Paddington on Top. Michael Bond
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Название: Paddington on Top

Автор: Michael Bond

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9780007403028


СКАЧАТЬ “You seem to have gone quite pale.”

      Looking at Mr Eustace, even his best friends would have had to admit that the headmaster’s remarks about his complexion were the understatement of the year. He looked positively green as he sat clutching his stomach. “That tin,” he moaned, “happens to belong to my biology class. It’s the one I keep my worms in!”

      Paddington looked up from the stewpot. “Would anyone else like any seconds?” he asked hopefully.

      The headmaster removed an invisible speck of dust from his lapel as he gathered his thoughts. It had taken him a long while to explain to the Browns all that had happened to Paddington at St Luke’s. It hadn’t been an easy task, particularly as he still wasn’t sure of all the facts himself.

      “The long and short of it is,” he said, “we… er… that is, my colleagues and I, feel that until young Mr Brown has a proper school uniform he’d be much better off staying at home.”

      “A school uniform?” broke in Mrs Brown. She looked at Paddington. “But we shall never get one to fit him.”

      The headmaster gave a cough as he rose to his feet. “Er… exactly” he said. “I’ve had a word with the Inspector and in the circumstances he’s perfectly happy to take my advice. All in all I think it will be much the best thing.”

      He paused at the door and looked back at Paddington with the suspicion of a twinkle in his eye. “I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know,” he said, “that your suspicions were ill-founded. Mr Eustace’s tin hadn’t fallen in the stew after all. We found it under the table. Both the worms and Mr Eustace are doing very well.

      “I have a feeling,” he said, addressing Mrs Brown as he made to leave, “that in any case, there’s not much we at St Luke’s can teach bears.”

      “I wonder what he meant by that last remark?” said Mrs Brown, when she came into the room after saying goodbye to the headmaster. “Have you any idea, Paddington?”

      But Paddington had his eyes closed. One way and another it had been a tiring day at school and he wasn’t at all sorry to put his paws up.

      Mrs Brown sighed. She sometimes wished it wasn’t quite so hard to tell what he was thinking.

      “If you ask me,” said Mrs Bird, reading her thoughts, “it’s probably just as well. There’s no knowing what we might find out – especially when it comes to school-bears!”

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