Deep Waters. Jessica R. Patch
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Название: Deep Waters

Автор: Jessica R. Patch

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: The Security Specialists

isbn: 9781474068062


СКАЧАТЬ don’t know,” Caley said, flailing her arms because she needed to do something. “Wilder, that girl was precious to me. I don’t believe this break-in, tonight, after she’s found dead, isn’t connected. Do you?”

      “It could be connected, but not necessarily because it’s murder. Maybe someone knows her effects will be boxed up and given to her parents. Maybe she had something someone didn’t want to be seen. Doesn’t mean they killed her. Just means they wanted to get something before it was exposed. Might not even be anything criminal. You don’t know enough to make the lines meet.”

      Unfortunately, Wilder had a point. “Fine. Thanks for helping me and sending Shepherd. I’m sure he’ll be glad to get back to his deep-sea fishing.” She smiled at Shep.

      “Take me off speaker,” Wilder demanded.

      Caley rolled her eyes and Shep held the phone to his ear. A few grunts and short replies later, he hung up.

      “Well?” Caley asked when he clearly had no plans to relay the private conversation.

      Shepherd ran his hands across his short cropped hair, the color of wet sand. “He wanted my assessment of you.”

      Caley loved Wilder but he was ridiculous. “Oh really. And what, pray tell, is your assessment, Shepherd?”

      “I said you were fine. Shaken up. But stronger than you look.”

      “I didn’t hear any of that.” All she heard was yes, yep, yeah, no. Yeah. Okay. But it still warmed her to know Shepherd thought she was stronger than she looked. Wait, did she look weak?

      “He’s ordered me to stick around until my ship departs, for added measure.’re stuck with me.” He cocked his head and folded his arms across his massive chest, his muscles popping out from underneath his white T-shirt. “I’ll need a place to bunk.”

      “I can get a hotel for you, or you can take an empty dorm room.”

      He dipped his chin. “We can look into things with more detail a little later.”

      Caley nodded as Shep studied the messy room, waiting on the police to come take a report and print the room.

      So they’d start digging. What would they find? And at what cost would it come if they did discover what got Mary Beth killed?


      Caley jolted from the bare twin mattress as knuckles collided with the door outside the empty dorm room she’d stayed in after last night’s events. Shoving a mass of hair from her face, she squinted at sunlight pouring through the window that overlooked the ocean.

      “Caley? It’s 0700. You crackin’?”

      Crackin’? She was barely breathing. It had been nearly 4:00 a.m. before she had finally decided against driving home. After the police left and cleared them to clean up Mary Beth’s dorm room, Caley met with Mary Beth’s parents, who had rented a car after their flight landed. They’d grieved together and then she followed them to the Turtle Bay Police Department.

      She hadn’t mentioned the ransacking. She wanted more information before suggesting foul play to Mr. and Mrs. Whaling. They’d been exhausted and retired to a hotel a mile away. Back at the dormitory, Caley had made up a bed for Shep two doors down from hers, including fresh sheets, but she’d been too exhausted to throw any on her own tiny mattress. Her mouth felt like cotton and her eyes were swollen from crying herself to sleep.

      “You alive?” he called. “I’m coming in if you don’t answer.”

      “I’m fine,” she rasped. Could use some water. “Give me a minute already.” Grabbing her glasses, she haphazardly shoved them onto her nose and yanked the door open to a freshly showered—and ridiculously good-smelling—Shepherd. He didn’t particularly have a “look” but his jeans and black T-shirt could be branded the Shepherd Lightman style. “Not all of us can manage on four or less hours of sleep.”

      “Roger that.” With his index finger, he righted her crooked glasses. Her blood heated. She was definitely awake now and no doubt looking a mess. Smoothing down her hair, she was suddenly more self-conscious of her disheveled appearance.

      Shep leaned against the door frame. “I smell breakfast from the mess hall. You want me to rustle up your number one square for the day? Or I can stand outside the door.”

      “This isn’t Buckingham Palace, Shep.” Though, with that stoic face, he’d make a great solider standing guard at the gates. “I need ten minutes. I’ll meet you at the cafeteria.” A solider through and through. “I’m a fan of French toast.” She shut the door and snatched the bag she normally kept in her office in case she worked into the late hours. She rarely wore makeup and it was easier to pull her long hair into a sloppy bun on her head or a ponytail. Today she went with down and wet. It’d dry quickly.

      She opened the door fifteen minutes later.

      Shep hadn’t left.

      “You did hear me say this wasn’t Buckingham, right?” She slid by him and shook her head.

      He fell into step with her. “Who is Billy Reynolds?”

      She paused. “How do you know that name?”

      “Social media. I did some research while you got some shut-eye. Quite a few photos of him and our vic—I mean...Mary Beth.”

      Caley ambled through the lobby and down the hall to the cafeteria that had once been the motel’s dining commons. “Did you sleep at all?”

      “Who is Billy Reynolds? And what is his relationship with Mary Beth?”

      Shep motioned for her to go ahead of him through the breakfast buffet line. The room was sparse today after last night’s tragic events. Two interns sat at a table. They needed to call an assembly. In the back corner, Dr. Fines sat with a cup of coffee, stubble covering his chin and cheeks. He looked as haggard as Caley felt. “I need to go talk to Leo.”

      Eyebrows scrunching, Shep set his sights on her mentor and boss. “Leo? Leonard Fines?”

      “Yes,” Caley said, and left Shep in line with two trays. She hurried to Leo and he stood and hugged her.

      “We need to rally the kids,” he said.

      “I know. I was just thinking that. But I have to tell you something first.” She sat across from him and relayed the earlier events.

      Leo pushed his coffee cup away. “You really think the two incidents are related?”

      “I do. I don’t have solid proof, but I mean, come on.” She toyed with an empty creamer cup he’d used for his brew. “The police are ruling it an accident, but Shepherd is sticking around. In case it’s not. At least for a couple of days.”

      Leo leaned forward. “Caley, if the police and medical examiner say it was an accident, then it was. I don’t need to remind you that our biggest fund-raising gala is in a few short weeks, and if Nora Simms gets a whiff of scandal, your job and mine will be over. Not to mention we don’t need donors pulling out.”