The Bride Next Door. Winnie Griggs
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Название: The Bride Next Door

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781472014252


СКАЧАТЬ heard of anything, but you might want to check with Doug Blakely over at the mercantile. His store seems to be a gathering place for most of the townsfolk, so if anyone’s looking, Doug’s probably heard about it. In the meantime, how do you plan to get by?”

      Now who was being nosy? “Don’t you worry about me. I have a roof over my head, and I know how to live off the land when I need to. Besides those berries, there are plenty of edible roots and plants around here if you know what you’re looking for.”

      “You can hardly live entirely on berries and roots for very long.”

      A gent like him probably didn’t have any idea what it meant to go hungry for days at a time. “You’d be surprised what a body can live on when one has to. I also plan to set me up a little kitchen garden out behind my place. I’m especially eager to plant some herbs. Not only will they add flavor to my meals, but I use some in my concoctions.”


      “Yes. I make balms and potions to keep on hand for cuts and burns and such. Father calls them my concoctions.”

      “And is that something you sell?”

      “Oh, no. It’s mostly for personal use, though I’ve given some away when I saw a need.” She lifted her head proudly. “Some of those folks have asked to buy more from me, though.” She shrugged self-consciously. “But I don’t really feel right taking money for healing potions.”

      “It appears you are a woman of many talents.” The sarcasm in his tone killed any chance that she would think he was paying her a compliment.

      But she chose to ignore his lack of manners. Instead, she gave him her sunniest smile. “That’s kind of you to say. And you’ll see the proof of that when I open my restaurant.”

      * * *

      Everett realized he’d been harsher with his new neighbor than the situation warranted. But she’d apparently misread his tone. He glanced down at her offering of berries, and his conscience tweaked at him again. “Speaking of a job,” he said impulsively, “I can’t offer you anything full-time, but I do have a proposal for you.”

      This time she leaned forward eagerly, apparently ready to forgive his earlier rudeness. “What did you have in mind?”

      He was beginning to rethink his impulse, but it was too late to back out now. “Since you say you’re a good cook, what do you think about cooking for me?


      Her hopeful expression brushed away the last of his hesitation. Besides, what could it hurt? “I’m the first to admit I’m not much of a cook myself, and I’m getting tired of the few dishes I’ve learned to prepare. I can’t pay you much, say two bits a day, but if you did the marketing and cooking for me, you could also share in the meal.” At least this way he wouldn’t have the distraction of worrying about her not having enough to eat.

      She smiled at him as if he’d just handed her the keys to the town. Did that mean she’d forgotten his earlier rudeness?

      “That’s more than generous,” she said. “And you won’t be sorry—cooking is something I’m good at. You’ll see.”

      She folded her hands in her lap and struck what he supposed she thought of as a businesslike pose. “Just to make certain I understand what you’re wanting, are you looking for me to provide three meals a day, seven days a week?”

      He waved a hand. “I believe I can get by with something a little less all-encompassing. I was thinking six days a week, with Sundays off. I’ll manage my own breakfast. And I’m not averse to eating the same thing twice, so if you prepare a large enough meal at noon, I can dine on leftovers for the evening meal.”

      “That’s agreeable. When would you like me to start?”

      “Is tomorrow too soon?”

      “Not at all.” Then she fingered her collar. “Do you have much of a larder?”

      “It would probably be best if you start from scratch and pick up anything you think you’ll need. I’ll leave the menus up to you. And I’ll let the shopkeepers know to put your orders on my tab.”

      “Good. And don’t worry, I know how to be frugal with my purchases.”

      A good quality, but he should make certain they were both working under the same definition of acceptable spending. “I will develop what I consider a reasonable budget for your weekly purchases. If there should arise a situation where you require more, we can always revisit the matter.”

      “Agreed.” Apparently, she was finished with the businesswoman persona, because her face split into another of those delighted smiles. “Mr. Fulton, I’m beginning to think of you as my guardian angel.”

      Now there was something he’d never been called before. And it was definitely not something he aspired to be.

      “Not only is this job going to give me some security,” she continued, “but since you’ll only need me for part of the day, I’ll have time to find other odd jobs, as well.”

      Other jobs? Did she even realize what she was saying? “That’s an admirably industrious attitude, but I imagine just getting your place in shape will take up most of your free time, at least for a while.”

      She waved a hand as if that was of no consequence. “I’ll have to just fit that in when I can. Like I said, I need to earn some money, not just for staples, but to get my place furnished properly. Because the sooner I can open my restaurant, the better.”

      She was back to that again. Oh, well, far be it from him to harp on a point once he’d made it. “If you’re serious about finding another job, as I said before, check down at Blakely’s Mercantile.”

      “Thanks. I’ll do that.” She stood. “Now I’ll get out of your way. I know you’re busy, and I have some more work to do over at my place. Besides, I’ve made Kip wait on me long enough.”

      Would the rest of her meals today consist of nothing more than a handful of berries? “I was thinking, Miss Johnson, that I might do an interview with you for the paper.”

      “With me?” She seemed genuinely startled at the idea.

      “It’s not every day someone new moves to town and sets up shop.” Although that’s exactly what he and his companions from Philadelphia had done less than a year ago.

      He saw her hesitation and pressed further. “It would be doing me a favor. I’m always looking for something fresh to print in the paper.”

      Her face puckered as she contemplated his words. Then she gave him a doubtful look. “If you really think it will help you...”

      He jumped in, not giving her time to change her mind. “Wonderful. Let’s discuss this over supper tonight. The hotel has a small restaurant where we can go. And eating there has the added bonus of giving you an opportunity to check out your future competition.” Not that he truly expected her to ever open her own restaurant.

      “All right, I’ll do it.”

      “And of course it will be my treat, since I am imposing СКАЧАТЬ