Название: Умные земли. Секреты успеха образовательных сверхдержав
Автор: Люси Крехан
Издательство: Высшая Школа Экономики (ВШЭ)
Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература
Серия: Библиотека журнала «Вопросы образования»
Suggate S. School entry age and reading achievement in the 2006 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) // International Journal of Educational Research. 2009. Vol. 48. No. 3. P. 151–161.
McGuinness C., Sproule L., Bojke C. et al. Impact of a play-based curriculum in the first two years of primary school: Literacy and numeracy outcomes over seven years // British Educational Research Journal. 2014. Vol. 40. No. 5. P. 772–795; Schmerkotte H. Ergebnisse eines Vergleichs von Modellkindergärten und Vorklassen in Nordrhein-Westfalen // Bildung und Erziehung. 1978. Vol. 31. P. 401–411 (описаны результаты сравнения типичных детских садов и подготовительных дошкольных учреждений в Северном Рейне – Вестфалии); Marcon R. Moving up the grades: Relationship between preschool model and later school success // Early Childhood Research and Practice. 2002. Vol. 4. No. 1. P. 517–530.
Prais S.J. School-readiness, whole-class teaching and pupils’ mathematical attainments // Discussion Paper / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (London). 1997. No. 111; Kavkler M., Tancig S., Magajna L. et al. Getting it right from the start? The influence of early school entry on later achievements in mathematics // European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 2000. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 75–93.
Suggate S., Schaughency E., Reese E. Children learning to read later catch up to children reading earlier // Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 2013. Vol. 28. No. 1. P. 33–48.
Скептицизм никогда не покидает меня полностью – в такой сложной области твердое убеждение может быть опасным.
Dee T.S., Sievertsen H.H. The gift of time? School starting age and mental health // NBER Working Paper No. 21610. 2015. URL: www.nber.org/papers/w21610.
Black S., Devereux P., Salvanes K. Too young to leave the nest? The effects of school starting age // The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2011. Vol. 93. No. 2. P. 455–467.
Sylva K., Melhuish E., Sammons P. et al. The effective provision of pre-school education (EPPE) project: Technical Paper 12. The final report: Effective pre-school education / DfES, Institute of Education. L.: University of London, 2004.
PISA in focus. 2011. No. 1 (February). P. 1. URL: http://www.oecd.org/centrodemexico/medios/47181777.pdf.
Early language development and children’s primary school attainment in English and Maths. L.: Save the Children, 2016.
Melhuish E. A literature review of the impact of early years provision on young children, with emphasis given to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. L.: National Audit Office, 2004.
Sylva K., Melhuish E., Sammons P. et al. Op. cit.
Melhuish E. Op. cit. Автор не уточняет, что он подразумевает под «развивающей программой». Однако согласно одному из недавних исследований, ключевым фактором готовности ребенка к той или иной деятельности является не возраст (дети развиваются с разной скоростью), а то, в какой степени малыш соответствует предварительным условиям осуществления этой деятельности.
Suggate S. The parable of the slower and the long-term effects of early reading // European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 2015. Vol. 23. No. 4. P. 524–544.
Goswami U., Bryant P. Children’s cognitive development and learning. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, 2007. URL: http://cprtrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/research-survey‑2-1a.pdf.
Sylva K., Nabuco M.E. Research on quality in the curriculum // International Journal of Early Childhood. 1996. Vol. 28. No. 2. P. 1–6; Elkind D., Whitehurst G. Young Einsteins. Much too early: Much too late // Education Matters. 2001. Vol. 1. No. 2. P. 8–21. См. также работы Биргит и Фрэнка Спинат и Дженис Джейкобс с коллегами о влиянии воспринимаемой подготовленности (self-competence) детей на их мотивацию к учебе: Spinath B., Spinath F.M. Longitudinal analysis of the link between learning motivation and competence beliefs among elementary school children // Learning and Instruction. 2005. Vol. 15. No. 2. P. 87–102; Jacobs J.E., Lanza S., Osgood D.W. et al. Changes in children’s self-competence and values: Gender and domain differences across grades one through twelve // Child Development. 2002. Vol. 73. No. 2. P. 509–527.
Whitebread D. et al. All work and no play…? Presented at: Hay Festival, Hay-on-Wye, 27 May 2016.
Kiiveri K., Määttä K. Children’s opinions about learning to read // Early Child Development and Care. 2012. Vol. 182. No. 6. P. 755–769.
Leppänen U., Niemi P., Aunola K. et al. Development of reading skills among preschool and primary school pupils // Reading Research Quarterly. 2004. Vol. 39. No. 1. P. 72–93.
Suggate S. School entry age…