Sapphire Attraction. Zuri Day
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Название: Sapphire Attraction

Автор: Zuri Day

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474055000


СКАЧАТЬ individual with analytical and persuasive skills that could be put to better use in a complementary setting. Therefore, I am ordering Ms. Taylor to complete a four-week work assignment, each week consisting of forty hours, beginning Monday of next week.

      “Furthermore, while not suspended, Ms. Taylor’s driving license will be on restricted status for thirty days, during which driving is permitted to and from work only.”

      Lance raised a finger. “Judge, do you have an employer lined up and will this work be monitored? How can my client be assured that this penalty is carried out and completed?”

      “Good question, Lance. That’s a problem I’ve easily solved by choosing Drake Realty Plus as the business for this detail.”

      Ike sat up slowly. His body rigid. His mind disbelieving.

      It was Quinn’s turn to smirk.

      “I don’t understand,” Joey said.

      “Neither do I,” Ike intoned.

      “You will supervise the work detail, Mr. Drake,” Matthew continued. “What better way to make sure that the plaintiff’s call for justice has been satisfied than to appoint him as the defendant’s supervisor?”

      “Wait a minute, Judge,” Ike said, tossing out all formality, barely maintaining respect. “That can’t happen. It makes no sense at all.”

      “It can’t, and it won’t,” Quinn added, with a glance toward Ike, who now spoke quietly yet fervently in Lance’s ear.

      “Quinn, quiet,” Joey admonished.

      “I won’t work for him,” she hissed.

      Matthew proved that he’d heard her by his swift, stern response. “You’ll do that or go to jail, young lady.”

      This comment brought Joey to his feet. “Your Honor, if I may approach the, um, the desk.”

      Matthew gathered strewn papers into a stack and tidied his desk. “Mr. Wang, that won’t be necessary.”

      The statement made Ike’s attorney pop up faster than bread in a toaster. “Your Honor, this is a thoughtful approach to rectifying an unfortunate situation. My client appreciates your diligence to justice being served. However, we regretfully cannot accept this solution. Mr. Drake is under intense pressure right now to meet a deadline for a major project with millions of dollars at stake. This is absolutely the worst time for him to be distracted with an additional responsibility. If it pleases the court, we’d like to offer an alternative location, Drake Ranch. This business includes a vineyard, stables and adequate work opportunities through which Ms. Taylor can fulfill the penalty you’ve imposed.”

      “Thank you, Mr. Holden. However, this matter has already been discussed with Ike Drake Sr., who has approved the arrangement. He has the utmost confidence, as do I, that both parties will handle themselves in a manner that will prove beneficial to all.” He placed the papers he’d gathered into a folder, looked at his watch and stood. “Now, everyone, if you’ll excuse me, I’m running late for a meeting with some council members. My assistant will provide all relevant copies of the order that has been put forth.”

      Before Ike, Quinn or either of the attorneys could wrap their heads around what had just happened, the judge was gone.

       Chapter 7

      “He’s in his study, honey.”

      Ike strode past Jennifer without a proper hello. He was sure the look on his face had prompted his mother to point him in the direction of the answers he sought. The pretrial meeting had ended three hours ago. That business had precluded him from getting answers until now had only caused his anger and frustration to reach the boiling point.

      He didn’t bother to knock. “Dad, what were you thinking?”

      “Now hold on, son,” Ike Sr. said as he threw up a hand to ward off the verbal attack. “I know why you’re here. I know why you’re upset. Have a seat.”

      “I really don’t feel like sitting, Dad.”

      Ike Sr. gave his son a look as he stood and headed to an ornate cherrywood butler table bearing a crystal decanter set that had belonged to his wife’s great-grandmother. “I didn’t ask whether or not you felt like it.”

      Ike plopped into a leather chair and sulked.

      “Want a spot of brandy?”

      “No, thanks.”

      Ike stretched out his legs and forced himself to calm down. There was no hurrying Ike Drake Sr., and staying wound up wasn’t good for his health. He pulled out his cell phone and texted Warren. After leaving his parents’ home, he’d release the day’s tension by going to Warren’s ranch and helping to break in his newly purchased home gym.

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