For You I Will. Donna Hill
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Название: For You I Will

Автор: Donna Hill

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

isbn: 9781472099907


СКАЧАТЬ through the mentoring of his boss. The world of crime may have hated Harrison Blumenthal but his staff worshipped the ground he walked on. His shoes were big ones to fill, but Anthony knew he was up to the job. After all, hadn’t he sacrificed everything...including his get where he was?

      “You still haven’t explained to me why you won’t get serious with Andrew. You said the date went fine,” Tiffany said as the two friends walked up the winding path leading to Melanie Harte’s house on the hill. The house and the front lawn sparkled with pinpoints of light, and music could be heard floating in the air.

      Kai gave a light toss of her head. “Don’t get me wrong. He’s a great guy. Handsome. Funny. Smart.” She paused, blew out a breath of frustrated confusion. “He’s just not right for me. This may sound like a fairy tale or something out of a romance novel, but I want a man that makes my heart pound. Makes my skin get hot with just a look, gets my stomach to flutter when I think about him and has my vajayjay talking in tongues when I know I’m going to see him.” She sighed with a faraway look in her eyes.

      “Damn, girl, well, when you find him please ask if he has a friend, a brother or a cousin just like him.”

      They laughed in unison and stepped into the party that was in full swing.

      “Mel sure knows how to throw ‘a little get-together,’” Tiffany said, raising her voice slightly above the hum of conversation and the live band.

      Kai gazed around at the crowd, recognizing some faces from town, a few from television and the rest she wasn’t familiar with. “What I need to do is take Melanie up on her offer to find me the perfect man,” she said in a pseudo whisper.

      A waiter approached with crab and shrimp appetizers balanced on a tray. They helped themselves to the delicate treats and snagged the next waiter for two glasses of champagne.

      “There’s Lincoln and Desiree.” Kai waved and started to walk over when she heard her name being called. She turned. “Andrew...”

      “I didn’t know you were going to be here,” he said, giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

      “Kind of a last-minute thing,” she managed while wishing that the floor would open.

      He studied her for a moment then turned to Tiffany. “Good to see you again.”

      “You, too.”

      “I would ask if I could get you ladies a drink but you have that covered. Looks like I’ll have to catch up.”

      “I’m going to say hello to Lincoln and Desi. Oh, Maurice and Layla just came in. Be right back. Good to see you, Andrew.” Tiffany darted off before the ice daggers from Kai’s eyes could land in her back.

      An awkward moment of silence dropped like a final curtain between them. Kai sipped her drink and stole a glance at Andrew from beneath her lashes. This is so bad.

      “Drew...I’m sorry I haven’t called you back. I—”

      He held up his hand. “You don’t have to explain. Really. I’m a big boy and I can take a hint.”

      “That doesn’t excuse me being rude and for that I’m sorry.”

      He gave her a half smile. “True.” He paused, as if relishing her wide-eyed look. “But...apology accepted.”

      She released a soft sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

      “And now that we have all that out of the way...I hope that we can still be friends.”

      “Of course. I’d like that.”

      “Good, let’s go mingle.”

      * * *

      He really isn’t a bad guy, Kai thought as she watched him chat and charm everyone around him. He had a great sense of humor, was good to look at, had a solid career...but that spark wasn’t there for her no matter how hard she tried, and to lead him on would be plain wrong. Andrew was deserving of someone who gave as much as he did and wanted him as much as he wanted her. She wasn’t the one.

      Kai wandered out back while Andrew regaled a small group on the antics in the E.R. when it was filled with kids and crazed parents.

      “There you are! Are you enjoying yourself?” Melanie slid an arm around Kai’s waist.

      “Yes, very much. You’ve outdone yourself as usual.”

      “I feel it’s my duty to put a little sparkle into this sleepy little town.” She chuckled.

      “Where’s Claude? I was hoping to see him.”

      “Congressional hearings. He had to stay in D.C. with Senator Lawson. I hope he can get back next weekend or I may pay him a surprise visit, stir things up a little.” She flashed a mischievous smile.

      “Just make sure you don’t wind up on the front page of the Washington Post with a coat over your face.”

      They laughed at the image.

      “It’s good to see Maurice doing so well,” Kai said, watching Maurice dance with his bride.

      “Layla definitely has that special touch in more ways than one. It wasn’t Maurice’s war injury that needed the healing, it was inside.” She tapped the center of her chest. “I wish I could take credit for that arrangement,” Melanie said, “but they did it all on their own. Mostly.” She winked.

      “I’m happy for them.”

      “Actually—” She lowered her voice. “There was someone that I especially wanted you to meet.”


      “Unfortunately he couldn’t make it. Didn’t say why.” Her brow creased. “Another time. He’ll be in town for a few weeks.”


      “Listen, everyone needs someone. And that goes for you, too. I think he would be perfect for you. In fact, I know he would.”

      Kai lowered her head for a moment. There was no debating Melanie when she decided that you were her “special project.” She wouldn’t rest until she found Mr. Right or, at least, Mr. Right Now. As CEO of the Platinum Society, Melanie Harte and her team were renowned for their matchmaking skills that found that special someone for everyone from corporate executives, actors, athletes, and politicians to the average girl and guy next door. Before there was eHarmony there was the Platinum Society.

      Kai laughed lightly. “I’m sure he is.” She checked her watch. “Listen, I’m going to find Tiffany and head home.” She kissed Melanie’s cheek. “Thanks for a great evening as usual.”

      Although the gathering was pegged as a simple get-together with friends, Mel never got people together for a reason as benign as that. She firmly believed that if you put the right people in the room together they would find each other. She was usually right. As Kai wound her way around the guests and through the rooms of the sprawling house in search of Tiffany, СКАЧАТЬ