A Father in the Making. Carolyne Aarsen
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Название: A Father in the Making

Автор: Carolyne Aarsen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472072276


СКАЧАТЬ work and it came with an apartment above the store. The whole setup had been an answer to many desperate prayers Mia had sent toward God.

      “It definitely keeps me busy.” Mia held his gaze a beat longer than she knew she should. His smile grew and when he shifted his weight it moved him a few inches closer.

      Walk away now, Mia. This man is flirting with you and we both know how that will end.

      Mia knew she should listen to Other Mother’s prim advice, but for this small moment she felt like an attractive and desirable woman. She didn’t feel like Professional Mommy weighed down with obligations. Of course she loved her children, but still...

      She returned his smile.

      Just then Sophie arrived, pushing the stroller, wails emanating from it. “I think one of your little girls is hungry,” she said to Mia. “The one with the green bow in her hair.”

      “That would be Grace and she’s probably thirsty.” Mia shifted mental gears so quickly she was surprised she didn’t hear a grinding sound. She turned the stroller to look inside at one very upset baby waving her chubby hands in protest, releasing another howl when she saw Mia. “Oh, honey,” Mia murmured, lifting the wailing little girl out of the stroller, patting her on the behind. “What’s wrong with you, munchkin? You thirsty?”

      “You can heat up the bottle in the microwave in the book club room if you need to feed her,” Evangeline offered.

      As Mia reached into the diaper bag to get a bottle she caught Nate frowning at her.

      “Those are your kids?” he asked.

      She didn’t imagine the shuttering of his expression. Nor the step he took away from them. Like a rejection of her girls. Like Al.

      “Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t know you were—”

      “A mom?” Mia couldn’t stop the hint of annoyance entering her voice. “It gets worse. There’s two more of these at home and no father,” she said, reality extinguishing the small attraction she had allowed herself to feel. Nate wasn’t the first man put off by her brood.

      She bounced Grace in her arms then turned back to Evangeline. “I’ll heat up her milk and feed her. Thanks for the books. I’ll pay for them on my way out.”

      “You know you don’t have to—”

      “I’ll pay for them on my way out,” she insisted, unable to stop herself from shooting a quick glance at Nate. He was still looking at her but the pity on his face ignited a flare of annoyance.

      She juggled her baby in one hand and with the other worked the stroller around the desk. It caught on the corner and the diaper bag fell off, spilling diapers, bottles, snack packages, extra clothes and old cookies all over the floor.

      Of course this would happen as she was trying to make a quick getaway. Of course this would happen in front of this handsome, single guy.

      “Here. Let me help you.” Nate stepped toward her and bent over to straighten the mess just as she reached for the bag. His hand brushed hers and to her dismay she felt a faint tingle again.

      “I’m okay. I got this,” she returned as Grace’s wails grew in intensity.

      But Nate set her and the large diaper bag on end.

      “I’ll take care of Jennifer.” Sophie Brouwer made a sudden appearance and before Mia could say anything she wheeled the stroller and its lone passenger away. Evangeline showed up with a broom and nudged Mia aside. “I can finish this,” she said.

      “You should take care of your little girl,” Nate said, glancing over at her as he gathered up the embarrassing detritus of her diaper bag.

      “I’m sure I know what I need to do,” she returned, frustration and pressure and everything that had piled on her shoulders the past few months making her snappier than normal.

      She stood and strode to the back room with the sobbing baby. But by the time she got there she realized she had left the bottle of milk lying on the floor. With a groan of frustration she turned to get it, only to end up face-to-face with Nate in the doorway, holding out a bottle.

      With a muttered thanks she took it from him, closed the door to the back room and rocked a now furious Gracie.

      As soon as the milk was ready she snatched it out of the microwave and Gracie grabbed for it and shoved it in her mouth. Silence, blessed silence, now reigned and Mia dropped into the nearest chair, cuddled her little girl close and fought the inexplicable urge to break into tears.

      * * *

      Nate stood a moment by the door, listening. Guess Mia got her little girl settled.

      “I feel like I have to apologize for Mia’s shortness,” Evangeline said as she stood. “She’s a great girl. She’s just had a lot to deal with lately.”

      “I imagine taking care of four kids would do that.” He shot a quick glance over to where Sophie was pushing the stroller around and he couldn’t help a smile at the sight of the little girl still sleeping inside it, her head fallen to one side, her cute mouth open.

      “Mia’s had a tough go of it,” Evangeline agreed as she set the diaper bag on the counter.

      “Doesn’t help that she’s so independent,” Denny said, still leaning an elbow on the counter.

      “She’s had to be,” Evangeline retorted, as if sticking up for her friend.

      Nate could identify. He had come limping, literally, with his broken-down horse trailer and injured horses and Socks, his dog, onto Denny’s yard this morning feeling sheepish and reluctant. When he had his accident he had been on his way to deliver his mares to a ranch in Montana where he would be working after the competition he had entered Tango in. The vet in Cranbrook had told Nate that Tango wouldn’t be competing anytime soon, and Nola might end up foaling earlier because of the accident. Thankfully, Bella was okay.

      After being out of touch so long, Nate felt like the prodigal son when he pulled onto Denny’s yard.

      But Denny had come running out and had pulled him close in a bear hug. Behind him had come his foster sister, Olivia, carrying a little girl. Denny’s daughter, Nate found out later. Both Olivia, Nate’s foster sister, and Ella were crying. Olivia from joy, Ella from frustration.

      And as he stood with Denny’s arm around his shoulder and Olivia’s around his waist, Nate felt like he had come home.

      “So, Nate, what do you think of my future wife’s store?” Denny was asking, leaning on the counter as he flipped through the children’s books Mia had left behind.

      As Nate glanced around the building with its high ceilings, wooden floor and bookshelves lining every wall, he felt a craving rise up in him.

      “This old store is cool,” he said with a grin. “And all those shelves of new books just waiting to be cracked open.”

      “So you like to read?” she asked.

      “Like to read?” Denny snorted. “This cowboy had his nose in a book so often I can’t believe he’s not shortsighted. СКАЧАТЬ