The Rebel Heir's Bride. Patricia Thayer
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Название: The Rebel Heir's Bride

Автор: Patricia Thayer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Romance

isbn: 9781408909966


СКАЧАТЬ and covered in a removable cast strapped from his foot up over his knee to his thigh. It served to protect the damaged bone so it could heal properly. If it ever did. Three months since the accident, and he wasn’t feeling so damn cocky anymore.

      With a groan Brady dropped into the Adirondack chair. This was about as far as he traveled these days. He was tired of doing nothing but sleeping, eating and sitting around. Oh, yeah, he forgot about going to therapy twice a week. Or maybe he should call it torture.

      After all his hard work, he hoped for a payoff, some good news when he saw the doctor next week. With a little luck he could get the cast off and finally be able to walk on his own again.

      “Wouldn’t that be a miracle,” he murmured in frustration.

      He sighed, recalling the vivid details of the accident that had caused him to drop right out of the sky. He’d barely had time to eject from the cockpit before the crash of his F-16.

      Brady tensed. He could still feel the bone-bruising tremors; hear the death screams of the powerful aircraft disintegrating as it plowed into the desert floor. He’d gone over and over in his head what he could have done differently. What had gone so terribly wrong that day?

      Was this possibly the end of Captain “Rebel” Randell’s air force career?

      Now instead of being in the cockpit of the Fighting Falcon, he was parked on a porch of the foreman’s house outside San Angelo, Texas. His daddy’s home, the Rocking R Ranch. After Sam Randell’s death, it now belonged to him and his half brother, Luke, who, after thirty years, he’d finally met. Since the accident, Brady had needed a place to heal. He thought a remote, inherited ranch would be perfect for a loner like him.

      Brady stared out toward the barn and corral area where his new sister-in-law, Tess Randell, was working one of her horses in the large arena. She rode like nobody’s business. Watching her skill and grace was the treat of his day. That and being left alone.

      Brady closed his eyes and leaned back. Not that he was going to get any peace and quiet staying here. He had family coming out of the woodwork. Up at the main ranch house Luke lived with his bride and readymade family—a young daughter, Livy, Tess’s father, Ray, who had Alzheimer’s and kept referring to Brady as Sam’s boy. And Aunt Bernice, who spoke her mind and could cook up a storm.

      They weren’t so bad, but the six Randell cousins who lived in the neighboring ranches with all their wives and kids were a bit much. And there were lots of kids. Evidently, there wasn’t much else to do on the ranch during those long nights.

      With a groan he shifted in his chair, recalling the last time he’d spent the night with a willing woman. It had been too long.

      “Excuse me, are you all right?”

      At the sound of a female voice, Brady’s eyes shot open. He blinked and focused on a pair of big, emerald-green eyes staring back at him from the edge of the porch. They belonged to a petite woman dressed in snug jeans, a white blouse and a denim jacket. Her hair was the rich color of cinnamon, cut just at her jawline, and wayward strands brushed against her full lips. A black cowboy hat sat firmly on her head.

      He swallowed the sudden dryness in his throat. “I’m fine,” he told her.

      “I heard you groan and—” she glanced down at his injured leg “—wondered if you were in pain.”

      Damn right he was. “I’m fine,” he repeated.

      She gave him a half smile and his heart began to race. “Then I apologize for disturbing you.”

      This woman could disturb a man in a coma. She looked like every man’s dream. That was if you were into fiery redheads. Oh, yeah. He sat up straighter. “Are you lost or something?”

      She looked around. “I’m here to see Tess Randell.”

      Brady glanced at the oversize case she was toting. Great, a solicitor out in the middle of nowhere. “If you’re here to sell her something, she’s busy.”

      The woman shook her head and raised an eyebrow. “Actually, I was invited. She called me.”


      Her shoulders tensed. “If you’ll just direct me to Tess Randell, I won’t bother you any longer.”

      From the corner of his eye, Brady saw his sister-in-law hurrying toward them. “Looks like we’ll both get our wish,” he told the pretty intruder.

      Tess rushed toward them. “Good, you found us,” she said a little breathless. The statuesque blonde wore her long hair tired back in a ponytail. “Did you have much trouble with my directions?”

      The redhead glanced at Brady. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

      Smiling, Tess’s gaze shifted to him. “Have you two met?”

      Before Brady could speak, the woman said, “We haven’t had a chance.”

      “Brady, this is Dr. Lindsey Stafford. She’s the new veterinarian taking over Dr. Hillman’s practice while he’s recovering from his hip surgery. Be nice, or you’ll have to answer to the Randell cousins, especially Travis. He went all the way to Dallas to find her.” Tess turned to the redhead. “Lindsey, this is my brother-in-law, Brady Randell. He’s a captain in the air force.”

      Lindsey fought her nervousness. Not because the man was drop-dead gorgeous, but every time she met another Randell she was afraid someone would figure out who she was.

      “It was nice to meet you, Brady.” She held out her hand.

      He shook it. “Same here, Doc. You’ll excuse me if I don’t get up.”

      She nodded, not missing the sarcasm in his voice. “Hope you have a speedy recovery.”

      Those midnight eyes locked with hers. “Not nearly as much as I do.”

      “Well,” Tess began, “I better take you down to the barn.” She turned to Brady. “You need anything?”

      “No, I can manage.”

      Tess nodded. “If you see Luke, tell him where I went. Come with me, Lindsey.”

      Lindsey quickly followed Tess along the path. She didn’t want to have any more conversation with the man.

      “Sorry about my brother-in-law,” Tess began. “He’s recovering from an accident and is a little antsy with his confinement. Of course, that doesn’t excuse his rude behavior.”

      “You don’t have to apologize for him. I’ll just keep my distance next visit.”

      Tess Randell was beautiful to begin with, but when she smiled she was gorgeous. Tall, with long legs, her every movement was graceful. Everything Lindsey always wanted to be. But at twenty-nine she was resigned to the fact she’d stopped growing at five-foot-three, and her freckles across her nose would not suddenly vanish.

      They arrived at the pristine white barn and walked inside. Lindsey looked around the well-kept area where new-looking stalls lined both walls. She followed Tess down the center aisle to a section that was designated as the grooming area. A stable boy was washing one of the horses.