Montana Cowboy Family. Linda Ford
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Название: Montana Cowboy Family

Автор: Linda Ford

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы

Серия: Big Sky Country

isbn: 9781474065191


СКАЧАТЬ shrugged. “Nah. Not my pa. Someone else.”

      “Well, let me tell you. That someone else is wrong. Very, very wrong. There is nothing wrong with men helping with dishes or sweeping the floor or anything like that. It’s true what Miss Sadie says. Sometimes the men are too busy to take time for household chores, but when my little sister was born, my pa did all those things for my ma. He said she deserved a rest. And my grandfather took care of my grandmother and did all those things when she was ill. You ever see my pa and grandfather?” He didn’t wait for Sammy to answer. “They are big men.” He flexed his muscles to indicate both size and strength. “No one would call them sissies.” He gave Sammy a mock scowl meant to make the boy realize men could be men and still do dishes.

      Sammy looked him up and down twice. “Are they as big as you?”

      Logan would not expand his chest as Sammy had earlier, but he couldn’t keep from glancing at Sadie to see her reaction and barely managed not to stare as she grinned at him.

      “All the Marshall men are big and blond,” she told Sammy.

      “And they do dishes?”

      “I’ll tell you a secret.” Logan leaned over and crooked his finger to bring Sammy closer so he could whisper in his ear, though he didn’t speak too softly for Sadie to hear. “My brother Dawson just got married and he said doing dishes with his new wife is the best part of the day.”

      “No!” Sammy’s look dared him to say it was the truth.

      “Yup. He says it makes his wife so grateful she kisses him right then and there.”

      “Yuck. Sure hope nobody’s going to kiss me if I help with dishes.”

      Logan and Sadie looked at each other and laughed. He couldn’t help but notice the twinkle in her eyes. Was she thinking doing dishes together would be special?

      He slammed a fist into his thoughts. Of course she didn’t, and neither did he.

      Again remembering Sammy’s sore back, Logan squeezed the boy’s arm. “I can’t promise someone won’t want to kiss you but probably not until you’re a lot older and then you won’t mind.”

      He backed away. “Ain’t no one gonna kiss me.”

      Logan grinned, knowing Sammy’s attitude would change soon enough. “Come on. Let’s be brave men. I’ll wash. You dry.” He handed Sammy a towel.

      “What’s Miss Sadie going to do?”

      “I’ll put things away and wash the table.”


      At the reluctance dragging the word out, Logan glanced again at Sadie and, when their eyes met, he saw a reflection of his amusement and they grinned at each other. Her smile slowly disappeared but their look held. The moment was fragile with possibility. His heart lurched sideways.

      She blinked rapidly and spun away to scrub the table until it could well bleed if it had any life in it.

      He brought his attention back to the basin of hot water and the dirty dishes, telling himself he had imagined the sensation that she’d seen deep into his soul. But something had happened and he was at a loss to understand what.

      Beth tiptoed from the bedroom just as Sammy dried the last pot. “I’m so sorry, but Jeannie wouldn’t let me go until she fell asleep.”

      Sadie gave the girl a sideways squeeze. “I’m glad you were there to comfort her. It must be scary to have your father disappear and then be moved.”

      Beth didn’t say anything but slipped from under Sadie’s arm.

      Logan couldn’t miss the disappointment in Sadie’s face. He’d have to reassure her that it would take time to win their trust.

      “Sammy, let’s fill the wood box.” Sammy trotted after him. As Logan chopped wood, Sammy gathered it up and carried it inside.

      Logan returned indoors and looked around. Everything was in order. The children fit into these rooms with ease, and Sadie appeared to have everything under control.

      His sense of peace exploded as screams came from the bedroom. He rushed to the door, as did everyone else. They crowded through. He looked around and saw nothing amiss except Jeannie sitting in the middle of the bed, her mouth open as she wailed, tears washing her face.

      “Mama. Mama,” she gasped.

      Beth sank to the edge of the bed and pulled her little sister onto her lap. “Hush, baby, hush.”

      Jeannie clung to Beth’s neck. The high-pitched crying softened to shuddering sobs. Finally, Jeannie sniffed. She wiped her eyes and stared at Logan. “Papa?”

      Beth shifted the youngster to her other shoulder. “It’s not Papa.”

      Jeannie leaned around Beth to stare at Logan. Even in the dim light of the room darkened by heavy drapes, Logan could see how her eyes widened. His heart went out to this poor child. He lifted a hand, thinking to brush it over her hair, then, remembering how wary the children were of being touched, he lowered his arm to his side, at a loss to know what to say or do.

      Jeannie struggled free of Beth’s grasp and made her way around the bed to stand in front of Logan. “Papa.” She said the word with such conviction that Logan knew her sleep-drowsy mind had convinced her that her papa had returned. He could not disappoint the child even though she would soon realize he wasn’t their father.

      He picked up Jeannie.

      With a deep sigh, Jeannie rested her head against his neck, her comfort rag clutched in one hand. Her warm breath tickled his skin and he breathed in the scent of little girl. Something that he would have denied if asked stirred within him. Would he ever have a child of his own? He pushed aside the question and, following his earlier instincts, brushed his hand over her head, her hair soft as a downy chick. His eyes grew surprisingly hot.

      Beth and Sadie stood before him. Beth’s hands curled into fists. Her lips drew into a thin line and her eyes were hard as river rock.

      Sadie’s eyes revealed little in the low light, but her lips curved upward.

      He met her gaze and felt a jolt in the pit of his stomach that he was at a loss to understand. Except it seemed she approved. Of what? The way Jeannie had come to him thinking he was her pa? Or did she like seeing him hold a little girl?

      “She’s asleep again. I’ll take her.” Beth’s tone made it clear she didn’t approve of this contact between Logan and her little sister.

      He slipped the child into her sister’s arms and stood by as Beth put her back to bed. He was ready to take Jeannie again, should she want it. But Jeannie curled on her side, her rag pulled to her chest, and slept.

      They tiptoed from the room.

      In the evening light coming through the windows, Logan could see Sadie’s expression better.

      She scrubbed her lips together and looked thoughtful. “Does she waken often like that?” she asked Beth.

      Beth СКАЧАТЬ