Montana Cowboy Daddy. Linda Ford
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Название: Montana Cowboy Daddy

Автор: Linda Ford

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы

Серия: Big Sky Country

isbn: 9781474058612


СКАЧАТЬ far is the ranch?” Miss Young asked.

      “The buildings are only four miles from town but the ranch lands extend far to the west and south.” Less distance to the north but they wouldn’t care about specifics. He glanced over his shoulder to speak to the ladies. And met Isabelle’s gaze. His thoughts stumbled and righted, and he remembered what he meant to say. “Have any of you been on a ranch before?”

      “No. I’m anxious to see it.” Perhaps Isabelle spoke for all of them.

      He couldn’t help wondering if she would be amused and entertained for a time or immediately bored by the realities of ranch life, much of it plain hard work, often repetitive and boring.

      “Can you tell us a little about your ranch?” Miss Young asked.

      Was she the only one who was curious? “My grandfather moved here just over a dozen years ago. He brought with him his two sons, my father and my uncle, as well as me and my two brothers—Conner is twenty-two, four years younger than me, and Logan two years younger than that—and our sister, Annie. My mother came, as well, but she passed away four years ago. My father took over the ranch and Uncle George runs the mercantile in town. According to Grandfather, he fought the elements, the Indians, the government, rustlers and gold miners to build a successful ranch.”

      “And your grandmother?” Kate asked, gently.

      “She died before we moved out here. Grandfather has never remarried.” He continued telling about the ranch. “We raise horses and cattle. The discovery of gold has given us a ready market for many of our animals.”

      Mattie turned around to face the ladies. “You’ll like the ranch. It’s the best place in the world. Too bad you have to live in town.”

      All the ladies chuckled at Mattie’s comment.

      “Teachers have to live in town,” Miss Young said.

      “So do doctors,” Kate added.

      Dawson waited for Isabelle to say something. When she didn’t, he turned to look at her. She wore an expression he could only describe as both surprised and hopeful.

      She blinked as she realized he watched her. “I have never lived anywhere but a city. I don’t even know what to expect.”

      Mattie clapped her hands. “You are going to like it so much. It will be lots of fun.”

      No one corrected her assumption that Isabelle would be living on the ranch. Or maybe Mattie only meant visiting.

      He turned the corner where the trail climbed up an incline. They reached the crest, allowing them to see the ranch buildings in the hollow beyond. Pride filled his heart. “I was twelve when we moved here, full of excitement and expectation as only a young lad could be.”

      Isabelle’s soft response came from the back. “I would say your grandfather was full of the same emotions.”

      He’d never thought of that, but it was no doubt true. He pointed out the buildings. “The house greets you as you approach the ranch.” A two-story log-and-timber structure, it was big enough for many Marshalls, Grandfather had said on several occasions. “Barns, storehouses, harness room...” Dawson indicated the various buildings. All except the smaller house tucked into a copse of trees to the right of the main house, which he didn’t wish to discuss. Unfortunately, he hadn’t had an opportunity to warn Mattie and she pointed directly at it.

      “That used to be our house before Mama died.”

      A pall of silence fell over the occupants of the buggy.

      “Now I live with Grandfather, Grandpa Bud, Aunt Annie, Uncle Logan and Uncle Conner.”

      Doc recovered first, perhaps more accustomed to dealing with death’s consequences. “It would appear you have lots of people to love you and take care of you.”

      “Yup. I surely do. Though Aunt Annie says sometimes I’m more nuisance than I’m worth.” She paused and Dawson held his breath, hoping his daughter wasn’t preparing another verbal explosive to drop on them. Now everyone would think she was neglected and maybe worse.

      As if to prove his fears, a gasp came from the backseat. Dawson wouldn’t allow himself to turn and see which of the ladies was the most shocked.

      “But then,” Mattie continued in a cheerful voice he hoped indicated she was well loved, “she kisses me right here.” She touched the top of her head. “And says she doesn’t regret it for a minute. She says life would be boring without me. That’s right, isn’t it, Papa?”

      “Indeed it would.” Though at the moment he could do with a little boredom. Dawson had heard Annie teasing Mattie about being a nuisance, usually when she’d gotten into mischief, but his guests did not have that information. He spoke to them all but his eyes went only to Isabelle.

      “Mattie makes it sound like my sister resents her but that’s not the case. She adores Mattie.”

      He broke from Isabelle’s gaze to smile at his daughter. “Isn’t that so, little one?”

      “Uh-huh. She says she doesn’t know what she’d do without me.”

      “That’s sweet,” Isabelle murmured. “It appears to be a fine arrangement for all involved.”

      “It is.” He glanced over his shoulder again, saw Isabelle and Mattie eye one another with what he could only describe as longing. His insides twisted.

      “Mattie, face front before you fall.”

      “Yes, Papa.”

      As his daughter turned around, he caught on her face an expression he hadn’t seen before and was at a loss to interpret. But a shudder crossed his shoulders. He must protect Mattie from being hurt by dreaming impossible dreams about Isabelle. How was he to do that when he had cows to check on? And a town to rebuild? And a hundred details to take care of?

      * * *

      Isabelle wanted to pull little Mattie close and hug her. A motherless child surrounded by adults who put up with her, yet, at the same time, loved her. Something in Mattie’s eyes convinced Isabelle the child wanted more...needed more. Though she had no reason to jump to such a conclusion. Nothing but the echo of her own heart.

      However, they arrived at the ranch house and Isabelle didn’t have time to dwell on it. She looked about. This was her chance to see ranch life, and if she used it to observe Mattie’s home life, as well, who could judge her for that?

      The house rose before them, solid and large as if built to withstand the challenges of nature. A wide veranda provided protection from the elements.

      Dawson held his hand out to assist her to the ground. She meant to avoid looking directly at him but her gaze drew toward his and halted there. His blue eyes blazed a warning. Why? What had she done? She stumbled and he gripped her hand hard until she got her feet under her.

      She hurried to the veranda, dismissing the moment as imaginary. He had nothing to fear from her and she wanted nothing from him. Turning to study her surroundings, she enjoyed a wonderful view of the treed mountains to the west. Her heart filled with strength and joy, and a Bible verse sprang to her mind. As СКАЧАТЬ