From Friend To Fake Fiancé. Jules Bennett
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Название: From Friend To Fake Fiancé

Автор: Jules Bennett

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474038690


СКАЧАТЬ raked his eyes over her body, then threw her a wink and a grin. “I actually have a couple tracks, but I’m a whiz at multitasking.”

      “Let me put these flowers in the fridge and then we can go get a bite.” She maneuvered around Mac and grabbed the flowers, carefully placing them on the shelf she’d emptied just for this reason. “While we’re out we need to be holding hands. Maybe you can brush my hair back from my shoulders and look at me when I pretend not to notice. You know, do whatever people in love are supposed to do.”

      Silently, he closed the gap between them and came within a breath of her. She jumped at his nearness. “And what will you be doing?”

      The cool air from the refrigerator did nothing to control the heat inside her. As she straightened and turned, he was literally right there.

      “Um...” What was the question? Oh, right. “I guess I’ll be smiling and nodding and hanging on your every word.”

      Mac brushed her hair over her shoulders, his fingertips trailing over her bare skin there, then up her neck to her jaw as he framed her face. “No, you’re not that type of woman, Jenna.”

      Why was he looking at her like that? Did he give off that “I want to devour you” vibe to his other lovers?

      “I’m not?” she whispered.

      His thumb brushed along her bottom lip. “No. You’re in control. You don’t even realize it, but any man worth having you would fall under your spell. He’d hang on your every word and you would hold the power.”

      Jenna’s breath caught in her throat. She held power? Over whom? Because she might not be experienced in relationships, but she knew she’d never held control over anyone.

      “When we go out, I will be the one spellbound. We’ll show this ex exactly what he threw away, because you are worth hanging on to.”

      Right. The ex. That’s what all of this was about...right? Why was she having such a difficult time focusing? Oh, yeah. Because Mac had her backed up against an appliance. His body was practically molded against hers and he was looking at her as if she was the main course and dessert all wrapped up in one delectable package.

      Jenna couldn’t afford to get tangled up in her emotions. Mac wasn’t good for her; they wanted two very different things in life. But now they were each playing a role and she had to remember it was only for a few more days. Getting swept away by the act of being Mac O’Shea’s lover was only asking for matter how much her heart clenched when he looked at her with desire in his eyes.

      Reaching up to grip his wrists, Jenna eased his hands away from her face. “There’s a great restaurant here at the resort and normally you need a reservation, but our wedding party has been given full run of the place. They have some amazing local dishes. Let me change and we’ll head out.”

      As she stepped aside, the fridge door shut. Just as soon as she moved, Mac blocked her path.

      “Am I making you nervous, Jenna?”

      Nervous? No. Achy, needy and ready to rip his clothes off? Yes.

      “Not at all,” she replied with a wide smile. “I’m worried about pulling this off, especially considering how angry Martin was earlier. He doesn’t like to be told no.”

      “Yeah, well, I don’t like the way he talked to you.” Mac looked as if he wanted to say more, but he finally stepped aside and motioned toward the bedroom. “Go get ready. I’ll wait on the deck.”

      Jenna rushed to the bedroom and closed the door at her back. They were on the second day of this charade and she only prayed she could make it the final five. Surely this would get had to, for the sake of her sanity and her heart.

      * * *

      Lunch was amazing and there were no additional run-ins with Martin the Jerk. Mac hadn’t met the man before today, but just one look was enough to know he wasn’t good enough for Jenna. Mac was actually looking forward to another encounter with him. He’d prefer the next one to be away from Jenna, but whenever the opportunity presented itself, Mac would be prepared. Martin seemed too full of himself to just let Jenna go and be happy. Mac would see to it that Martin would never be able to hurt her again.

      “You’re scowling,” she muttered as she looped her arm through his. “People are going to think we’re fighting.”

      He patted her hand as he led her down the narrow path toward the beach. “Then we’ll have to kiss and make up in public. I’m fine with that.”

      “You just like to kiss.”

      Shrugging, he threw her a glance. “You have a great set of lips. Who wouldn’t like to kiss them?”

      Jenna reached out to push aside a tropical plant hanging over the walkway. “We’re pretending, no need to start laying on the charm.”

      “I wouldn’t lie about something like that,” he replied. As they hit the edge of the sand, he turned to her. “You do believe me, right? I may have to keep secrets from you to protect you and my family but when it comes to other things between us, you’ll only get the full truth from me.”

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