The Andromeda Evolution. Michael Crichton
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Название: The Andromeda Evolution

Автор: Michael Crichton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая фантастика


isbn: 9780008172985


СКАЧАТЬ like me, boys and girls. You just have to obey me. Because the very last thing you want is to end up out here all alone.”


      DISPATCHED TO THE AMAZON JUNGLE ON AN HOUR’S notice, the Wildfire field team had been as well equipped as possible given the abbreviated logistical timeline. The following partial manifest is technical in nature, but nonetheless illuminating in its content. Previously classified, the full inventory is now stored in the National Archives.


      Tropical loadout as determined by Marine Corps Jungle Warfare Training Center (est. Okinawa, Japan). All items stowed in Umlindi all-weather backpack, Tarahumara attachment, chest-mounted heavy recon kit bag. ATTIRE to incl. standard-issue civilian jungle dress, USMC-approved boots, Merino blend socks x4, tactical wind shirt, rain gear. TOOL and TOOL ROLL to incl. machete, whistle, compass, flashlight, fire starter, multi-tool, all-purpose utensil, leather gloves, trowel. SLEEP SYSTEM to incl. hammock w/ bug screen and rain fly, mountain serape, cordage.

      Local guides to carry SURVIVAL KIT / COOKING KIT / TRAUMA KIT / WEAPONS KIT.



      Aerosolized cellulose-based Andromeda inhibitor, 200 oz. Based on subject’s Wildfire research and developed in cooperation with Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), Delhi campus. (Protected by US top-secret classification and IIT Act in the Republic of India.) Contains no latex elements. Mimics the Andromeda nanostructure to remain invisible to known microparticle varieties (AS-1 & AS-2). Multiple interleaved layers are self-cleaning, providing a low-viscosity surface that repels liquid, dust, etc. Totally inert, indigestible, and requiring infrequent reapplication.


      Projectile-tipped seismic sensor package, 16 count. Single-use deployment, locally networked and AI-enabled. Developed under Kenyan government research grant KIR-2300B and designed for detection of wildlife migration, geological activity, and criminal poaching. Fine-tunable for surface or subsurface events, with innate machine-learning capability for pattern recognition and noise cancellation. Additional specialty loadout, incl.: compact infrasound detector; soil moisture meter; portable core saw.


      Chinese-made Dyclone-Wa portable field science and engineering kit—including packable light microscopy; portable autoclave; mass spectrum analyzer; gas and liquid chromatograph; pH meter; refractometer; microcentrifuge; wireless data logging and backup; satellite upload capability; twenty-seven built-in sensors and autosampler; and automatic sensor testing and calibration. Appropriate for field experimentation across multiple disciplines.


      Palm-size “canary” self-charging mini-drones, 12 count. Charging base station integrated into portable backpack. Mounted with five-axis radial blade, four propellers with redundant, interchangeable parts. Sensor package: miniaturized laser rangefinder (submillimeter precision); low- and high-res camera imaging; gyroscopic inertial measurement unit; toxin-detecting environmental sensors (including AS-1 and AS-2 detection). Capable of concerted real-time map-building; collision avoidance; three-dimensional path-finding. No extra payload capacity.


      <REDACTED by order of US Government Approved Presidential Secret Order #3028.>

       Start of image description: DAY 2 WILDFIRE, In a disaster … individual personality does not matter. Almost everything you do is going to make it worse., —MICHAEL CRICHTON. End of image description

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