Baby Talk and Wedding Bells. Brenda Harlen
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Название: Baby Talk and Wedding Bells

Автор: Brenda Harlen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474059268


СКАЧАТЬ being dismissed, none of the moms seemed to be in a hurry to leave, instead continuing to chat with one another about feeding schedules and diaper rashes and teething woes. Braden just wanted to be gone but Saige had somehow managed to pull off her shoes, forcing him to stay put long enough to untie the laces, put the shoes back on her feet and tie them up again.

      While he was preoccupied with this task, the woman who had been seated on his left shifted closer. “I’m Heather Turcotte. And this—” she jiggled the baby in her lap “—is Katie.”

      “Braden Garrett,” he told her, confident that she already knew his daughter.

      “You’re a brave man to subject yourself to a baby class full of women,” she said, then smiled at him.

      “I’m only here today because my mom had an appointment.”

      “That’s too bad. It would be nice to have another single parent in the group,” she told him. “Most of these women don’t have a clue how hard it is to raise a child on their own. Of course, I didn’t know, either, until I had Katie. All through my pregnancy, I was so certain that I could handle this. But the idea of a baby is a lot different than the reality.”

      “That’s true,” he agreed, only half listening to her as he worked Saige’s shoes back onto her feet. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cassie talking to one of the other moms and cleaning the instruments with antibacterial wipes, which made him feel a little bit better about the bells that his daughter had been chewing on.

      “Of course, it helps that I have a flexible schedule at work,” Heather was saying. “As I’m sure you do, considering that your name is on the company letterhead.”

      “There are benefits to working for a family business,” he agreed.

      Cassie waved goodbye to the other woman and her baby, then carried the bin of instruments to the cupboard.

      “Such as being able to take a little extra time to grab a cup of coffee now?” Heather suggested hopefully.

      He forced his attention back to her, inwardly wincing at the hopeful expression on her face. “Sorry, I really do need to get to the office.”

      She pouted, much like his daughter did when she didn’t get what she wanted, but the look wasn’t nearly as cute on a grown woman who had a daughter of her own.

      “Well, maybe we could get the kids together sometime. A playdate for the little ones—” she winked “—and the grown-ups.”

      “I appreciate the invitation, but my time is really limited these days.”

      “Oh. Okay.” She forced a smile, but he could tell that she was disappointed. “Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me on Tuesday mornings.”

      “Yes, I do,” he confirmed.

      Somehow, while he’d been putting on her shoes, Saige had found his phone and was using it as a chew toy. With a sigh, he pried it from her fingers and wiped it on his trousers. “Are you cutting more teeth, sweetie?”

      Her only answer was to shove her fist into her mouth.

      He picked her up and she dropped her head onto his shoulder, apparently ready for her nap. He bent his knees carefully to reach the daisy pillow and carried it to the librarian. “Thanks for the loan.”

      “You’re welcome,” she said. Then, “I wanted to ask about your mother earlier, but I didn’t want you to think I was being nosy.”

      “What did you want to ask?”

      “In the past six months, Ellen hasn’t missed a single class—I just wondered if she was okay.”

      “Oh. Yes, she’s fine. At least, I think so,” he told her. “She chipped a tooth at breakfast and had an emergency appointment at the dentist.”

      “Well, please tell her that I hope she’s feeling better and I’m looking forward to seeing her on Thursday.”

      “Is that your way of saying that you don’t want to see me on Thursday?” he teased.

      “This is a public library, Mr. Garrett,” she pointed out. “You’re welcome any time the doors are open.”

      “And will I find you here if I come back?” he wondered.

      “Most days,” she confirmed.

      “So this is your real job—you don’t work anywhere else?”

      Her brows lifted at that. “Yes, this is my real job,” she said, her tone cooler now by several degrees.

      And despite having turned down Heather’s offer of coffee only a few minutes earlier, he found the prospect of enjoying a hot beverage with this woman an incredibly appealing one. “Can you sneak away for a cup of coffee?”

      She seemed surprised by the invitation—and maybe a little tempted—but after a brief hesitation, she shook her head. “No, I can’t. I’m working, Mr. Garrett.”

      “I know,” he said, and offered her what he’d been told was a charming smile. “But the class is finished and I’m sure that whatever else you have to do can wait for half an hour or so while we go across the street to the café.”

      “Obviously you think that ‘whatever else’ I have to do is pretty insignificant,” she noted, her tone downright frosty now.

      “I didn’t mean to offend you, Miss MacKinnon,” he said, because it was obvious that he’d done so.

      “I may not be the CEO of a national corporation, but the work I do matters to the people who come here.” She moved toward the door where she hit a switch on the wall to turn off the overhead lights—a clear sign that it was time for him to leave.

      He stepped out of the room, and she closed and locked the door. “Have a good day, Mr. Garrett.”

      “I will,” he said. “But I need one more thing before I go.”

      “What’s that?” she asked warily.

      “A library card.”

      * * *

      Cassie stared at him for a moment, trying to decide if he was joking. “You want a library card?”

      “I assume I need one to borrow books,” Braden said matter-of-factly.

      “You do,” she confirmed, still wondering about his angle—because she was certain that he had one.

      “So where do I get a card?” he prompted, sounding sincere in his request.

      But how could she know for sure? If her recent experience with the male species had taught her nothing else, she’d at least learned that she wasn’t a good judge of their intentions or motivations.

      “Follow me,” she said.

      He did, and with each step, she was conscious of him beside her—not just his presence but his masculinity. The library wasn’t a female domain. A lot СКАЧАТЬ