All Life Is Yoga: The Sunlit Way of Yoga. Sri Aurobindo
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Название: All Life Is Yoga: The Sunlit Way of Yoga

Автор: Sri Aurobindo

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9783963870651



      The intellectual attitude comes first and practice follows little by little. What is very important is to maintain very alert the will to live and to be what one knows to be the truth. Then it is impossible to stop and even more to fall back.


      Words of the Mother

      All human beings have a spiritual destiny which is near or far depending on each one’s determination.

      One must will in all sincerity.


      Words of the Mother

      All depends upon the choice of the force that you allow to make use of you as its instrument. And the choice has to be made at every moment of your life.


      Words of the Mother

      It is the conflict in you between what is attached to ordinary life and what aspires for the divine life. It is up to you to choose which is the strongest in you and to act accordingly.


      Words of the Mother

      You can follow the meanderings of innumerable reincarnations or choose the steep and rapid path of intensive “sadhana”.


      Words of the Mother

      He who follows the steep path that climbs the heights can easily slip down into the abyss.


      Words of the Mother

      For those whose destiny it is to scale the summits, the least false step risks being a mortal danger.


      Words of the Mother

      The perfect path: for each one the path which leads fastest to the Divine.


      Words of the Mother

      All was gold and gold and gold, a torrent of golden light pouring down in an uninterrupted flow and bringing with it the consciousness that the path of the gods is a sunlit path in which difficulties lose all reality.

      Such is the path open before us if we choose to take it.

      * * *

      Chapter 9

      The Sunlit Path to Divine Grace

      Words of Sri Aurobindo

      To walk through life armoured against all fear, peril and disaster, only two things are needed, two that go always together – the Grace of the Divine Mother and on your side an inner state made up of faith, sincerity and surrender. Let your faith be pure, candid and perfect. An egoistic faith in the mental and vital being tainted by ambition, pride, vanity, mental arrogance, vital self-will, personal demand, desire for the petty satisfactions of the lower nature is a low and smoke-obscured flame that cannot burn upwards to heaven. Regard your life as given you only for the divine work and to help in the divine manifestation. Desire nothing but the purity, force, light, wideness, calm, Ananda of the divine consciousness and its insistence to transform and perfect your mind, life and body. Ask for nothing but the divine, spiritual and supramental Truth, its realisation on earth and in you and in all who are called and chosen and the conditions needed for its creation and its victory over all opposing forces.

      Let your sincerity and surrender be genuine and entire. When you give yourself, give completely, without demand, without condition, without reservation so that all in you shall belong to the Divine Mother and nothing be left to the ego or given to any other power.

      The more complete your faith, sincerity and surrender, the more will grace and protection be with you. And when the grace and protection of the Divine Mother are with you, what is there that can touch you or whom need you fear? A little of it even will carry you through all difficulties, obstacles and dangers; surrounded by its full presence you can go securely on your way because it is hers, careless of all menace, unaffected by any hostility however powerful, whether from this world or from worlds invisible. Its touch can turn difficulties into opportunities, failure into success and weakness into unfaltering strength. For the grace of the Divine Mother is the sanction of the Supreme and now or tomorrow its effect is sure, a thing decreed, inevitable and irresistible.

      * * *

Part II
The Mother

      The Mother

      Do not take my words for a teaching. Always they are a force in action, uttered with a definite purpose, and they lose their true power when separated from that purpose. – The Mother

      * * *

      Chapter 1

      The Call

      The Great Adventure

      We are in a very special situation, extremely special, without precedent. We are now witnessing the birth of a new world; it is very young, very weak – not in its essence but in its outer manifestation – not yet recognised, not even felt, denied by the majority. But it is here. It is here, making an effort to grow, absolutely sure of the result. But the road to it is a completely new road which has never before been traced out – nobody has gone there, nobody has done that! It is a beginning, a universal beginning. So, it is an absolutely unexpected and unpredictable adventure.

      There are people who love adventure. It is these I call, and I tell them this: “I invite you to the great adventure.”

      It is not a question of repeating spiritually what others have done before us, for our adventure begins beyond that. It is a question of a new creation, entirely new, with all the unforeseen events, the risks, the hazards it entails – a real adventure, whose goal is certain victory, but the road to which is unknown and must be traced out step by step in the unexplored. Something that has never been in this present uni verse and that will never be again in the same way. If that interests you... well, let us embark. What will happen to you tomorrow – I have no idea.

      One must put aside all that has been foreseen, all that has been devised, all that has been constructed, and then... set off walking into the unknown. And – come what may! There.

      * * *

      The Sublimest of Adventures

      There is a moment when life such as it is, the human consciousness such as it is, seems something absolutely impossible to bear, it creates a kind of disgust, repugnance; one says, “No, it is not that, it is not that; it can’t be that, it can’t continue.” Well, when one comes to this, there is only to throw in one’s all – all one’s effort, all one’s strength, all one’s life, all one’s being – into this chance, if you like, or this exceptional opportunity that is given to СКАЧАТЬ