The Principle of Hope. High Sensitive Introverted Emotional. Simone Janson
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Название: The Principle of Hope. High Sensitive Introverted Emotional

Автор: Simone Janson

Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH

Жанр: Экономика


isbn: 9783965962590


СКАЧАТЬ the center of our (small) universe. Egocentrism and selfishness are high on our agenda in our society.

      The winner takes it all?

      When it comes to our own interests, we try to implement them with many means. Even if my opponent remains on the line, pulls the short one, I talk him into the ground, no consideration can be taken.

      "The winner takes is all" ... In the short term, we can definitely achieve success with this behavior. In the long term, we are losing out: Who would like to talk to someone who is only interested in themselves?

      5 tips for true age centering

      Even if the admittedly admittedly in some talkshows has a very publicly effective method. With the following tips, age centering is quite simple:

      1, “The biggest mistake about communication is the assumption that it took place”.

      How often do we pass each other? Special expressions, technical terms, insider knowledge are a guarantee for this. It is a great challenge for many people. Especially for those who confuse specialist and social skills.

      Once again, communication is created by the recipient. Does your interlocutor share your specialization? No? Then down with the glasses, away with fixed value and action patterns, away with the special knowledge - only temporarily, of course.

      2. Give wishes of other space

      Even if these wishes are contrary to your own. To give space does not automatically give right, does not mean to accept for a long time. But listen and try to understand. Put yourself into your partner.

       What does he want to tell me about this statement?

       How can I support him?

       How does he see the situation?

      What brings you all this? Through understanding and understanding, it is easier and easier to take into account the interests and desires of the other, where it makes the least effort. You'll see it's worth it!

      3. Make a point: often times the flap hold

      Monologues are often self-runners. It is literally warm, it is often difficult to stop the flow of speech. Pay attention to your counterpart: Body language is worth a thousand words. With a little practice you will easily recognize tiredness, boredom, lack of interest in others.

      And, most of the time, this is not up to your uninvolved conversation partner, that's up to you! Include your opponent in the conversation, ask questions, be silent. Because they do not need to be the opposite. You can also conduct self-talks in the quiet chamber.

      4. Siegen - but also can do without

      Not only is the knowledge of the situation of the other being asked here, but the willingness to understand the thoughts and emotions of the counterpart, and the ability to really understand them.

      You can train it. Put yourself in the position of your partner and try to recognize his thoughts, emotions and intentions. Feel in his situation and show feelings like joy, enthusiasm, grief, compassion.

      There is always only one winner. Where there is a winner, there are always defeated, there are always one or more losers. There can be several winners, no losers are required. If you put the fight back, you will be at the forefront of your partner!

      Who am I dealing with?

      The core question with any successful communication is usually: What do I want to tell the other? This question should not be asked! Rather, with whom do I deal with?

      Whether in the interview with the personnel, as a salesperson in the car showroom with the customer, as a management with my employees, as a doctor in dealing with my patients, always the most successful is the questions

      1 Do I formulate and argue objectively correctly and addressee-fair?

      2 Does what I say or write come as I would like or would like to?

      can answer with a clear â € œYesâ €.

      Communication arises at the receiver

      Communication ultimately arises with the recipient. â € œI donâ € ™ t hear what you say, but what I can or want to hear, â € says an old saying. Therefore: Pay more attention to the person you are talking to or want to convince than to yourself.

      That is exactly what is meant by â € œalterocentrationâ €, namely putting yourself and your own value judgments at the back and focusing entirely on your partner and the cause.

      The top 4 of Alterozentrierung

      And such conversation partners are very popular with others. So that does not happen to you, here are the top 4 of Alterozentrierung:

      1. Not always â € œI; I; Iâ €

      Those who are not Alterozentriert wants to be in the foreground: I; I; I. It's all about:

       How can I enforce my own interests?

       How can I convince my counterpart of my own ideas?

       How can I get the most out of a situation?

      The I-Sager thinks and acts without regard for OTHERS. Only his advantage and his opinion count. Anyone who thinks and acts in an age-centered way does the opposite: it also allows the benefits and opinions of others.

      2. Not: "I am entitled to something different than others"

      â € œSelf guilty, â € he says to her when she complains again about his unwillingness to help with the household, â € œyou shouldnâ € ™ t have to do all that. And by the way: I'm not messing around here

      Some people give themselves more liberties than he wants others to stand, feels deeply in the right and has no place for the opinions and perspectives of others. Anyone who thinks and acts in an age-centered way does not.

      3. Not "where I am is up"

      How do I see others? This is the question that an aged man is posing. All the others do not do this, after all, it is about putting themselves at the top (optionally in the center).

      That others have a different perspective, different skills, different desires and needs - uninteresting and negligible. The main thing: recognition in the special role. People often believe that they get over exaggerations. Please do not!

      4. A little ego is for everyone

      But with all Alterozentrierung applies: Every person should be careful СКАЧАТЬ