Christmas at the Cove. Rachel Brimble
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Название: Christmas at the Cove

Автор: Rachel Brimble

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474008037


СКАЧАТЬ with them? It’s Christmas. Go be happy with your family.”

      “It seems one half of my new family is standing right in front of me.”

      Her heart shot into her throat. How was this getting so out of her control? Scott was a player, a womanizer, yet the man standing in front of her was reacting so differently than a man who didn’t give a damn would or should. Panic flowed through her on a heated wave. She had to do or say something to stop the look of possession in his eyes. “Belle and I are nothing but strangers to you.”

      He glared. “You really think that?”

      She lifted her chin. “I know that. From what your friend ranted at me this afternoon, you already have a family.” Shame that she might have slept with a married man curdled like soured milk in her stomach. “So go and do what you need to do and call me whenever you want to talk, but I will not stand here and listen to you say Belle is your family.”

      He lifted an eyebrow. “Nick told you I had a family?”

      “Yes.” She crossed her arms to hide the trembling. “I didn’t come here to cause you trouble. You can chastise me about my lack of thinking, but don’t for one minute start blaming me for wanting to protect my child. You can’t lay any claims or demands on me without knowing her or me. More importantly, without us knowing you.”

      His cheeks darkened. “You think you need to protect her from me?”

      Tears burned and she nodded. “I don’t know you, Scott.”

      He stared at her for so long Carrie took a step back, nerves jumping in her stomach. “What?”

      “The family Nick spoke of is my mother and three sisters.” His jaw tightened. “I’m the furthest thing from a married family man you’re likely to meet in this town.”

      Relief he wasn’t married coursed through her, only to be snatched away again by the boldness of his honesty. “Right. So what are we arguing about? Clearly, you’re happy with your life just the way it is. I can leave on the first train tomorrow and you won’t need to see me ever again.”

      “You’re going nowhere. Not yet.”

      Their eyes locked and Carrie opened her mouth to protest, to tell him he didn’t get to lay down the rules, but nothing came out. No words of wisdom or wit burst forth to put the man in his place. She snapped her mouth closed.

      He smiled softly. “Did you think I was married? Had kids?”

      She crossed her arms. “And if I did, you find that funny?” She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t sleep around, and I certainly don’t sleep with other women’s husbands or partners.” Her body trembled with frustration as his gaze softened to careful curiosity rather than hostility. She blinked and glanced across the lobby. “I should go.”

      “If Belle’s mine, she’s my family. I care about my family more than you’ll ever know.”

      Carrie snapped her gaze to his. “If she’s yours?”

      He shrugged.

      “Get out of my way.” She pushed him. It was like trying to move a rock with a feather.

      “You’re not leaving the Cove until we’ve talked some more.”

      She fisted her hands on her hips. “Are you trying to scare me? Bully me? Great way to convince me I should consider you being a part of my daughter’s life.”

      He tipped his head back and closed his eyes as if trying to hold on to his self-control. She knew the feeling.

      He sighed. “I said I need time. You owe me that. Tell me you’ll stay and let me have time to process this. We’ll meet tomorrow when, hopefully, I can think straight.”

      Her heart thumped and her body trembled. How could she refuse him twenty-four hours? He dipped his chin and his crystal-blue, black-lashed eyes bored into hers. As much as she wanted to sprint upstairs, pack and get the hell out of there, she wouldn’t. She couldn’t have done that to anyone...but especially not him. Not to the father of her child. God damn it, not when he was a man she wanted to touch so badly it made her want to scream.

      More than that, how could she refuse his request when he looked at her in the exact same way Belle did when she was hurt, confused and desperate to understand what her mother had just told her?

      Her shoulders slumped and she closed her eyes. “Fine. I’ll wait for you to call.”


      She huffed out a wry laugh. Belle would’ve said that, too. She opened her eyes. “Yes.”

      “Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

      His gaze lingered over her face, slowly evolving and changing. She stood rooted to the spot as his frustration abated and turned to something equally as fiery, but now its implication ran over her body in a way that made her yearn. Her breath turned harried as her body tingled with awareness.

      Just as she recognized his intention, he gripped her hand and tugged her forward. Carrie opened her mouth to protest but it was too late. His lips touched hers as he held her firmly against his broad, hard chest.

      Stop this! Stop this now! But she leaned into him, her toes curling in her boots and her core humming mercilessly. She could do this. She could match him blow for blow, kiss for kiss. A groan escaped and she raised her hand to grip his neck. She was in control... Liar!

      She had never felt so out of control since the night she slept with him. Her body trembled with a desire that hadn’t been ignited in any shape or form since Scott last touched her. This wasn’t the desire she felt for Gerard during their lovemaking. This was fraught with danger and potential heartbreak of a different kind. She had to stop the kiss and stop it now.

      Gathering her strength, she pushed her hands flat against his chest and shoved. “Happy now?” She raised her eyebrows, her body a mess. “Exerted enough authority to stroke your ego? Don’t touch me again. Do you hear me?”

      His gaze was feral. “I needed to know if it’s still there. I’ve never forgotten you. I’ve never had a relationship or even sex with another woman that compared to what I had when I was with you. Don’t you dare leave.”

      He stormed past her, toward the exit, before she had time to tell him to go to hell or even draw a breath. She raised her shaking hand to her tender mouth. What had she done? How could she have not seen Scott Walker was a man who took what he wanted whenever he wanted it and to hell with the consequences?

      Despite her bravado, the need to slump to the floor reverberated through her weakened muscles. She cast her manic gaze left and right. People lingered, watching her curiously. Embarrassment replaced her shameful lust. Her first kiss in months and it was with the man Gerard always suspected she loved. Tears burned. Was this love? Did it make you lose your mind? Do things you normally wouldn’t? Carrie trembled. Did it really hurt this much? Did it make you want to run and hide...yet still reach out for the person in question?

      Inhaling a shaky breath, Carrie stormed toward the elevator. The seconds passed like hours as she waited for the doors to open.

      “Good afternoon, madam. Which floor?”