Evidence of Desire. Pamela Yaye
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Название: Evidence of Desire

Автор: Pamela Yaye

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani

isbn: 9781408978931


СКАЧАТЬ probably right. My buddies ordered the same thing, too.”

      In the lounge, chuckles rang out, the scent of fresh garlic bread filled the air and patrons danced to the pop song playing. When the bartender returned to refresh their drinks, Harper ordered an appetizer platter and a bottle of wine.

      “I hope you’re eating for two,” Azure quipped, hiding a smirk that threatened to overwhelm her mouth, “because that platter serves six and I’m not hungry.”

      “Don’t tell me you’re one of those weight-obsessed, calorie-counting types who’s strict about what she eats.”

      “Isn’t every woman?”

      Harper tasted his drink, then rested it on his coaster. “It’s not the size of a woman’s waist or the length of her hair that makes her beautiful. It’s how she carries herself, how confident and comfortable she is in her skin. I’ve dated sisters of all shapes and sizes and—”

      “You have?”

      “Of course, I’d be a fool not to. Contrary to what the fashion industry thinks, beauty comes in plus-size packages, too, and I’m tired of only seeing toothpick-thin models on billboards and magazine covers.” He wore a smile. “No offense.”

      Azure held up her hands. “None taken. And I agree with you. I’ve been pushing the powers-that-be at Eminence to hire more full-figured models, but my new boss, Leland Watson, isn’t on board. All he cares about is turning the magazine into a glossier, more scandalous version of People magazine.”

      “On that note, I’d love to hear more about the piece you’re working on.”

      You and me both, Azure thought, clearing her throat. Facing him, she arched her shoulders and crossed her legs. Sucking in her stomach hurt, but she clasped her hands around her knees and wore a winning smile. Perfect. Now he couldn’t see her hands shaking.

      “I must admit, I was shocked when you asked me to meet you here tonight.”

      “You were? Why?”

      “Because you’re a beautiful woman who I’m sure has no shortage of admirers.”

      Azure felt her eyes bulge out of her head. Harper thinks I’m beautiful? For real? No way! The idea was shocking, mind-boggling, as unbelievable as shoulder pads coming back in style, but Harper looked dead serious. His gaze was intense, smoldering with such heat, her heart skipped two beats. For a split second, Azure considered telling Harper who she was. It was obvious he didn’t remember her, so why not come clean?

      Because if I confess to being frumpy ol’ Alice Ellison, it might ruin my chances with him.

      Shaking her head helped Azure come to her senses. She had to be professional. This was business. Strictly business. And once she gained Harper’s trust and tricked him into revealing family secrets, she’d be on her way because being around this strong, virile attorney was too much temptation for a single, celibate girl like herself to take. “My boss wants me to produce a story that breaks new ground, a piece that will get the whole country talking, and I think I may have found what he’s looking for. But to write the story, I need to interview someone inside the Hamilton family dynasty.”

      “And that would be me,” he offered, his expression guarded, his tone tight.

      Azure nodded. To lighten the mood and put him at ease, she spoke from the heart. “We’re a lot alike, you and me, and I think—”

      “Is that so? In what way, Ms. Ellison?”

      “For starters, we’re both keen observers who don’t automatically buy what we’ve been told. We’re hard workers who never take the easy way out, but we’re often overshadowed by louder, flashier colleagues who believe their own hype.”

      Harper stroked his jaw reflectively. He was impressed. Azure Ellison had described him to a T. No one had ever done that before, but the longer he stared at her, the more convinced he was that she was hiding something. There was something familiar about her, mysterious, too. Was it possible they’d met before last month’s photo shoot? Through an acquaintance or business associate maybe? Instead of playing a solitary game of twenty questions, he decided to lay his cards on the table. “Who are you really, Azure Ellison, and what are you after?”

      “I sensed a bit of animosity between you and Jake during last month’s interview,” Azure said, sidestepping his question. “I’m curious if there was more to that argument I witnessed than you led me to believe.”

      His eyes narrowed, lost their luster and the veins in his neck pulsed.

      Bingo! Tempering her excitement, she paused to taste her cocktail and waited a half second before moving in for the kill. “I’d love to profile you, Harper. Just you. We could do a full-page spread with pictures, quotes and a list of your most high-profile cases.”

      Interest sparked in Harper’s eyes as he straightened in his seat.

      “I suspect that you’re the unsung hero of the firm, and I’d love to give you a chance to tell the world what’s really going on behind the scenes at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark.”

      Azure was spinning her tale as fast as she could, saying and doing all the right things, but Harper didn’t respond. He looked amused, as if he were watching a kitten chase its tail around in circles, and his broad grin was growing by the second. “Will you do the interview?”

      Several long, tense seconds ticked by.

      “I’ll do it, but only if you agree to have dinner with me tomorrow.”

      “Lunch,” she countered. “In my office on Friday.”

      “Dinner. Six o’clock sharp.”

      “Brunch. Eleven-thirty.”

      Harper wore an arch grin. “Tomorrow night. The Clearwater Grill on Sixth Street.”

      “Why not somewhere around here or in Mount Airy?”

      “Because I’d love a good steak, and no one does it better than the head chef at the Clearwater Grill on Sixth.”

      Azure frowned. “Really? I’ve heard of the place, but I’ve never been there.”

      “You’ll love it. Everyone does. It’s quiet, the service is great and the manager is the funniest guy you’ll ever meet.”

      “I’d rather interview you in my office. It’s a more professional setting and we won’t have to worry about being interrupted or distracted.”

      “The Clearwater Grill,” he repeated, his tone calm, cool. “Take it or leave it.”

      “I’ll be there.”

      What just happened? Azure thought sourly, wishing she hadn’t given in so easily. That went real well, Azure. Are you sure you’re the one in charge? She was beating herself up for giving Harper the upper hand when she caught sight of a slight man in a striped fedora and matching sports coat in the waiting area.

      Azure blinked hard, tried to get a better look at the stranger’s

      profile. СКАЧАТЬ