Baby On The Run. Hope White
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Название: Baby On The Run

Автор: Hope White

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: The Baby Protectors

isbn: 9781474080590



      “For my peace of mind.”

      With a curious frown, she got out of the car and retrieved the sleeping child. His head rested on her shoulder as she carried him through the parking lot.

      “Want me to carry him?” he offered.

      “You’ve got a concussion. You shouldn’t be carrying anything.”

      Good point, which just went to show that his brain was muddled. As they approached the hospital, the state trooper joined them. “I’ve gotta go. When you’re done being treated, call this number.” He handed Matt a business card. “They’ll send someone to take your statement.”

      “Thanks,” Matt said.

      The cop turned to Jenna. “Ma’am, don’t worry. They’ll take good care of your husband.”

      When Jenna didn’t correct the “husband” remark, Matt glanced at her. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. Why? Because she was worried about Matt’s condition? No, something else was going on.

      “Thanks again, Officer,” Matt said, and motioned Jenna inside.

      Once they were seated in the waiting area, he noticed her hand trembling as she stroked the little boy’s back.

      “It’ll be okay,” Matt offered. “Help’s on the way.”

      No reaction. She didn’t nod, shrug or even roll her eyes. She continued to stare straight ahead with a dazed look on her face.


      She seemed lost in another world, as if she was having a flashback, and not a good one. He touched her arm that held the boy against her shoulder. She didn’t look at him. The child was asleep, sucking on a pacifier and clinging to his stuffed bear.

      Matt slid a chair in front of her and blocked her view. “Jenna, look at me.”

      She blinked, and her wounded green eyes connected with Matt’s. It felt like he’d been slugged in the gut.

      “You’re okay,” he said.

      “I...I don’t like hospitals.”

      “What happened?” he asked.

      “I’m sorry?”

      “To make you not like hospitals?”

      She took a deep breath, opened her mouth and closed it again. Then she said, “I got hurt.”

      The way she articulated those three words reminded him of a little girl who’d fallen on the playground. But Jenna wasn’t a little girl, and he suspected she’d suffered a lot worse than a skinned knee.

      “You’re not hurt now,” he said, gently squeezing her shoulder. “You’re A-okay.”

      She was more than okay in Matt’s eyes. This woman was strong, smart and determined to do the right thing, to protect her friend’s child.

      “I won’t be okay until this little boy is safe with his cousin.” The fear in her eyes turned to anger.

      “I understand, but I need to ask you something. What about the boy’s father? I mean, at this point you could be accused of kidnapping.”

      “His mother begged me to protect Eli, especially from Gary. What would you have me do, hand him over to an abusive father?”

      “Of course not, but there are laws and procedures for cases like this.”

      “What about the law for murder? Or does that not apply to cops? The police are obviously involved, so excuse me if I don’t have much faith in the law.”

      “If Chief Billings killed—”

      “If? You don’t believe me?”

      “I do, but we need more than your word. In the meantime, we have to protect you and the little boy. My people can help.”

      “Cops won’t help me.”

      “The chief is one bad cop out of what, twenty on the Cedar River Police force? That doesn’t mean they’re all bad.” That I’m bad.

      “Chloe’s husband is wealthy. I’m sure he can make them bad by throwing money at them.”

      “You’re awfully cynical for such a young woman.”

      “Well, at least I’m not dead.”

      That comment stopped him cold. Was she referring to her friend or herself? Had someone threatened Jenna’s life, putting her in the hospital?

      “Mr. Weller?” a nurse said from the examining room door.

      He put up his hand, indicating he’d heard her. Matt studied Jenna. “Will you come in with me?”

      She looked at him but didn’t answer.

      “I don’t want to leave you and the child alone,” he said.

      With a nod, she stood and accompanied him into the examining area.

      * * *

      Jenna managed to keep Eli comfortable and asleep, Bubba the bear wedged firmly between the child’s cheek and Jenna’s shoulder. As the doctor put a few stitches in Matthew’s head wound and examined his other injuries—bruised ribs and a reddened cheek—she struggled to distance herself from the situation. Not easy when she was surrounded by the smells, sights and sounds that triggered violent memories.

      Her left eye swollen shut.

      Pain piercing across her torso every time she drew a breath.

      Knowing that she’d lost her baby, even before the doctor had told her.

      As she rocked with Eli in her arms, she decided she had to get out of this hospital before she completely lost it and burst into uncontrollable tears.

      Snap out of it. Stop thinking about yourself, and focus on the little boy.

      “Want me to hold him?” Matt asked.

      She glanced up. They were alone in the examining area. The doctor and nurse had left and she hadn’t even noticed. She must pay more attention to her surroundings.

      “Are you ready to go?” she said.

      “Not quite. The nurse is getting me an ice bag and ibuprofen to take home.” He shook his head. “Home? What am I talking about?” he muttered.

      “How’s your... Did you tell them about your memory?”

      “No. Didn’t want to give them a reason to admit me.”

      “Maybe they should do a CT scan.”

      “Not necessary. You’re not the only one who’s suffered a concussion before.”