The Widower's Second Chance. Jessica Keller
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Название: The Widower's Second Chance

Автор: Jessica Keller

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472072542


СКАЧАТЬ sure you have better things to do.”

      “Right now, making sure you’re safe is the most important thing on my list.”

      Fine. She couldn’t make Caleb leave—not if he shared a friendship with the inn owner, but she could make him feel unwelcome. Make sure she was safe? Unless he was the town greeter or an undercover cop, she didn’t need him babysitting her.

      Paige turned her back on him. A chill ran through her body. Why were basements so cold?

      Caleb cleared his throat. “You’re pretty quiet for a girl.”

      “For a girl, huh?” Paige fought back the first smile of the day as she turned to face him.

      Like sunshine after a week of cloudy days, a full smile broke out across Caleb’s lips, lighting up every plane and angle of his face. “I have a sister.” His voice was bathed in tenderness. “She talks a mile a minute.”

      So he loved his family, had a nice voice and knew how to comfort a girl in need. Paige needed to get away from him. Quick. She couldn’t afford to go soft on her vow against men so soon.

      “I have to go. I’m sorry we had to meet like this.” Paige rushed to the stairs and grabbed the railing. She looked back at Caleb. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but didn’t.

      Go, Paige. Just go. She’d gotten good at running away the past few months. At least, it was nice to think so. Without looking behind her again, she climbed the stairs and tried to forget the image of the concerned man in the basement with the gentle, chocolate eyes.

      * * *

      Caleb scrubbed his hand over the close-clipped hair on his chin. Women were confusing, plain and simple. At least the fire situation was under control. He grabbed the dress she’d left downstairs. Why had she made such a big deal of him giving it back to just leave it again?

      “So, Smokey the Bear, what was it? Or like I suspected, was it all in your head?” Maggie’s voice made him jump.

      He turned to face her. “Do you have a new girl working here?”

      She wiped the dirt from gardening on her ripped jeans. “I never did fill the cleaning position.” Maggie leaned her hip against the basement wall. “But do you mean Paige? I’m letting her stay here for Principal Timmons until the tourists clear out and she can rent something more permanent in town. Let’s see, she’s about this tall. Pretty little blonde thing.”

      “Principal Timmons?”

      “Yes. Paige is the new English teacher.” Maggie smiled.

      The three English teachers’ rooms were across the hall from where he taught science at the high school. So he’d be seeing a lot more of Paige.

      “This is hers.” He pressed the wedding dress into Maggie’s hands. “But don’t give it back to her if she’s just going to try to light it on fire again.”

      “On fire?” Maggie’s eyes grew big.

      “Told you I smelled something.”

      Maggie hugged the dress to her chest. “That poor woman.”

      “That poor woman could have set your livelihood ablaze. Are you sure she’s safe? You know, right in the head? I’d hate to see you in trouble.” Caleb squeezed Maggie’s shoulder.

      “She’s safe. I promise.”

      He searched her face. “You’re the only sister-in-law I have.” He offered a small smile.

      Maggie brushed his hand away. “I keep telling you—you don’t have to waste your life away worrying about little old me.”

      Right. She knew too well. The last time he worried about someone it had caused Maggie a lot of heartache, too.

      Even though her words sliced, he shrugged. “Other than Shelby, who else do I have to worry about?”

      “Caleb.” She reached a hand toward him but let it drop to her side. “I didn’t mean to—”

      No more pity. He couldn’t stand another person’s concerned eyes on him. That was the problem with a small town—everyone knew what had happened to his wife and treated him differently because of it.

      “Sink’s fixed.” He plodded up the steps. “See you later.”

      He didn’t bother gathering his tools from Maggie’s kitchen. She’d probably call him tomorrow with something else to patch at the inn. Not that he minded.

      His sister, Shelby, might be waiting dinner on him at home. He checked his phone. No texts from her yet. He still had time.

      Maybe he’d go shoot hoops at the school first.

      * * *

      Paige scoured mascara off her face so hard she left a red patch of skin.

      What must Caleb think of her? Hopefully she’d never have to run into him again. If it came up in conversation she’d ask Maggie not to hire the same handyman next time or at least have Maggie warn her before she had him come for a job again. Facing him after she tossed herself into his arms would be nothing short of mortifying.

      Okay. Let’s face it. She probably would see him again. Hadn’t he said he was friends with Maggie? More reason to find an apartment or home to rent somewhere else in town and soon as she could. That would be her first goal.

      Paige let out a long breath of air.

      Running away had never sounded like a good idea. But what else could she have done?

      She sank onto the edge of the bed. This room was the size of Paige’s closet at her parents’ home, but in the same manner as the rest of the bed-and-breakfast, it was decorated like a charming English cottage. Good thing Principal Timmons had taken it upon himself to set up this living situation for her when he hired her last minute. And the owner, Maggie West, seemed nice enough. Although perhaps a little rough around the edges.

      New starts were supposed to be exciting, right?

      So why this heavy, hopeless feeling gnawing in the pit of her stomach?

      Paige could hear Maggie in the kitchen, clanking spoons against bowls as she did prep work for tomorrow’s breakfast. What to do? Paige didn’t know anyone in the town of Goose Harbor, but going to bed before the sun went down seemed a little too desperate.

      No, she needed to do something to clear her mind. Without wasting another minute, she snagged her gym shoes out of the closet and tugged them on. Paige wouldn’t go for a jog tonight, but she could scope out a trail to run for the next time she needed escape.

      Maggie cleared her throat when Paige entered the kitchen.

      “Are you okay, sweetie?” She wiped her hands on her green-checkered apron and gave Paige a sad smile.

      “I’m guessing Caleb told you about my episode downstairs. I’m so sorry. That’s not like me. I promise I won’t act like that again.”

      “Don’t СКАЧАТЬ