A Stonecreek Christmas Reunion. Michelle Major
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Название: A Stonecreek Christmas Reunion

Автор: Michelle Major

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474078351


СКАЧАТЬ coolly. “I know we agreed to meet after the Thanksgiving holiday, but I’ve been busy.” She licked her dry lips. “Griffin had a rough time while he was away.”

      Jim’s gentle eyes hardened as he shook his head. “I can’t bring myself to have any sympathy for him. Not after what he did to Maggie.”

      “I know he feels terrible for hurting her.”

      “He’s a scumbag.”


      “You’d think the same if our positions were reversed.”

      “Like when Maggie walked out on Trevor minutes before the wedding?”

      One thick eyebrow lifted. “Because she discovered he was cheating on her. I hardly think it’s the same thing.”

      She shook her head. “I hate that my sons have hurt your daughter.”

      “I’m afraid Maggie is somehow paying the karmic price for how I hurt you once upon a time.”

      “That isn’t how karma works,” she whispered, not trusting her voice to manage anything steadier. It was the first time he’d acknowledged the pain he’d caused. “We both moved on a long time ago, made our own lives.”

      He turned, looked out toward the view of the fields below. She’d always loved how the old farmhouse was situated so that from every window she could see the rows of vines thriving in the rich, loamy soil of Central Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Her late husband had resented the farm and everything it stood for. Even though Dave had made a success of the land he’d inherited, he’d never been truly happy here. He’d longed for adventure and excitement, not the relentless life of a vintner.

      But Jana was content, at least as much as she could be with the turmoil that had always brewed between Dave and Griffin, slowly escalating until she couldn’t seem to find a way to bridge the chasm between her husband and their older son.

      “I still think about you,” he said, although the words were almost swallowed by the cold winter wind that suddenly whipped up from the valley. His graying hair blew across his face as he stared at her, his eyes still the color of the sand where it met the sea. God, those eyes had mesmerized her when she’d been younger. He’d mesmerized her.

      “I think about us,” he continued. “You’re as beautiful as the day we first met, Jana.”

      She laughed out loud at that bit of ridiculousness. “I’m old, Jim.”

      “Not to me.”

      “I hate to break it to you,” she said with another laugh. “But you’re old too.”

      The breeze blew again, and she shivered, as much from the cold air as the intensity of his gaze on hers.

      “You shouldn’t be out here without a coat. Can I come inside?” He stepped closer, his big body blocking the brunt of the wind. He was well over six feet tall, and while the height had made him gangly as a young man, he now seemed perfectly comfortable in his own skin. She found it undeniably attractive. “It’s business.” He paused then added, “For now.”

      The door opened behind her, and she turned to find Joey standing at the entrance to the house. He rubbed his eyes with one hand while the other clutched the worn blanket he took everywhere.

      “Good morning, sweetheart,” she said, stepping away from Jim with a furtive look in his direction.

      “It’s cold,” the boy observed. “You need a coat.”

      “So I’ve been told,” she murmured. “I’ll be inside in a minute. Griffin’s in the office next to the kitchen. Do you remember how to get there?”

      Joey nodded then said, “I dreamed about Mommy last night. She was an angel.”

      A lump formed in Jana’s throat. “Your mommy is an angel,” she confirmed. “She’ll always be with you that way.”

      “I gotta pee.” Joey looked around her to where Jim stood, his jaw slack.

      “That happens in the morning,” Jim confirmed, a confused half smile curving one side of his mouth.

      The boy disappeared into the house, slamming shut the door.

      “Right now isn’t the best time for me,” Jana said, reluctantly meeting his curious gaze. “Is it okay if I text you later in the week?”

      “Who’s the boy?”

      She bit down on her lower lip. “It’s complicated, Jim, and I’m not sure Griffin wants anyone to know about Joey. He hasn’t even told Trevor yet. I’m the only one—”

      “Who is he?” The question was more insistent this time.

      “The son of Griffin’s ex-girlfriend, the one he left town to see.” She shook her head. “See

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