of her obvious annoyance, she had pretty features—a heart-shaped face, expressive eyes, thick dark lashes and a scatter of freckles across her nose.

      She wasn’t wearing any makeup to highlight her physical attributes, but she really didn’t need to. Her beauty was natural and wholesome.

      If he had to guess, he’d suspect that she had a nice shape, although those baggy pants and that boxy top hid it well.

      Of course, none of that mattered. Blake wasn’t about to be sidetracked from the task he’d set out to do. And since he wanted to get to the bottom of the mess his uncle had gotten caught up in, he couldn’t afford to aggravate anyone who might be able to help him, particularly the two ladies standing before him.

      “If you’ll excuse me,” the older woman said to Shannon, “I’ll let Darlene know you’re here and that she’s free to leave.”

      Then she turned away and entered the house, leaving Blake and the nurse alone.

      He had to admit that he hadn’t put his best foot forward when he first arrived, but there was a reason for that. He hadn’t slept a wink on the flight to Texas. He’d also had a long drive from the Houston airport, which had given him plenty of time to stew over what might be going on here at the Rocking C.

      “Are you the ranch owner?” he asked Shannon.

      “No, that’s Chloe Martinez. She’s out of town until mid-December, but she left me in charge.”

      Blake gave the nurse another once-over. She didn’t seem to be the kind of woman who would target an eighty-year-old man for financial gain. But was she capable of detecting an emotional exploitation going on under her nose—and then putting a stop to it?

      Her eyes narrowed, and she frowned. Apparently he’d really set her off, although he hadn’t meant to.

      “I’m sorry if I offended you,” he said. “It might seem bright and early in the morning to you, but it’s been a long day and night for me, one that began more than twenty-four hours ago.”

      “A successful investment attorney like you must be incredibly busy.” She removed her hands from her hips and folded them across her chest. “I’m surprised you were able to fit in a trip to Texas.”

      She was right. He hadn’t created a successful career and comfortable life in Beverly Hills by taking vacations. And he didn’t have any time to waste in the Texas countryside now, even if the sights and sounds of the Rocking C stirred up old memories, reminding him of the ranch he used to visit every summer while growing up.

      “In spite of what you’ve heard or might think,” he said, “I’ve really missed my uncle. And it’s high time I came to visit. We have a lot of catching up to do.”

      “Did Sam know you were coming?” she asked.

      “I wanted to surprise him.”

      She nodded at the suitcase near his feet. “It looks as though you didn’t come for a short visit.”

      “I might stay a while. It depends on how things go.”

      She again eyed him carefully, assessing his stance and demeanor the way an opposing litigator would do. And for one fleeting moment it seemed as if she’d seen right into his heart.

      Okay, so maybe she was astute—and not just a pretty face.

      “You know,” she said, “rumor has it that you’re too caught up in making a buck and living the high life in the city to ever come to Texas. So I have a feeling your uncle will be surprised to see you.”

      “He probably will be.” Obviously his uncle had been talking to his coworkers. And he hadn’t painted Blake in a very good light.

      Shannon uncrossed her arms and softened her stance, although the skeptical expression she wore didn’t waver.

      This wasn’t going well, especially since she was the one who was “in charge.” He’d clearly gotten off on the wrong foot.

      Unfortunately, he’d been loaded for bear when he came to the Rocking C, which hadn’t been the right approach. So he’d have to do something to change that—and quickly.

      He forced a smile and lightened his tone. “There’s something to be said about family issues and misunderstandings. There’s a lot more behind them than meets the eye. And there are usually two sides to the story.”

      She arched a brow, challenging him to explain what his side or his explanation might be. But he didn’t want to get into the myriad emotions that had been brewing inside him since Sam refused to take his call yesterday.

      It had not only stunned him when it happened, but just like an unexpected paper cut, it had also sliced him to the quick. That’s why he was determined to patch things up between them.

      When he offered her a slight shrug, rather than an explanation that would require him to discuss hurt feelings, she said, “Then let’s hope your visit here goes well. Or your vacation or whatever it is.”

      “For the record, I brought my iPhone and laptop, so I can work СКАЧАТЬ