Taking Over The Tycoon. Cathy Thacker Gillen
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Название: Taking Over The Tycoon

Автор: Cathy Thacker Gillen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408958810



      “Ha, ha.” Smoky-gray eyes twinkling, he strode over to her. Before she could do anything to stop him, he curved a possessive hand about her elbow and leaned over to kiss her cheek in that casual Southern style of greeting he favored. Kristy knew it didn’t mean anything—Connor probably kissed dozens of female cheeks in the course of a single day as he said hello to women he knew—but she couldn’t keep her face from tingling at the soft-as-a-butterfly touch of his lips. Or keep from thinking how those same lips had felt—so sure and so right—over hers the night before, as they had ended the evening in a way that had felt anything but casual.

      “So? What’s going on around here today?” Connor asked, as he stepped back.

      “We’re working.” Or about to start, Kristy amended silently. “What did you need?”

      Connor looked deep into her eyes. “I thought maybe we could go for coffee,” he suggested softly.

      And darned if she didn’t want to forget everything and just go. “I don’t have time for that.” She had a business to run, even if it was a fledgling operation at the moment.

      Some emotion she couldn’t quite identify flickered in Connor’s face. Kristy didn’t know why, but suddenly she felt as if she were in the midst of some sort of test. A test she was destined to fail.

      “Why not?” he asked, still holding her gaze.

      “Because,” Kristy continued, attempting to insert some levity into the conversation, “I’m getting ready for a group of insurance agents and their spouses.”

      Connor shrugged his shoulders. “That’s not until next week.” For him, that was light years away.

      It didn’t matter, Kristy thought, beginning to feel completely overwhelmed again. She turned and headed for the reservations desk. To her chagrin, Connor was right behind her.

      “I have a lot to do between now and then,” she told him bluntly.

      “Such as…?”

      His sympathetic attitude invited confession. And right now Kristy needed someone to unburden herself to. “Clean rooms, do something about the ratty-looking carpet in the one-hundred wing, see if I can’t get a crew in to paint the hallway. Polish everything until it gleams. Wash windows. Scrub down bathrooms that haven’t been touched in over six months. Need I go on?” Feeling as if she was wasting time standing there gabbing—or flirting—with him, she yanked open the drawer where all the room keys were kept. Grabbing the old-fashioned master key ring for the north wing, with all twenty-five keys on it, she brought it out and clipped it to the belt loop of her shorts.

      As if he had all the time in the world, Connor lounged against the polished wooden counter. “Sounds like you have your hands full.”

      Kristy shot him a wry look. “Gee. You think?”

      He straightened. “What would you like me to do?”

      Stop standing there as if you were my white knight, riding in to the rescue, she thought. But not about to say that, she brushed past him purposefully and headed for the end of the reservations desk. “Besides leave me alone and stop badgering me about selling the resort?”

      He followed her through the swinging wooden door that separated guests from the check-in clerk. “I won’t say another word,” he promised as he caught up and fell into step beside her.

      Kristy narrowed her eyes at him. If she didn’t know better, she would think she wasn’t hearing right.

      “I’m serious, Kristy,” Connor insisted softly. He reached out and gently clasped her upper arm, stopping her headlong flight. “I’d like to help you.”

      She folded her arms and regarded him skeptically. “Why?”

      Once again the agenda he wasn’t quite willing to reveal to her—in its entirety, anyway—became part of their conversation. Connor rubbed his chin and sent her a playful grin. “Because I’m trying to get on your good side?”

      Telling herself she was not going to get involved with a man who deliberately kept things from her—hadn’t she already done that once, with disastrous results?—Kristy responded, “Not possible.”

      He merely smiled, looking every bit as determined to have his way in this as she was to have hers.

      Which brought them to another subject Kristy knew they had to discuss. “Also, while we are on the subject of you helping me out…”

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