Secret Twins For The Texan. Karen Booth
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Название: Secret Twins For The Texan

Автор: Karen Booth

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Texas Cattleman's Club: The Impostor

isbn: 9781474076562


СКАЧАТЬ Possibly not ever. Especially not about the reasons he’d had to break up with her. Still, she’d always been his biggest weakness. A drink for old times’ sake wouldn’t hurt.

      He walked over and handed her the drink. She took it from him, their fingertips brushing just enough to send a jolt of electricity zipping up along his arm. She was as sexy as ever, even when she was mad. Maybe especially when she was mad.

      “Tell me about New York.” He took the seat right next to her on the couch. Some habits were impossible to break. Sitting with her like this made him want to put his arm around her, pull her close and kiss her. He needed to feel her soft lips against his and taste everything he’d missed over their years apart. The realization made it nearly impossible to sit still, let alone seem relaxed.

      She sat a little straighter. “It was great. I did well for myself. Well enough to buy a house out in Pine Valley.”

      “Did you take up golf? That’s a neighborhood for hitting the links or raising a family. That doesn’t really seem like your speed.” Maybe she’d changed more than he’d bargained on.

      “It’s beautiful out there, and it’s a gated community. I like feeling safe. Is there anything wrong with that?”

      He shook his head. “Nope. Nothing at all.” He took a long sip of his drink. “I guess your success explains the zippy little death trap you pulled up in.”

      “A woman is entitled to buy a sports car.”

      “Absolutely. Just be careful. One run-in with a semi and you’ll end up in traction. Or worse.”

      “You’re one to be giving lectures on driving. I seem to remember you wrapping your squad car around a tree and nearly killing yourself.” A dark shadow fell across her face as she turned to look at him. “That’s what started the trouble between us, remember?”

      He’d walked right into that one. He needed to avoid subjects that could eventually lead to the stupid things he’d done. “I’m not talking about me. And you don’t see me driving around in a roller skate.”

      “It’s a Porsche. And it’s fun to drive. You should try it some time.” She shot him an all-knowing look that made his pants feel a little too tight. “So, she probably shouldn’t have said anything, but Megan told me that you’re working on the investigation into her brother’s murder.”

      He nodded. “You know, Megan’s been through the wringer. It’s hard for me to blame your best friend for wanting to tell you everything. But yes, we are keeping a very tight lid on things until we can catch Rich.”

      “So you think he’s still here in Royal? Hiding out? Lurking in the shadows?”

      “I do. There’s a lot of money that’s gone unaccounted for and we know he’s not about to walk away from that. The man has no fear. He’s proven that he will do anything.”

      “I still can’t believe he stole Will’s identity, embezzled all of that money, and then went and married Megan.” She shuddered. “It’s so scary. I can’t imagine what she’s going through. I just wish there was something I could do to make it better.”

      “That’s my job. But don’t worry. We will catch him.”

      “Good.” She knocked back the rest of her drink and gently set the glass on the table.

      “One more?”

      “I shouldn’t.” She looked right at him, her tempting lips within striking distance. He couldn’t think of a time he’d wanted to kiss her more, not even the very first time he’d done it, when he was a young Texas Ranger and she was a brand-new chef. Back when their whole lives were stretching out before them and the future seemed ripe with possibilities. “But it’s just too delicious to say no.”

      “That’s my girl.” He berated himself as soon as the words came out of his mouth. That’s what the old Cole would’ve said. The Cole who’d broken her heart to save her. He got up from the couch and poured them both another drink before sitting back down. Hopefully she hadn’t noticed what he’d said.

      “It’s been a long time since you called me that.”

      “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it.”

      She took the glass when he offered it to her. “It’s okay. It was actually sort of nice to hear.” She laughed quietly. “I don’t know exactly how pathetic that sounded, but I’m guessing pretty darn pathetic. That’s what happens when you go for years being single. You end up a total sucker for sweet things guys say.”

      His ears perked up at that. Not only was she still single, she’d been that way for a while. He knew he shouldn’t take any encouragement, but now that he had a drink under his belt and she was softening her hard exterior, it was impossible not to want her and feel as though he had a chance. “Apparently the men of New York don’t know a good thing when they see it.”

      Her eyes raked over his face. That hot, seductive look made him want to dig his hands into her hair and taste her lips. He wanted to unzip that dress, touch every inch of her silky skin, and get lost in her for hours. “A few have a clue. They just don’t manage to have a clue for very long. That’s the problem.”

      “Anybody serious?”

      She arched an elegant brow. “You really want to know?”

      “I really want to know.” Except he didn’t. The thought of her with another guy made him want to put his fist through a wall, even when he’d willingly given her up.

      She took another sip of the amber scotch and cradled the glass in her hand. “One guy lasted a year. Another chef. Celebrity chef, actually. I doubt you watch the Food Network, but he has a bunch of shows. Taylor Blake.”

      Cole didn’t watch the Food Network, but he’d have to be living under a rock to not know Mr. Blake. He was a big figure in the world of barbecue championships, handsome as a male model and knew his way around the kitchen. He also happened to look quite a lot like Cole. Apparently Dani had a type. “I know exactly who that is.”

      “Oh. Well, it was a long time ago now. He came close to popping the question, I think, but it didn’t happen. Too many career aspirations between the two of us.”

      Dani had always had big dreams. She’d come from very little and had always been determined that wouldn’t define her. Her lofty goals were part of what had made Cole end things with her, even though they were also much of what had attracted him to her. He couldn’t guarantee her he’d be around long enough, and he never wanted to hold her back. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not really.”

      “I’m not sure what that means.”

      “It means I’m not sorry you’re single.” The words escaped his mouth before he realized what he was saying. He needed to ride the brakes right now, not rev the engine, even if Dani did make his heart pound in his chest and everything below his waist flicker back to life. He was in the middle of a case, back to putting himself in danger. She’d hated it when he was a Texas Ranger, running around and catching criminals. Now he was back at it as a private investigator.

      But that was part of who he was—he’d always had a strong sense of right and wrong and a fierce desire to set things straight. This thirst for justice was fed when Cole СКАЧАТЬ