Loving The Lone Wolf. Ingrid Weaver
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Название: Loving The Lone Wolf

Автор: Ingrid Weaver

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

isbn: 9781408946480


СКАЧАТЬ layout from there. It’s safer than going around to the warehouse.”

      She nodded and one of her curls tickled his nose.

      His eyes half closed as he inhaled. There was the floral shampoo, feminine and sensuous, but beneath it there was a hint of something sweet. A mild, powdery aroma that was oddly…innocent.

      Longing, pain…rage.

      The memory of her voice rose with her scent. The calculating woman who belonged to Stephan Volski wouldn’t smell like this any more than she would be able to sing with so much emotion. Again, Nathan found himself thinking there had to be more to Kelly than what showed on the surface.

      But that wasn’t his concern, was it? He wasn’t looking for a complication any more than he was looking for a woman. Kelly’s only reason for being here with him was to negotiate a way to move her boyfriend’s heroin.

      As for Nathan’s reason for being here with Kelly…well, they were standing in the middle of it.

      He straightened up and led her to the stairs.

      Nathan’s nerves had to be made of steel, Kelly thought, crouching behind the low ridge of concrete that ran along the edge of the roof. And as for that other part of the male anatomy that supposedly went along with courage, he must have a pair of the largest, firmest—

      She gritted her teeth, refusing to consider anything else about his body. She’d already felt plenty of it on the motorcycle trip here. Yes, thanks to that ride, she’d been treated to hands-on knowledge of his wide shoulders, his slim hips, his hard thighs and his broad chest. And she’d learned his scent was from more than leather and aftershave. He had the compelling, musky tang of a dangerously virile man.

      “The shipment will get stored in that warehouse after it comes in,” Nathan said. He squatted beside her and pointed toward a building to their right.

      The airport spread out before them in a giant tapestry threaded with rows of lights. The terminal buildings were far enough away to look small, yet the well-lit complex of warehouses that surrounded them made Kelly feel uncomfortable. There was no cover here on the roof. If anyone decided to look in this direction, they would be spotted for sure.

      But compared to the crimes Stephan had drawn her into, a little breaking, entering and trespassing were insignificant. Most of her anxiety arose from the fear that if they were caught here, the distribution deal would be blown and so would her and Jamie’s escape plan.

      She wiped her damp palms against her pants and turned her head to follow Nathan’s gesture. She didn’t want him to see her nervousness. It might give him an advantage.

      “I didn’t think to ask before,” Nathan said. “Are you bothered by heights?”

      His question sounded sincere, as did the note of concern in his voice, but Kelly couldn’t be sure. Bringing her here might be a ploy to rattle her, the same way she’d been trying to rattle him before. “Not at all,” she replied. “Besides, this building is hardly the Sears Tower.”

      “It’s too close to a flight path to be any higher.”

      As if to prove his statement, his words were drowned out by the roar of a jet taking off. Kelly pressed her palms over her ears and instinctively ducked her head.

      Nathan dropped to one knee and slipped his arm around her shoulders to steady her as the noise washed over them. Once it subsided, he didn’t pull away immediately. He moved his fingers, toying briefly with the ends of her hair.

      She told herself that she shouldn’t feel anything from the caress. After all, it was only her hair that he touched. So why did she have this strange impulse to lean toward him for more?

      Her jaw was starting to ache from clenching her teeth. It was a good thing that this was almost over.

      He withdrew his hand and grasped the top of the concrete ledge. “The other courier companies go for small packets and speed,” he said. “Pack Leader offers the same service, but specializes in bigger shipments. Loads are held in that warehouse, then get moved out as soon as a truck is available, usually within six hours.”

      “That suits us. The longer it sits, the more chance there is of someone getting curious about what’s in it.”

      “How is it going to be packed?”

      “What do you mean?”

      “I heard Volski’s last pipeline brought his junk in by stuffing it into outboard motor parts.”

      “That method was compromised. We’ll be using something else.”

      “Which is?”

      “Stephan will let you know when he feels it’s necessary,” Kelly said.

      Nathan paused, then shifted closer. “Unless you level with me, this isn’t going to work. I need to know the weight and dimensions of the shipment so that I can arrange the most efficient transportation.”

      “I understand. He’ll give you the specifics ahead of time, but not yet.” She inhaled slowly as the breeze brought her his scent. He was close enough for her to feel his body heat. Sexual awareness rippled down her spine. Was he doing this purposely, trying to turn the tables by using her own strategy on her?

      What she had begun at the Starlight was backfiring. Instead of faking an interest in him, she had to convince herself that she wasn’t interested. She tipped her head to follow the blinking lights of another plane. “You still haven’t explained how this is going to go down.”

      “If I told you that, what would stop you from double-crossing me and using the information I give you to go with someone else?”

      She was glad that she was already facing away from him, so she wouldn’t have to worry about hiding her thoughts. He couldn’t know how close to the truth he had come. “Don’t you trust me, Nathan?”

      “About as much as you trust me, Kelly.”

      He was surprisingly direct, different from the other criminals she’d met through Stephan. “Could someone else offer us what you can?” she asked.

      “No one else has my particular connections.”

      “Then you have nothing to worry about. I’ve found that mutual interest is more reliable than mutual trust.”

      “So young, and so cynical,” he murmured. “Is that why you save your passion for your music?”

      Another direct hit, she thought. She had to finish this now. “As much as I’m enjoying all this witty repartee, Nathan, it’s getting late,” she said, pushing to her feet. “I’d like to proceed with our business.”

      He looked at her for a minute, his gaze hooded with shadows, then stood and led her to the other side of the roof.

      A sea of trucks, all painted gray and white with the Pack Leader wolf logo, stretched out in a fenced yard below them. The sizes ranged from small delivery vans to eighteen-wheelers. As they watched, a man in the dark gray company uniform strode to a midsize van and drove it through the gate.

      Nathan drew her back from the edge of the roof СКАЧАТЬ