Hawk's Way: Rebels: The Temporary Groom. Joan Johnston
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Название: Hawk's Way: Rebels: The Temporary Groom

Автор: Joan Johnston

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408953617



      “No, Ray.”

      “Aww, why not?”

      “I got thrown out of school tonight, Ray. I don’t feel like kissing anybody.”

      “Not even me?” Ray said.

      Cherry laughed at the woeful, hangdog look on his face and shook her head. “Not even you.” Ray was good fun most of the time. He drank a little too much, and he drove a little too fast, and his grades hadn’t been too good. But she hadn’t been in a position to be too picky.

      She had dreamed sometimes of what it might be like to be one of the “good girls” and have “nice boys” calling her up to ask for dates. It hadn’t happened. She was the kind of trouble nice boys stayed away from.

      “C’mon, Cher-ry,” Ray said. “Gimme li’l kiss.”

      He teetered forward, and the sheer weight of him forced her backward so she was lying flat on the ground. Cherry was five-eleven in her stocking feet and could run fast enough to make the girls’ track team—if she hadn’t always been in too much trouble to qualify. But Ray was four inches taller and forty pounds heavier. She turned her head away to avoid his slobbery, seeking lips, which landed on her cheeks and chin.

      “I said no, Ray. Get off!” She shoved uselessly at his heavy body, a sense of panic growing inside her.

      “Aww, Cher-ry,” he slurred drunkenly. “You know you want it.” His hand closed around her breast.

      “Ray! No!” she cried. She grabbed his wrist and yanked it away and heard the chiffon rip as his grasping fingers held fast to the cloth. “Ray, please!” she pleaded.

      Then she felt his hand on her bare flesh. “No, Ray. No!”

      “Gonna have you, Cher-ry,” Ray muttered. “Always wanted to. Know you want it, too.”

      Cherry suddenly realized she might be in even worse trouble than she’d thought.

      BILLY STONECREEK was in trouble. Again. His former mother-in-law, Penelope Trask, was furious because he had gotten into a little fight in a bar in town and spent the night in jail—for the third time in a year.

      He had a live-in housekeeper to stay with his daughters, so they were never alone. He figured he’d been a pretty damned good single parent to his six-year-old twins, Raejean and Annie, ever since their mother’s death a year ago. But you’d never know it to hear Penelope talk.

      Hell, a young man of twenty-five who worked hard on his ranch from dawn to dusk all week deserved to sow a few wild oats at week’s end. His ears rang with the memory of their confrontation in his living room earlier that evening.

      “You’re a drunken half-breed,” Penelope snapped, “not fit to raise my grandchildren. And if I have anything to say about it, you won’t have them for much longer!”

      Billy felt a burning rage that Penelope should say such a thing while Raejean and Annie were standing right there listening. Especially since he hadn’t been the least bit drunk. He’d been looking for a fight, all right, and he’d found it in a bar, but that was all.

      There was no hope his daughters hadn’t heard Penelope. Their Nintendo game continued on the living room TV, but both girls were staring wide-eyed at him. “Raejean. Annie. Go upstairs while I talk to Nana.”

      “But, Daddy—” Raejean began. She was the twin who took control of every situation.

      “Not a word,” he said in a firm voice. “Go.”

      Annie’s dark brown eyes welled with tears. She was the twin with the soft heart.

      He wanted to pick them both up and hug them, but he forced himself to point an authoritative finger toward the doorway. “Upstairs and get your baths and get ready for bed. Mrs. Motherwell will be up to help in a minute.” He had hired the elderly woman on the spot when he heard her name. She had proven equal to it.

      Raejean shot him a reproachful look, took Annie’s hand, and stomped out of the room with Annie trailing behind her.

      Once they were gone, Billy turned his attention back to his nemesis. “What is it this time, Penelope?”

      “This time! What is it every time? You drove my Laura to kill herself, and now you’re neglecting my grandchildren. I’ve had it. I went to see a lawyer today. I’ve filed for custody of my granddaughters.”

      A chill of foreboding crawled down Billy’s spine. “You’ve done what?”

      “You heard me. I want custody of Raejean and Annie.”

      “Those are my children you’re talking about.”

      “They’ll have a better life with me than they will with a half-breed like you.”

      “Being part Comanche isn’t a crime, Penelope. Lots of people in America are part something. Hell, you’re probably part Irish or English or French yourself.”

      “Your kind has a reputation for not being able to hold their liquor. Obviously, it’s a problem for you, too. I don’t intend to let my grandchildren suffer for it.”

      A flush rose on Billy’s high, sharp cheekbones. He refused to defend himself. It was none of Penelope’s business whether he drank or not. But he didn’t. He went looking for a fight when the pain built up inside, and he needed a release for it. But he chose men able to defend themselves, he fought clean, and he willingly paid the damages afterward.

      He hated the idea of kowtowing to Penelope, but he didn’t want a court battle with her, either. She and her husband, Harvey Trask, were wealthy; he was not. In fact, the Trasks had given this ranch—an edge carved from the larger Trask ranching empire—as a wedding present to their daughter, Laura, thereby ensuring that the newlyweds would stay close to home.

      He had resented their generosity at first, but he had grown to love the land, and now he was no more willing to give up the Stonecreek Ranch than he was to relinquish his children.

      But his behavior over the past year couldn’t stand much scrutiny. He supposed the reason he had started those few barroom brawls wouldn’t matter to a judge. And he could never have revealed to anyone the personal pain that had led to such behavior. So he had no excuses to offer Penelope—or a family court judge, either.

      “Look, Penelope, I’m sorry. What if I promise—”

      “Don’t waste your breath. I never wanted my daughter to marry a man like you in the first place. My granddaughters deserve to be raised in a wholesome household where they won’t be exposed to your kind.”

      “What kind is that?” Billy asked pointedly.

      “The kind that doesn’t have any self-respect, and therefore can’t pass it on to their children.”

      Billy felt his stomach roll. It was a toss-up whether he felt more humiliated or furious at her accusation. “I have plenty of self-respect.”

      “Could have fooled me!” Penelope retorted.

      “I’m not letting СКАЧАТЬ