A Laramie, Texas Christmas. Cathy Thacker Gillen
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Название: A Laramie, Texas Christmas

Автор: Cathy Thacker Gillen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408958865


СКАЧАТЬ his respects the previous January, after Miss Sadie’s husband, Alfred, died. It had been immaculate. Now, it was dusty and bore the faintly stale air of a house that had been unoccupied. More alarming still, the formal living room was covered with ripped envelopes, and papers were scattered across the floor. Half a dozen suitcases stood in the foyer, and it looked as if a pot of tea had splashed against one cream-colored wall. “What the heck happened here?” he said in shock. “Did someone break in while Miss Sadie was on her cruise?”

      Noelle and Rio exchanged a glance that left Kevin feeling he was the one on the outside looking in.

      “The property was fine when she arrived home from her cruise day before yesterday,” Noelle said. “The problem occurred when she made herself a pot of tea, sat down to catch up on her mail and found out she’d been the victim of identity theft. She got so upset she forgot her suitcases were in the hall, and she tripped as she was headed back to the kitchen to make another pot of tea and telephone the authorities.”

      Rio added grimly, “She broke her leg and had to have surgery yesterday.”

      “And now she’s been moved to the nursing home across the street for the next six to eight weeks,” Noelle continued.

      “Your brother Riley is her family doctor and is taking care of her,” Rio said.

      Kevin looked at Noelle. “How did you get involved?”

      “I’m good friends with her great-nephew, Dash Nelson, and I’ve done a lot of work as an event planner for Miss Sadie in Houston.”

      That made sense. Kevin knew Miss Sadie split her time between her place in the city and her country home in Laramie County, spending equal amounts in each. Sadie Nelson was a noted philanthropist, always masterminding one charity event or another.

      “Dash asked me if I would come up and pick up some things to take over to the nursing home for her. Dressing table, favorite rocking chair…things like that. I didn’t think her jewelry—much of which is very valuable—should be left out here under the circumstances, so I put that in the van, too. I figured I would give it to Dash for safekeeping when he gets here later this evening, until Miss Sadie is feeling better.”

      Kevin had a passing acquaintance with the Houston-based attorney. He was a nice guy. Upstanding. Devoted to his aunt Sadie and late uncle Alfred.

      Noelle set her squirming son down on the floor. He took his storybook over to the sofa, climbed up on the cushions and began to “read” to himself. The sweetly voiced chatter about Christmas and snow and Santa Claus had them all smiling.

      Kevin turned his attention back to Noelle. She looked even lovelier in the warm light of the home’s interior. “Where is Dash?”

      Her lower lip curved into a smile. “He’s in Houston. He had to be in court today but should be here later this evening. I’m supposed to meet him at the nursing home.”

      “Laramie Gardens Home for Seniors,” Kevin ascertained.


      The facility was a combination assisted living and nursing home, the best in the area. Sadie would be well taken care of there.

      “Anyway…” Noelle took a deep breath that lifted the soft swell of her breasts. “Sorry about the misunderstanding earlier.”

      He grinned at her feisty tone, liking the warm flush of color that had come into her cheeks as they talked. “It was entertaining, to be sure.”

      “Only wish I had been here,” Rio interjected good-naturedly.

      Kevin knew that was true. He was going to be living this one down forever.

      “But I need to get going,” she said firmly, taking charge of the situation once again. “If you two would be so kind and help me take these last three items out to the van, I’ll lock up. I want to get to town and back before dark.”

      It had been a long time since Kevin had encountered a woman with such spunk and vitality. However, he wasn’t quite sure yet that he could trust her as Miss Sadie and Dash Nelson apparently did. “You’re staying here?”

      She stooped to pick up some of the mail scattered here and there. “Yes.”

      Kevin and Rio bent down to help. “For…?” Kevin asked.

      Noelle Kringle’s eyes locked with his. “However long Miss Sadie needs me.”

      CHRISTMAS HAD ALWAYS BEEN a holiday that reminded Noelle of everything she didn’t have, but she was determined her son was going to have a better life. She hadn’t done right by him in the past, choosing to work nonstop through the festive season in order to bring in as much money as possible for them. But this Christmas was going to be different. She had passed on many of the holiday jobs sent her way, and had scheduled time off for herself until after the new year. And she had begun talking to Mikey about what Christmas meant well in advance, explaining everything from mangers to jolly old St. Nick. Noelle knew Mikey didn’t quite get it all yet, but by the time the season was over, he would have a much greater understanding of the rebirth and renewal, hope and happiness that the holiday brought. And they would both be better for it.

      Her plans hadn’t included running into a sheriff’s deputy who set her heart racing. She hadn’t been attracted to a man since her husband had died, but she was attracted to Kevin McCabe, even if she didn’t want to be. She felt the undeniable physical pull every time she looked into his mesmerizing eyes.

      Not that anything was going to happen. The last thing she needed was to get involved with anyone in law enforcement. And that went double for someone as inquisitive as Kevin McCabe, Noelle thought, as she got out of the rented van and moved around to extract Mikey from his car seat.

      To her delight, the Laramie Gardens Home for Seniors was a bright and cheerful facility. A huge Christmas tree sparkled in the common room off the lobby. The high school choir was squeezed in against one wall, singing carols to residents seated on the comfortable chairs and sofas. Mikey watched, spellbound, as Noelle checked in at the front desk, then started back to Miss Sadie’s room with him perched on her hip.

      “Well, one would never guess you had surgery yesterday.” Noelle smiled as she walked in. The elegant eighty-five-year-old woman—who bore a striking resemblance to Katherine Hepburn, right down to her auburn-tinted hair and lively eyes—was sitting up in bed. She wore a pale blue hospital gown and robe, and her cheeks were a little more pale than usual, but her hair had been brushed and twisted up into its usual stylish knot on top of her head. As always, the kindness that had drawn Noelle in exuded from the woman in waves. In the seven years Noelle had known her, Miss Sadie had become the grandmother she had always wanted but never had. The way Miss Sadie doted on Mikey, he might as well have been her great-grandson. Noelle wasn’t sure how she would have survived in the three years since Michael, Sr., had died if it hadn’t been for Miss Sadie’s stabilizing presence in her life. And Noelle owed Sadie’s nephew, Dash Nelson, a lot, too. The two were the closest thing she and Mikey had to family these days.

      Relieved to see the older woman looking so well, she leaned down to give her a hug.

      Miss Sadie pointed to the cast that went from midthigh to instep on her left leg. “Can you believe it? All those years skiing and never one broken bone…”

      “You’re lucky it wasn’t more serious.”

      “So СКАЧАТЬ