Baby On The Run. Hope White
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Название: Baby On The Run

Автор: Hope White

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: The Baby Protectors

isbn: 9781474080590


СКАЧАТЬ he Mrs. McFadden’s?”

      “Yes. I promised to protect him.”

      She studied Matt as if trying to make out his character, figure out whether he was good or bad. A little of both, he mused.

      She needed good right now, very good, and committed. Which wasn’t Matt. He wished it could be different. There was something about Jenna North that always made him smile. It was her way with staff members—with everyone, come to think of it. She was gentle and kind, yet persuasive enough to get the job done. The Broadlake Foundation thrived in part because of her fund-raising efforts that supported the operating budget.

      He hoped she knew nothing about the cartel’s money-laundering scheme, that she was only an innocent bystander.

      “My friend, Mrs. McFadden, she...” Jenna’s voice trailed off.

      He waited.

      “She’s dead.”

      Yes, Matt knew because he’d seen it happen.

      And now, because she’d also witnessed the homicide, Miss North’s life was in danger, as was the child’s. Anger simmered in his chest. This couldn’t be his problem, not today. He’d get Miss North and the child to safety and get back to his assignment.

      Acting like the innocent bystander she assumed he was, Matt said, “We should report this.”

      “To whom? The police? They’re involved.”

      “Why do you think that?”

      “Chief Billings killed Chloe.”

      Great, not only had she been asked to protect the child, but she knew of the chief’s involvement. This put her life at an even higher risk.

      “Matthew, may I ask a favor?”


      “Can you keep this between us, that you helped me, that I have Eli?”

      “Only if you’ll do me a favor in return.”


      He had no choice but to protect her. She was in too deep. “Stay here until I deal with the fire department. Once they’re gone, I’ll come back and give you a ride to wherever you want to go. Okay?”

      “Thank you, but my car isn’t far.”

      “They’ll probably be watching your car, right?”

      She nibbled her lower lip for a second, an adorable gesture. He snapped his attention out the front window of his truck to the parking lot in the distance.

      “I guess you’re right,” she said. “ should know that helping me could get you into trouble.”

      “I’m okay with that.” Matt offered her the truck keys. “If I’m not back in twenty, take off.”

      He flung open the door and headed for the front of the building. He half expected to encounter the two perps, maybe even the chief, but they were nowhere in sight.

      The glass windows on one of the community center doors had been shattered, which must be how the men had gained access to the building.

      Motioning to the fire response crew, Matt led them inside. They spread out, looking for smoke. A fireman turned off the alarm and nodded at Matt. “Are you the night custodian?”

      “Yes, sir.”

      “Please wait outside until we clear the building.”

      Matt did as he was ordered and called the police. He had to. It would look suspicious if he didn’t alert the authorities to the break-in. As he was making the call, a squad car and the chief’s car pulled into the lot.

      A patrolman Matt recognized as Kyle Armstrong exited his squad car. Chief Billings and Kyle approached Matt.

      You’re only the janitor, he reminded himself.

      “I was just calling you guys,” Matt said.

      “Hey, Matt,” Kyle greeted him.

      “You two know each other?” Billings asked.

      “We attend the same church,” Kyle said by way of explanation.

      Church was no doubt a foreign concept to a guy like Billings. A dirty cop. A killer.

      “This is Matt Weller, the night custodian,” Kyle introduced.

      Billings extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Matt. Have any idea who pulled the alarm?”

      “No, sir. Apparently some guy broke in.” He pointed toward the broken window.

      “Some guy? Not mischievous teens?” Billings asked.

      Matt opted for sticking to the truth as much as possible. “No, it was a man, sir.” He looked directly at Billings, whose eye twitched ever so slightly.

      “Can you describe him?” Kyle asked, pulling out a small notebook.

      “About five-ten, a hundred and eighty pounds.” He directed the rest of his answer to Kyle. “He wore a black leather jacket and knit cap. I’m thinking he was pushing forty?”

      “Wow, how close did you get to this guy?” Kyle asked.

      “Pretty close. He took a swing at me.”

      “Are you injured?” Billings said with mock concern.

      “No, sir. I grew up the youngest of five boys so I’m pretty good at defending myself.”

      “The knit cap perp was inside the building?” Kyle pushed.

      “Actually we got into it outside, back by the playground.”

      Kyle looked up in question.

      “I went out to my truck to get something, and that’s when I encountered the man,” Matt said. “The alarm had gone off—not sure what that was about. He claimed his wife was in the building.”

      “His wife?” Kyle said. “But the center was closed.”

      “That is correct,” Matt said. “I thought I convinced him to leave, but then he went all Rocky on me.”

      The fire crew exited the building. “It’s clear,” the shift captain said.

      “Thanks.” Billings turned to Matt. “I’d like you to walk me through what happened tonight. Step by step.”

      Of course he did. He wanted to figure out if Matt was telling the truth or creating a story to protect himself, Jenna and the little boy.

      “Sure, this way.” He led Kyle and the chief into the community center. By the end of this story, they’d be at Matt’s truck. He hoped they wouldn’t decide to search СКАЧАТЬ