Come Undone. Madelynne Ellis
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Название: Come Undone

Автор: Madelynne Ellis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007543151


СКАЧАТЬ man … here it comes.’ He made a noise like a grunt, and his release poured out of him.

      Warm jets of semen filled her mouth. Delighted, Dani swallowed. She stayed with him, feeling every pulse until his shaft lost its vigour and slumbered like the rest of him.

      He’d passed right out. Completely comatose.

      Dani gave his cock one last kiss, then his stomach several more. She shimmied her way up his body, her own arousal still eating her up. ‘Xane.’ She kissed his chin, but he didn’t stir. ‘Bugger!’ What did one do in this situation?

      She’d never before slipped a hand between her thighs and sought relief, unless she was entirely alone and hidden in the depths of her walk-in closet, but damn – her front tooth punctured her lip, she bit so hard – she needed, was so very sorely tempted, to rub.

      She couldn’t do that here. What would he think?

      Nor did she want to leave his bed. What if he woke and found her gone? Would he then think her like all the rest?

      She wanted him all over her. His hands and mouth seeking out her sweet spots, thumbs thrumming against her rock-hard nipples, Xane sucking her as she’d sucked him.

      Her body didn’t know what to do with itself. It would be impossible to sleep.

      ‘Xane.’ She prodded his shoulder, but to no joy. He gave a soft grunt, nothing more.

      How long would he sleep before he was ready for round two? Would she be insane by that point?


      Tears in her eyes, Dani rolled onto her side as far away from his scrumptious body as she could get, which, given that he was sprawled right down the centre of the bed, wasn’t nearly far enough away to grant her any sort of privacy.

      She needed to come so desperately …

      ‘Hey, why are you right over there?’ Xane followed her to the edge of the mattress, where he spooned up against her back. ‘You’ve done a right number on me. I think my brains are in my feet.’ He draped one arm over her hip.

      Dani stiffened over the positioning, but need overrode her fears, and his heat against her back intensified the wildfire burning along her nerves.

      Her tight-fitting clothing stuck to her feverish skin.

      Xane’s fingers crept beneath the hem of her skirt, making her tense further. God – she needed him to do something before she expired.

      ‘Time I demonstrated a few mad skills of my own.’ He breathed close to her ear. ‘You didn’t think I’d leave you wanting, did you?’ His thumb hooked under the outer edge of her underwear, then drew back and forth, back and forth under the seam, driving her insane.

      ‘Xane, I need …’

      ‘I know, sweetheart. I’m going to take care of it.’ His index and middle fingers tucked under the inner edge of her panties, and brushed into her curls.

      Down a bit, she prayed, biting her lip. Desperate, she lifted herself into his touch. Her clit throbbed. Suddenly, Xane had her sprawled on her back and his large body was over her. His hips wedged into the space between her knees, while his head lay level with her navel.

      Glossy black, iron-straight hair shrouded his face, brushed his biceps and tickled her skin where he’d nudged up the hem of her top. The faint trace of stubble on his chin scraped against her belly. If she hadn’t been so desirous, then she might better have anticipated what came next. Xane didn’t understand that her need didn’t require him to peel her clothes off. He tugged. He lifted.

      Dani frantically captured his hands and held them in place against her stomach. ‘Don’t take anything off,’ she insisted.

      Xane rested his chin against her waistband. ‘Nothing? Are you going to undress yourself?’

      Dani bit her lip hard. She shook her head.

      ‘So I can’t taste these?’ He flicked his index fingers across her tightly steepled nipples, which poked prominently against her clingy black top. ‘Or suck, right here?’ He tapped two fingers against the top of her mound. ‘Where’s the fun in that?’

      ‘You can do both those things, just don’t undress me.’

      He arched an eyebrow. ‘Kinky. A bit weird … but I kind of like it.’

      ‘Oh, fuck!’ Dani sighed as he drew one taut nipple into the heat of his mouth in a way that shot pulses of pleasure down to her already needy pussy. If he touched her down there, she’d … she’d explode or something. She’d never experienced excitement like this: the anticipation, waiting for him to work his way down her body; the torment of each and every slow kiss. He nibbled and sucked at the edge of her tummy button, explored its depths with his tongue, until her clit grew impossibly hot and swollen.

      Dani spread her thighs, opening for him as he crept lower and lower.

      He sought her gaze, begged permission with two silvery-grey eyes. Please, Dani. Let me taste you.

      She arched to him as Xane dipped his head. His tongue slid against the bud of her clit. Even dulled a little by the layer of sodden fabric, it electrified every cell of her body.

      ‘It’s no good, Dani.’ His tongue danced along the seam of her knickers, darting beneath where it could, but never seeking its true goal. ‘These pretty things have got to come off.’

      He didn’t allow her to deny him, simply ripped them off and flung them away from the bed.

      ‘Now,’ he said, staring at her bared sex. ‘Now the real pleasure begins.’

      Dani thought she knew what to expect. After all, he wasn’t the first guy to put his tongue on her clit. Only no one else had ever kissed her there with such a show of devotion. He made love to her pussy, the same way he kissed her lips, with an explosive mixture of passion and reverence. Xane teased. He nibbled, until her juices covered the whole lower half of his face and Dani had her toes stretched to points as pronounced as the peaks of her nipples.

      A desperate ache built in her womb. Every time he touched her, she jumped a little. It was too much and not enough. Unable to grasp hold of Xane, she sought purchase for her hand on the pillows, and then the underside of the headboard. With her braced thus, her first climax struck her hard. It rippled through her limbs, relaxing her, only for her muscles to tense again immediately. Xane kept on riding the wave of energy with her. He shoved her legs wide, urging her to bend her knees and open up completely to him.

      He pushed two fingers inside her and curled them while he drummed a rapid tattoo against her nub, then used his thumb to sweep over the delicate puckered ring of her anus.

      Dani’s pulse raced, struggling to keep pace with her rapid breaths. ‘What are doing?’ she gasped, shocked by how much that filthy touch turned her on.

      ‘Giving you a good time, I hope.’

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