Sovereign Sheriff. Cassie Miles
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Название: Sovereign Sheriff

Автор: Cassie Miles

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы


isbn: 9781472036209


СКАЧАТЬ had been all over this case. “You must have seen the reports.”

      “The media.” She flicked her hand as if swatting an irritating gnat. “I know better than to believe what I see on the ten o’clock news. I thought I could trust my brother’s friends. But I’ve given up on them. They won’t answer my questions. The FBI agents refused to speak to me. I have come to you to hear the truth.”

      “Lucky me,” he muttered.

      “I read about you on the internet. You promised change when you ran for sheriff. You want to help people and fight corruption. There were some amazing endorsements.”

      He eyed her skeptically. “If you’ve been in this country for any time at all, you must know that you can’t believe much of what’s said during a campaign.”

      “I’ve lived in America since I was sixteen.”

      That must be why she had only a slight accent, just a hint of the exotic.

      She continued, “It’s true that politicians will say anything to win. But you’re different. I trust you.”

      He had a pretty good idea that she was shining him on to get what she wanted. “You figured out that I’m trustworthy by looking me up on the internet?”

      Her full lips parted in a smile, showing off her perfect, white teeth. When she leaned toward him, he caught a whiff of perfume that smelled like mint and peaches. Her nearness was having an effect on him. As Maggie never tired of pointing out, he hadn’t been with a woman for quite a while.

      “Now that I’ve met you,” she purred, “I know that I made the right choice. I read all about you, Jake. You’re Native American.”

      “Arapaho,” he said.

      “Is that like Navajo?” Her hand rested on her hip and she struck a calculated pose with her head cocked to one side. “I simply adore turquoise jewelry.”

      “Different tribe.”

      “Perhaps you could explain it to me. I’m very interested.”

      The woman was flirting her cute little tail off. Jake had three sisters; he knew how these feminine games were played. “Don’t waste my time, Princess.”

      “Will you help me?”

      “I’ll do my job. My department and the local police and the FBI are looking for your brother, but a lot of time has passed. He might not even be in this area.”

      “He’s not dead.” She spoke with sudden sincerity. “If Amir had died, I would have felt his absence as surely as if part of my soul had been ripped away.”

      In the blink of an eye, she’d gone from flirty to serious. The transformation impressed him. “I’m sorry, Saida.”

      “Please. Tell me what happened. The truth.”

      He could give her that much. “It was late at night. The other royals and their entourages had returned to Wind River Ranch and Resort. Your brother set out in one of the limos with a driver. We don’t know his destination. There was nothing remarkable about the area where the car bomb exploded.”

      Saida sucked in a breath. “And then?”

      “The driver was killed in the explosion. There were indications that your brother was injured. His blood was found at the scene.” He paused. “I can’t show you the forensics reports, but the CSI was Jane Cameron, and she’s good.”

      “What did she find?”

      “Tire tracks showed an unidentified vehicle at the scene. A witness saw him exit the burning limo so we know he was still alive at that point, but there hasn’t been any communication from him.”

      Her brow furrowed. “You’re leaving out a lot.”

      “I am,” he readily admitted. “I could write four books about the things that have happened since Amir disappeared.”

      “I have time,” she said.

      He glanced toward the house where his sister hovered in the doorway, waiting for him to bring their royal visitor inside. “It’s best if you go to the resort where the other royals and their bodyguards are staying. You could be in danger.”

      “The attack on my brother might have been politically motivated,” she said. “Our four nations…”

      “COIN.” He used the acronym. “The Coalition of Island Nations.”

      “Yes, COIN owns extensive oil resources. We have enemies, including the Russian mob, who would do anything to gain control of our wealth.”

      “And these dangerous people could come after you.”

      “Not me,” she said. “As a woman, I have no power in Jamala. The leadership of the country would never pass to me. It’s my destiny to be forever a princess. Never a true leader.”

      He heard an edge of bitterness in her voice. There was something fascinating about her, but he couldn’t allow himself to get tangled in her web. “For tonight, you have a choice. Either you can go to the resort, or I can turn you over to the FBI for protective custody.”

      She waved her manicured hands in front of her face. Her fingernails had purple tips. “I can’t be in custody. I have to be free to investigate.”

      “Then it’s the resort.” He walked toward the house. “Let me get my keys, and I’ll follow you in my car to make sure you get there safely. Tomorrow, you can call me for an up date.”

      “If you won’t help, I’ll pursue my own investigation.”

      That had to be one of the worst ideas he’d ever heard. He couldn’t imagine Saida flouncing through the streets of Dumont and asking questions. She’d stand out like a giraffe in a herd of prairie dogs.

      Before he could object, she went to her car, started the engine and backed away from the porch.

      He ran inside and grabbed his keys from the table by the door. Maggie glared at him. “What did you say to her? Why did you chase her off?”

      “Because that woman is trouble.”

      “Lone wolf,” she snapped. “You and Saida would make a really cute couple.”

      He couldn’t believe she was playing matchmaker. “Trust me, Maggie. If I ever settle down, it won’t be with a high-maintenance princess. No matter how pretty she is.”

      His sister beamed. “You think she’s pretty?”

      “She’s not for me.”

      When he stepped outside onto the porch, he saw the taillights of a truck on the two-lane road beyond his driveway. A black sedan followed. Both were driving fast, and they seemed to be in formation—in pursuit of the princess.

       Chapter Two

      Angrier than she should have been, Saida glared through СКАЧАТЬ