Hercule Poirot’s Christmas. Agatha Christie
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Название: Hercule Poirot’s Christmas

Автор: Agatha Christie

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Poirot

isbn: 9780007422371


СКАЧАТЬ thinking and wondering—all the afternoon! Splendid! I’ll have ’em up now. Go and get them.’

      ‘Yes, sir.’

      Horbury walked noiselessly across the room and went out.

      ‘And, Horbury—’

      The old man looked round, then cursed to himself.

      ‘Fellow moves like a cat. Never know where he is.’

      He sat quite still in his chair, his fingers caressing his chin till there was a tap on the door, and Alfred and Lydia came in.

      ‘Ah, there you are, there you are. Sit here, Lydia, my dear, by me. What a nice colour you’ve got.’

      ‘I’ve been out in the cold. It makes one’s cheeks burn afterwards.’

      Alfred said:

      ‘How are you, Father, did you have a good rest this afternoon?’

      ‘First rate—first rate. Dreamt about the old days! That was before I settled down and became a pillar of society.’

      He cackled with sudden laughter.

      His daughter-in-law sat silently smiling with polite attention.

      Alfred said:

      ‘What’s this, Father, about two extra being expected for Christmas?’

      ‘Ah, that! Yes, I must tell you about that. It’s going to be a grand Christmas for me this year—a grand Christmas. Let me see, George is coming and Magdalene—’

      Lydia said:

      ‘Yes, they are arriving tomorrow by the five-twenty.’

      Old Simeon said:

      ‘Poor stick, George! Nothing but a gasbag! Still, he is my son.’

      Alfred said:

      ‘His constituents like him.’

      Simeon cackled again.

      ‘They probably think he’s honest. Honest! There never was a Lee who was honest yet.’

      ‘Oh, come now, Father.’

      ‘I except you, my boy. I except you.’

      ‘And David?’ asked Lydia.

      ‘David now. I’m curious to see the boy after all these years. He was a namby-pamby youngster. Wonder what his wife is like? At any rate he hasn’t married a girl twenty years younger than himself, like that fool George!’

      ‘Hilda wrote a very nice letter,’ said Lydia. ‘I’ve just had a wire from her confirming it and saying they are definitely arriving tomorrow.’

      Her father-in-law looked at her, a keen, penetrating glance.

      He laughed.

      ‘I never get any change out of Lydia,’ he said. ‘I’ll say this for you, Lydia, you’re a well-bred woman. Breeding tells. I know that well enough. A funny thing, though, heredity. There’s only one of you that’s taken after me—only one out of all the litter.’

      His eyes danced.

      ‘Now guess who’s coming for Christmas. I’ll give you three guesses and I’ll bet you a fiver you won’t get the answer.’

      He looked from one face to the other. Alfred said frowning:

      ‘Horbury said you expected a young lady.’

      ‘That intrigued you—yes, I dare say it did. Pilar will be arriving any minute now. I gave orders for the car to go and meet her.’

      Alfred said sharply:


      Simeon said:

      ‘Pilar Estravados. Jennifer’s girl. My granddaughter. I wonder what she’ll be like.’

      Alfred cried out:

      ‘Good heavens, Father, you never told me…’

      The old man was grinning.

      ‘No, I thought I’d keep it a secret! Got Charlton to write out and fix things.’

      Alfred repeated, his tone hurt and reproachful:

      ‘You never told me…’

      His father said, still grinning wickedly:

      ‘It would have spoilt the surprise! Wonder what it will be like to have young blood under this roof again? I never saw Estravados. Wonder which the girl takes after—her mother or her father?’

      ‘Do you really think it’s wise, Father,’ began Alfred. ‘Taking everything into consideration—’

      The old man interrupted him.

      ‘Safety—safety—you play for safety too much, Alfred! Always have! That hasn’t been my way! Do what you want and be damned to it! That’s what I say! The girl’s my granddaughter—the only grandchild in the family! I don’t care what her father was or what he did! She’s my flesh and blood! And she’s coming to live here in my house.’

      Lydia said sharply: ‘She’s coming to live here?’

      He darted a quick look at her. ‘Do you object?’

      She shook her head. She said smiling:

      ‘I couldn’t very well object to your asking someone to your own house, could I? No, I was wondering about—her.’

      ‘About her—what d’you mean?’

      ‘Whether she would be happy here.’

      Old Simeon flung up his head.

      ‘She’s not got a penny in the world. She ought to be thankful!’

      Lydia shrugged her shoulders.

      Simeon turned to Alfred:

      ‘You see? It’s going to be a grand Christmas! All my children round me. All my children! There, Alfred, there’s your clue. Now guess who the other visitor is.’

      Alfred stared at him.

      ‘All my children! Guess, boy! Harry, of course! Your brother Harry!’

      Alfred had gone very pale. He stammered:

      ‘Harry—not Harry—’

      ‘Harry himself!’

      ‘But СКАЧАТЬ