The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s. Brian Aldiss
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Название: The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s

Автор: Brian Aldiss

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Классическая проза


isbn: 9780008148973


СКАЧАТЬ that one senses will never return; an apology offered for illness

      LIKI INK TH KUTI The small engine that attends to one after the act of excretion

      MAL A feeling of being watched from within

      MAN NAIZ TH Being aware of electricity in wires concealed in the walls

      MUR ON TIG WON The disagreeable experience of listening to oneself in the middle of a long speech and neither understanding what one is saying nor enjoying the manner in which it is being said; a foreign accent; a lion breaking wind after the evening repast

      NAM ON A The remembrance, in bed, of camp fires

      NO LEE LE MUN The love of a wife that becomes especially vivid when she is almost out-of-sight

      NU CROW Dying before strangers

      NU DI DIMU Dying in a low place, often of a low fever

      NU HIN DER VLAK The invisible stars; forms of death

      NUN MUM Dying before either of one’s parents; ceasing to fight just because one’s enemy is winning

      NUT LAP ME Dying of laughing

      NUT LA POM Dying laughing

      NUT VATO Managing to die standing up

      NUTVU BAG RACK TO be born dead

      NU VALK Dying deliberately in a lonely (high) place

      OBI DAKT An obstruction; three or more machines talking together

      ORAN MUDA A change of government; an old peasant saying meaning, ‘The dirt in the river is different every day’

      PAN WOL LE MUDA A certainty that tomorrow will much resemble today; a line of manufacturing machines

      PAT O BANE BAN The ten heartbeats preceding the first heartbeat of orgasm

      PI KI SKAB WE The parasite that afflicts man and Tig Gag in its various larval stages and, while burrowing in the brain of the Tig Gag, causes it to speak like a man

      PI SHAK RACK CHANO The retrogressive dreams of autumn attributed to the presence in the bloodstream of Pi Ki Skab We

      PIT HOR Pig’s cheeks, or the droppings of pigs; the act of name-


      PLAY The heightening of consciousness that arises when one awakens in a strange room that one cannot momentarily identify

      SHAK ALE MAN The struggle that takes place in the night between the urge to urinate and the urge to continue sleeping

      SHAK LA MAN GRA When the urge to urinate takes precedence over the urge to continue sleeping

      SHAK LO MUN GRAM When the urge to continue sleeping takes

      precedence over all things

      SHEAN DORL Gazing at one’s reflection for reasons other than vanity

      SHE EAN MIK Performing prohibited postures before a mirror

      SHEM A slight cold afflicting only one nostril; the thoughts that pass when one shakes hands with a politician

      SHUK TACK The shortening in life-stature a man incurs from a

      seemingly benevolent machine

      SOBI A reverie lasting less than twenty years on cosmological themes; a nickel

      SODI DORL One machine making way for another; decadence,

      particularly in the Cold Continents

      SODI IN PIT Any epithet which does not accurately convey what it

      intends, such as ‘Sober as a judge’, ‘Silly nit’, ‘He swims like a fish’, ‘He’s only half-alive’, and so on

      STAINI RACK NUSVIODON Experiencing Staini Rack Nuul and then realising that one must continue in the same outworn fashion because the alternatives are too frightening, or because one is too weak to change; wearing a suit of clothes at which one sees strangers looking askance

      STAINI RACK NUUL Introspection (sometimes prompted by birthdays) that one is not living as one determined to live when one was very young; or, on the other hand, realising that one is living in a mode decided upon when one was very young and which is now no longer applicable or appropriate

      STAIN TOK I The awareness that one is helplessly living a role

      STA SODON The worst feelings which do not even lead to suicide

      SU SODA VALKUS A sudden realisation that one’s spirit is not pure, overcoming one on Mount Rinvlak (in the Southern Continent)

      TI Civilised aggression

      TIG GAG The creature most like man in the Southern Continent which smiles as it sleeps

      TIPY LAP KIN Laughter that one recognises though the laughter is

      unseen; one’s own laughter in a crisis

      TOK AN Suddenly divining the nature and imminence of old age in one’s thirty-first year

      TUAN BOLO A class of people one only meets at weddings; the pleasure of feeling rather pale

      TU KI TOK Moments of genuine joy captured in a play or charade about joy; the experience of youthful delight in old age

      TUZ PAT MAIN (Obs.) The determination to eat one’s maternal


      U (Obs.) The amount of time it takes for a lizard to turn into a bird; love

      UBI A girl who lifts her skirts at the very moment you wish she would

      UDI KAL The clothes of the woman one loves

      UDI UKAL The body of the woman one loves

      UES WE TEL DA Love between a male and female politician

      UGI SLO GU The love that needs a little coaxing

      UMI RIN TOSIT The sensations a woman experiences when she does not know how she feels about a man

      UMY RIN RU The new dimensions that take on illusory existence when the body of the loved woman is first revealed

      UNIMGAG BU Love of oneself that passes understanding; a machine’s dream

      UNK TAK An out-of-date guide book; the skin shed by the snake that predicts rain

      UPANG PLA Consciousness that one’s agonised actions undertaken for love would look rather funny to one’s friends

      UPANG PLAP Consciousness that while one’s agonised actions undertaken for love are on the whole rather funny to oneself, they might even look heroic to one’s friends; a play with a cast of three or less

      U RI RHI Two lovers СКАЧАТЬ