Secret Agent Affair. Marie Ferrarella
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Название: Secret Agent Affair

Автор: Marie Ferrarella

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы


isbn: 9781408908693




       There was just so much a man could endure before cracking .

      “Maybe you’d better go and change,” he told her.

      Marja raised her eyes to his. “Why?”

      Because I’m going to jump you in ten seconds if you don’t. “Because I can only be a gentleman for so long.” His eyes raked over her body.

      “And Doc, you’re pushing the envelope.”

      Her breath caught in her throat as excitement and anticipation rushed through her. “What makes you think I don’t want that envelope delivered?”

      “Careful what you wish for.”

      As he said the words, Kane could feel the last barrier of restraint shredding.


      This USA TODAY bestselling and RITA® Award-winning author has written more than one hundred and fifty books, some under the name Marie Nicole. Her romances are beloved by fans worldwide. Check out her website,

      Dear Reader,

      Well, here we are at the end of another miniseries, saying goodbye (worst word in the English language). Marja is the youngest of the Pulaski sisters and she is confident that the happiness her sisters have found is going to elude her, which is all right with her since she loves her family, her career and her lifestyle. Besides, a good man is hard to find – unless, of course, you happen to hit him with your car, which is exactly what happens to Marja. Horrified, she insists on taking care of the man herself, not knowing her life is about to change – drastically. However, not before she learns that things are never exactly what they seem and even the sexiest of men have secrets.

      I’ve had a wonderful time with this series, revisiting the place and, in part, the people I grew up with. And, as for this being the end of the line, well, you never know, there might be a cousin hiding in the wings somewhere, waiting to scrub up.

      As ever, I thank you for reading, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you love.


       Marie Ferrarella

      Secret Agent Affair




      Misiu and Marek,


      growing up in New York City



      Chapter 1

      She knew better.

      Of all people, Dr. Marja Pulaski knew to be alert when she was sitting behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.

      It really didn’t matter that the vehicle in question, a car she shared with her sister, Tania, was going at a pace that, in comparison, would have made the tortoise of “the Tortoise and the Hare” fame change his name to Lightning. A car was a dangerous weapon, an accident waiting to happen unless it was parked in a garage.

      Hadn’t she seen more than her share of auto accident victims in the E.R.? Marja was well versed in the kind of damage just the barest distraction could render.

      Her excuse, that she’d just come off a grueling double shift at Patience Memorial Hospital, wouldn’t have held water with her if someone else had offered it. And everyone knew that the cheerful, outgoing Dr. Marja Pulaski, the youngest of the five Pulaski physicians, was harder on herself than she was on anyone else.

      Other than being somewhat vulnerable and all too human, there was no real reason for Marja to have glanced over at the radio just as one of her favorite songs came on. Looking at the radio hadn’t made the volume louder, or crisper. And it certainly wouldn’t restart the song. It was just an automatic reflex on her part.

      The song had been hers and Jack’s. Before Jack had decided that he was just too young to settle down, especially with a woman who’d let him know that, although she loved him, she wasn’t going to make him the center of her universe.

      Trouble was, for a while, Jack had been the center of her universe—until she’d forced herself to take stock of the situation and pull back. Pull back and refocus. Being a doctor was not something she knew she could take lightly, especially not after all the effort that had been put forth to get her to that point.

      Her parents were naturalized citizens. Both had risked their lives to come to the United States from their native country of Poland. At the time, it was still bowed beneath communist domination. They’d come so that their future children could grow up free to be whatever they wanted to be.

      Once those children began coming—five girls in all—the goal of having them all become doctors had somehow materialized. Her father, Josef, and her mother, Magda, worked hard to put their firstborn through medical school. Once Sasha graduated, any money she could spare went toward helping Natalya become a doctor. Natalya, in turn, helped Kady, who then helped Tania. And it all culminated in everyone working together so that she, Marja, could follow in the firm footsteps that her sisters had laid down before her.

      She didn’t do it because this was the way things were, she did it because, like her sisters before her, she really wanted to become a physician. Looking back, Marja couldn’t remember a day when she hadn’t wanted to be a doctor.

      But there were moments, like tonight, that got the better of her. She’d spent her time trying to put together the broken pieces of two young souls, barely into their permanent teeth, who’d decided to wipe one another out because one had stepped onto the other one’s territory.

      So when the song came on, reminding her of more carefree times, she let the memories take over and momentarily distract her.

      Just long enough to glance away.

      Just long enough to hit whoever she hit.

      The weary smile on her lips vanished instantly as the realization of what had just happened broke through. The sickening thud resounded in the August night, causing the pit of her stomach to tighten into a huge, unmanageable knot and making her soul recoil in horror. Perspiration popped out all over her brow, all but pasting her golden-brown hair against her forehead—not because the night air was so damp and clammy with humidity but because the flash of fear had made her sweat.

      Her vow, to first do no harm, exploded in her head, mocking her even before Marja brought the vehicle to a jarring stop, threw open her door and sprang out of her car.

      She worked in the city that boasted never to sleep, but at two o’clock in the morning, the number of Manhattan residents milling about СКАЧАТЬ