Rodeo Baby. Mary Sullivan
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Название: Rodeo Baby

Автор: Mary Sullivan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474068550


СКАЧАТЬ was clear.

      It served to cement Sam’s love for him all the more.

      “We’re here incognito, Gramps,” Chelsea blurted. Sam wished she hadn’t. He’d planned to ease into the particular form of subterfuge he’d originally hoped he wouldn’t have to use.

      Gramps came to attention. “You’re here to fix my problem?”

      “Yes. I told you I was coming to help.”

      “Yeah, but what’s this about being incognito?” Gramps frowned. “What does Chelsea mean?”

      No help for it now. He might as well jump in.

      “She’s right,” Sam admitted. “I’m not using Car­michael. We’re here as the Michaelses. We’re Sam and Chelsea Michaels.”

      “Why?” Gramps sounded frail.

      “To find out exactly what’s going on with the fair those women in town are putting on this summer.”

      “I asked you to make sure they aren’t cheating me. I thought you would come here to confront them directly.”

      “I decided this was better.”

      “You want to be dishonest.”

      “Not want. I need to be dishonest to catch these women in their dishonesty.”

      “But I thought—why can’t you just be yourself?”

      “That’s what I asked, too.”

      “Chelsea, for once can you support your dad? I’m not the villain here. Gramps, you leased the land to them for only one dollar. Now you can’t remember how long the lease stands. You didn’t get a written contract out of them. I have nothing to read over, nothing to verify what the deal is. We know nothing about how the profits will be split. I find it shameful that these people only offered you a dollar.”

      Sam scrubbed his hands over his face. “You asked me to find out if they’re ripping you off. This is how I’m doing it.”

      He pointed to both Gramps and Chelsea. “Neither of you gets to decide how it should be done. I’m helping out in my own way. Period.”


      Ire roused, Sam asked, “Do you think if I asked if they were being honest with you that I’d get a straight response? Come on. That’s naive. I’ve worked in business for close to twenty years. I know how important it is to protect oneself with a written contract. How do you know this revival committee won’t rob you blind if I don’t come in under the radar to find out?”

      “I know. I know.” Gramps raised a placating hand. “It’s just—I’ve known most of ’em since they were in diapers. I thought I trusted them, but...” Gramps looked lost. “I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t know what to do.”

      He sounded so plaintive, so unlike the strong, vibrant man Sam had always known. Beside him, Chelsea made a small sound that might have been distress.

      “You don’t have to do anything, Gramps,” Sam said. “That’s why I’m here.” He squeezed his grandfather’s shoulder. “So you don’t know exactly what I should look for?”

      “No. All I have is a feeling.” Gramps turned from staring out the window to pin him with a glare. “You just got divorced. Is your ex bleeding you dry? Why are you helping me? Are you afraid of losing your inheritance?”

      The change in tone and subject sent Sam reeling.

      “No!” What had ever given Gramps the idea that Sam wanted him to die so he could have his money? Gramps had never spoken to him with this harsh a tone before. “How can you think that? I want you to live forever. This isn’t about me. It’s about protecting you.”

      Gramps relaxed back into his chair, momentarily bewildered. That confusion worried Sam. Gramps had always been sharp.

      He shared a worried frown with Chelsea.

      Gramps puckered his forehead. “If it’s not about your inheritance, why are you so worried?”

      “Because you are. You put your life into that place and only left when your body was no longer up to the work.”

      “Yeah? So?”

      “So, I know how much it meant to you. When you retired, I thought it would live on in everyone’s memories as your tradition carried down from your father.”

      “Uh-huh. So?”

      “So...these women are stealing your history and your legacy.”

      “That’s what you’re worried about? I thought it was money.”

      “Of course I’m worried about money. They’re giving you one dollar for use of the land with no contract for a percentage of the profits.”

      When Gramps didn’t respond, Sam asked, “You are getting some of the profits, aren’t you?”

      Gramps’s gaze slid away before admitting, “I don’t remember.”

      Sam swore under his breath, worry burrowing into him. Gramps wasn’t the type to forget this kind of thing.

      “I got an idea, though, about what’s going on.” Gramps smiled. “With you, I mean.”

      “With me? How is any of this about me? There’s nothing going on with me.”

      “Sure there is. You’re going on about history and legacy and tradition. None of that going to matter to me when I’m gone. You’re worried about heritage for your sake. Not mine.”

      Stunned, Sam stared. “No... I...”

      “It’s true. I remember how you used to listen to all my stories. Now that you’re finally here, because of this revival, you won’t be able to have any part of it like you’d thought you would some day.”

      “But—” Hard to argue with the truth. Today, seeing the amusement park for the first time and Gramps’s house and Gramps, yeah, he did care about his heritage. “I care about them ripping you off, too.”

      “The money. Yeah. But I don’t know if I’m being ripped off.”

      “But you didn’t sign anything.”

      “Nope. Not a single sheet of paper.”

      “So even if you had negotiated for a share of the profits, you have no idea what you agreed to. So these women could make up any terms they want.”

      Gramps’s brow furrowed. Then he perked up and a wide grin split his old face. “They won’t hurt me, Sam. Ever.”

      Sam stopped pacing. Gramps’s behavior worried him. Confused at one moment and happy the next. Distrustful and then immediately certain the women meant him no harm. Sensing mental deterioration, Sam needed to talk to his grandfather’s СКАЧАТЬ