Worth The Risk. Sarah Morgan
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Название: Worth The Risk

Автор: Sarah Morgan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474027878


СКАЧАТЬ he left the room, leaving Ally gaping after him, boiling with frustration, knowing she’d been totally outmanoeuvred.

      Sean stood up and made himself another cup of coffee. ‘Subtle, isn’t he? More coffee?’

      ‘No, thanks.’ Ally felt swamped with embarrassment by Will’s obvious games. ‘I don’t know what’s come over him.’

      Sean gave a wry smile. ‘Well, if that’s really the case then I go back to my first impression of dizzy blonde. He’s matchmaking, sweetheart, as you well know, and what I want to know is why he’s matchmaking when you’re already attached.’

      Ally blushed furiously. ‘I don’t know.’

      One dark eyebrow lifted. ‘No?’

      ‘No.’ She started to clear away the remains of the sandwiches to hide her awkwardness. ‘And, anyway, it’s totally irrelevant because I wouldn’t have a relationship with you if you were the last man on earth.’

      Sean dropped into one of the chairs and stretched long legs out in front of him, his eyes amused. ‘Is that so?’

      She warmed to her subject. ‘Yes, it is. You, Dr Nicholson, are the original male chauvinist pig who thinks that a woman’s place is in the home, keeping it warm for her man. I don’t suppose you’ve ever even heard of New Man, have you?’

      Sean smiled politely. ‘New Man?’

      ‘Yes, you know—the sort of partner who respects women as equals, who doesn’t mind doing the ironing or the washing-up and who certainly wouldn’t stop me fell-walking if that’s what I chose to do.’

      Sean looked interested. ‘You don’t think I qualify as New Man?’

      ‘You?’ Ally gave a snort of derision. ‘You’re a clone of the original Stone-Age version. The only difference is that you wear clothes instead of a loincloth.’

      His eyes gleamed with unholy laughter. ‘Any time you want to see me in a loincloth, Dr McGuire, you only have to ask.’

      Vivid images of Sean Nicholson with no clothes on flashed before her eyes and she coloured furiously. His smile deepened.

      ‘You’re the limit!’ Her tongue moistened dry lips and her breath caught as his eyes dropped to her mouth.

      ‘So why aren’t you married, Dr McGuire?’

      Ally lifted her chin. ‘That’s none of your business.’

      His eyes met hers. ‘Charlie obviously isn’t Mr Right, then.’

      ‘Let’s get one thing straight, shall we?’ Ally glared at him. ‘You can move into my barn if you so wish because it would please Will and, frankly, I haven’t the energy to argue, but don’t read any more into it. You’re my lodger. Nothing more.’

      Sean raised an eyebrow. ‘Have I asked for more?’

      Ally blushed. ‘Well, no, but—’

      ‘I never touch another man’s woman, and you’ve told me you’re already involved with someone.’ There was something benign about his expression that she didn’t trust an inch. ‘Aren’t you?’

      ‘Well, yes, but—’

      ‘So that’s that, then.’ He drained his mug and stood up, his powerful figure dominating the small room. ‘Of course, if you weren’t involved with someone then the situation would be entirely different.’

      His eyes held hers for a long moment and she swallowed uncomfortably. Had he guessed? What was going to happen when he found out that the person she was involved with was her daughter? She gave herself a shake. Nothing was going to happen. Nothing. Because she would make sure it didn’t. She owed it to Charlie.

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