Expecting the Sheikh's Baby. KRISTI GOLD
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Название: Expecting the Sheikh's Baby


Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472037022


СКАЧАТЬ your welfare.”

      “I understand that, to a point. But he’s too in control and I couldn’t tolerate living with someone who tries to keep a tight rein on me all the time.”

      Maria shifted on the couch, looking unquestionably uncomfortable. “That could be a problem only if you’re not clear on what you expect from him. Who knows? It might even lead to a permanent relationship.”

      “Not likely. We’re from two entirely different worlds.”

      Maria murmured, “Stranger things have happened.” She pushed her dark, shoulder-length hair back with one hand. “Regardless, every child should know both its mother and father if at all possible. Family is everything.”

      Karen understood that all too well having recently lost the only family she’d ever known. And she also surmised that something was terribly wrong with Maria considering the hint of sadness in her voice. Feeling totally selfish, she said, “Your turn now, cousin dear. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

      A steady stream of tears rolled down Maria’s face, catching Karen off guard, inciting her concern. “Maria, what’s wrong?”

      “It’s a long, painful story, Karen.”

      Karen moved from the chair and seated herself beside Maria on the sofa. “I have all night. Please tell me what’s going on. I’m really worried about you.”

      Maria lifted her plain white blouse and rested a hand on her abdomen. “This is what’s going on.”

      Karen noticed a prominent belly bulge beneath the waistband of Maria’s black slacks. Realization suddenly dawned and it had nothing to do with her cousin putting on a few extra pounds from sneaking too much gelato. “Are you—”

      “Pregnant? Yes. And no one knows. No one can know. At least no one except you.”

      More confused than ever, Karen let a few moments of silence pass between them while she allowed the shock to subside. “Who is he?”

      Maria sighed. “Someone I’ve been secretly seeing since January.”

      “Secretly? Is he married, Maria?”

      “Worse. He’s a Conti.”

      Shock came calling again as Karen tried to assimilate the information. Her cousin had just told her that she was pregnant by a man who belonged to a family that had been sworn enemies of the Barones for decades. Both families—the Contis and the Barones—seemed determined to hang on to old recriminations. No wonder Maria didn’t want anyone to know.

      “His name is Steven,” Maria continued. “He’s beautiful and caring and I’m totally in love with him.”

      “He sounds wonderful, Maria. Other than the family thing, what’s the problem?”

      “The family thing is the problem. With so much going on of late—the gelato sabotage that happened right before you came, the warehouse fire—everything’s in an uproar because some of the family think the Contis are behind it. They would never accept our relationship. It would only tear us and the families farther apart if they found out about us.”

      “Maybe your relationship and this baby will help settle the rift.”

      “I can’t imagine that happening, at least not now. In fact, I’m not even up to dealing with it. I want to get away for a while, somewhere out of town. Think things through. And that’s what I intend to do, right away, since I’m already starting to show.”

      “How far along are you?” Karen asked.

      “Four months.”

      Another surprise to Karen. But come to think of it, Maria had started wearing her blouse over her slacks, something Karen hadn’t given much thought until now. “If I can do something, just name it.”

      “I’ll need you to handle the shop in my absence.”

      “Of course.” Karen would do anything for Maria considering what Maria had done for her—made her feel welcome and wanted, as if she were a sister, not a long-lost cousin. “Does Steven know about your plans to leave?”

      “He doesn’t even know about the baby.”

      Stunned, Karen asked, “Why not?”

      “It wouldn’t be fair to lay this on him now. Not until I decide what I’m going to do.”

      “You’re not considering giving up the baby, are you?”

      Maria looked mortified. “No! I love this baby and even if it doesn’t work out between Steven and me, I’ll at least have a part of him with me always.”

      “Do you really have so little hope that you and Steven can make this work?”

      “I want to hope, Karen. Really, I do, but I’m afraid the relationship is doomed. We have too many obstacles to overcome.”

      Karen’s heart went out to Maria. Hopefully a little time away would clear her mind. “Where do you plan to go?”

      “That’s why I’m here. Do you still own your old house in Montana?”

      “I’ve recently sold it to a friend of the family.”

      “Then I guess that’s out.”

      Karen thought a moment and considered another option. The perfect place for a sabbatical. “I have two dear friends in Silver Valley, the Calderones. They have a wonderful ranch and I’m sure they would love to have you as a guest for as long as you’d like.”

      Maria’s expression brightened. “Do you really think so?”

      “I’m almost positive but I’ll give them a call in the morning and run it past them.”

      Maria grasped Karen’s hand. “You’re a lifesaver, Karen. I’m so happy to have you in the family.”

      “I’m happy to be in the family.” And Karen was. Only a few months before she had felt totally alone. Now she had her understanding cousin to lean on as well as other new friends. She also had…Ash? The sneaky sheikh once again had wriggled his way into her psyche.

      Coming to her feet, Maria stretched with her hands on the small of her back. “Lately every muscle in my body protests if I stand or sit too long.”

      Karen rose. “You need to try and get some rest.”

      “I haven’t been able to sleep well.”

      Karen doubted she would sleep all that well tonight either with so much weighing on her mind. “Take a hot bath and relax. Works for me. I’ll let you know what the Calderones say, but you can probably consider it a done deal.”

      Maria gave Karen a quick, heartfelt hug. “Thanks for making the arrangements. I owe you one.”

      “Just come back soon. I’m going to miss you.”

      “I’ll miss you, too. But you have to promise me that no matter СКАЧАТЬ